Excel "true-false" to checked boxes - excel

I have an Excel spreadsheet that I'm generating from a SharePoint dashboard. It's turning my checkboxes in the SharePoint table to "true" or "false" values in the Excel spreadsheet. I wanted to know if it is possible to turn those "true" or "false" values back into checked boxes, with the appropriate check or uncheck option selected.
Any help at all is appreciated!

I strongly advise against using check boxes in Excel if you already have the data as TRUE/FALSE in a cell. Check box controls are meant to be for user forms, and even though they can be placed in the spreadsheet grid, they live in a layer on top of the spreadsheet. Yes, they can be linked to a spreadsheet cell, but this is cumbersome.
Instead of using a macro that inserts a check box for each data row you could use a helper column with a formula along the lines of
Then format the helper column with the Marlett font, which will show the letter "a" as a tick and the letter "r" as a cross.
Applying a formula like this will be much faster than inserting check box controls into each row and linking them to the field cells.

You can add a checkbox over a given cell, then edit its properties (Format Control --> Control Tab) and set its Cell Link property to the address of the cell; i.e. "B2". If you have too many such boolean cells, the task is tedious so you might need to automate it with VBA.
p.s. I agree with #teylyn that this shouldn't be a good choice if you have a huge column of boolean data; it adds too many shapes which is cumbersome. You should use it if the number of boolean cells is rather limited.


How to have content shown next to a table with hidden rows excel

I have a table with dropdowns that will hide certain rows. To the right of this table, I want to have some content, but can't do this as it will be hidden when these dropdowns are selected. I currently have the content to the bottom right of the sheet and have tried splitting the screen to have them both showing but this does not work either. Any ideas on how I can have the two showing side by side? Thanks!
I've gotten around this by using Text Boxes. After creating the text box, change the properties to "do not move or size".
In the picture below, there are two text boxes.
-- The first one is just static text that you copy/paste in there. This works fine as long as you have the same info displayed all the time.
-- The second one has the ability to be somewhat dynamic, where it references the contents of another cell. That cell can be anywhere (this sheet, another sheet, doesn't matter). So in this example...
Cell L1 formula: =TEXTJOIN(CHAR(10), TRUE,E1:E3)
Textbox formula: =Sheet4!L1
No matter how you filter/hide, those text boxes won't move.

Magic Hidden Excel Mechanism

I have got a sheet of a customer with a Dropdown List.
By selecting an Item of the DD some magic happens:
a part of the sheet is filled with values and is color-formatted as a table.
But I cannot identify any VBA macro or any formula behind the DD-List action.
What magic automatism is going on here?
What I believe is happening is that they included some Conditional Formatting in the table. When you change the selection on the drop down list, there may be an INDEX statement that pulls the records for that newly selected drop down.
I would suggest checking by clicking Conditional Formatting in the ribbon and seeing if there any rules under Manage Rules.

How to disable fill handle only for a specific column in Excel spreadsheet?

I have a spreadsheet with multiple columns, some containing cells with dropdown lists.
I want to disable the fill handle functionality where you can multiply cell data by dragging down the "+" sign from the corner of a cell.
I want to do this because my dropdowns in that specific column are populated differently by an id in that row and I want to avoid wrong data insert.
I've found how to do that to the whole spreadsheet but I can't find a way to apply this to a single column.
Simple answer you can't. It is not possible to disable this for only specific cells.
And actually if you disable it in the Excel Options
Application.CellDragAndDrop = False
It will be disabled for the whole Excel application.

how to limit excel column to limited number of words

I'm working with VBA, Excel. I have some set of words, say 10.
When I choose a particular column, then what ever I enter in that coulmn must be from those selected set of words.
It's like dropdown list but I really donot want to use dropdown list. This must be done to a column(or set of cells).
Hey you should be able to do it just like dropdown list but without in-cell dropdown option marked. Its an option that is automaticly marked when you validate column by list in validation form.

How to filter by cell color?

Some of my managers have access to Office 2010 or later. I know in the newer Office there is the option to filter by cell color. But on my floor we only have Office 2003. I am wondering is there a way I can filter by the fill of the cell?
The way I am doing it right now is create another column, putting an "x" manually on the highlighted rows. And then filter it with the "x". Is there a easier way to do this? (They have hundreds of rows like that). I am using Window XP with Excel 2003.
Install ASAP utilities http://www.asap-utilities.com/
Click on ASAP Utilities tab
Choose "Select" with the big mouse pointer over it
Choose "Select cells based on content, formatting and more...
go to the tab "Based on formatting and more"
Select "cell color" and choose the example cell which contains your color
Choose your cell range and choose entire row
click ok
This will allow you to select all the rows. Color the entire rows which are now selected. Find an empty column and use find/replace to find the color just added and replace it with an 'x'. Now you can filter in this new column for x, which is just like filtering on the original columns color. This is better so you don't have to add a new character to the existing column which might contain data.
