Stubbing pg-promise using sinon and mocha - node.js

Suppose I have a the following module, as database.js
const initOptions = {}
const pgp = require('pg-promise')(initOptions)
const config = require('../../config')
const db = pgp({
port: config.database.port,
database: config.database.database,
user: config.database.user,
password: config.database.password
module.exports = db
And the following module as create.js
const db = require('./database')
function create (name) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
db.func('create', name)
.then(data => {
return resolve(data)
.catch(err => {
return reject(err)
module.exports = create
I'm trying to run a unit test on create.js that will test that db.func is called with 'create' as first argument and 'name' as the second, but without actually needing to set up a database connection (So tests can run offline).
From what I can gather, this is what libraries like sinon.JS can be used for, so I tried creating a test and stubbed the db object.
const chai = require('chai')
const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised')
const sinon = require('sinon')
const expect = chai.expect
const create = require('./create.js')
describe('Test Module', () => {
it('should test stuff', () => {
const db = require('./database')
const dbStub = sinon.stub(db, 'func').callsFake(Promise.resolve(null))
However, it fails with
TypeError: Cannot redefine property: func
Most likely due to my limited exposure to sinon...
How do I go about stubbing (or maybe I need to mock?) the db function so that I can test it an ensure db.func was called?

You can make the properties configurable by disabling locks with the no noLocking option in Initialization Options. This allows sinon to replace the properties:
const initOptions = { noLocking : true };
On a related note:
Your create function is creating an unnecessary promise wrapper, which is a promise anti-pattern. You should just return the result from db.func, which is a promise already:
function create(name) {
return db.func('create', name);
Also callsFake takes a function and you are giving it a promise. Use returns instead:
const dbStub = sinon.stub(db, 'func').returns(Promise.resolve(null))
I'm having trouble setting the noLocking option. The docs state it can be set after initialization, however if I set it with db.$config.options.noLocking = true, the same error occurs. However, if I set it in the database.js init options it works fine.
From the author of pg-promise...
It is because at that point the noLocking can only affect tasks and transactions. And since the db level of the protocol is initiated only once, setting noLocking after the library's initialization doesn't effect it.
I have just updated the documentation to clarify it:
This option is dynamic (can be set before or after initialization). However, changing it after the library's initialization will not affect Database objects that have already been created.


Mocking auto generated model functions created using sequelize-auto package

I have created my models using the sequelize-auto package and used them in my controllers
const sequelize = require('../database/db');
var models = require("../models/init-models").initModels(sequelize);
var User = models.User;
const controllerMethod = async (req,res,next) => {
//calls User.findAll() and returns the results
I have called the findAll function of User model in one of my controller methods
I want to test my controller method using Jest and want to mock the findAll function to return an empty object.
I have imported my models in the test file and mocked the findAll function as follows,
//inside test case
models.User.findAll = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {}
const spy = jest.spyOn(models.User, "findAll")
await controllerMethod(req, res,next);
My question is when I run the test case it runs the actual findAll() function inside the controller instead of the mocked findAll()
i.e. findAll() returns actual data instead of {}
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
Welcome to Stack Overflow. I think the issue with your code is some confusion on how spyOn works. Please see the documentation here specifically the following:
Note: By default, jest.spyOn also calls the spied method. This is different behavior from most other test libraries. If you want to overwrite the original function, you can use jest.spyOn(object, methodName).mockImplementation(() => customImplementation) or object[methodName] = jest.fn(() => customImplementation);
What this is telling you is that spyOn actual calls the original method, not the mock implementation.
The way I would do this (and assuming you do not need to assert on how findAll is called) is not use spyOn at all but create a dummy models that is returned from initModels, which has your dummy findAll method on it. Something like the following:
const mockModels = {
User: {
findAll: jest.fn(() => {})
// And then in your test - be careful as jest.mock is "hoisted" so you need to make sure mockModels has already been declared and assigned
test('blah', () => {
jest.mock("../models/init-models", () => ({
initModels: jest.fn(() => mockModels,
await controllerMethod(req, res, next) // ...etc
Managed to fix my issue until I come across a better solution.
I created a seperate models.js file and exported all my Models via that. Imported Models to my Controllers from the models.js file instead of const sequelize = require('../database/db'); var models = require("../models/init-models").initModels(sequelize);
const sequelize = require('../database/db');
var models = require("./init-models").initModels(sequelize);
module.exports.User= models.User;
module.exports.Instrument = models.Instrument;
module.exports.sequelize = sequelize; //exported this too since I have used sequelize.fn in some of my controllers
//const sequelize = require('../database/db');
//var models = require("../models/init-models").initModels(sequelize);
//var User = models.User;
const {User,sequelize} = require('../service/models'); //imported models this way
const controllerMethod = async (req,res,next) => {
//calls await User.findAll() and returns the results
const {controllerMethod} = require('../../../controllers/user');
const {User,sequelize} = require('../../../service/models');
//inside test case
jest.spyOn(User, "findAll").mockImplementation(() => {return Promise.resolve([])});
await controllerMethod(req, res,next);
in this way findAll mocks the way I wanted and returns the expected []

How can I ensure async code from an imported module finishes before the current module's code starts? [duplicate]

I am returning data from AWS Secrets Manager and using the aws-sdk to do so. Earlier I asked a question about how to correctly return the data and export it since the exported object never had the data resolved by the time the export was imported somewhere else. This caused me to get a bunch of undefined.
After solving that problem it was determined that the way to handle this was to wrap the aws-sdk function in a promise, then call the promise in another file with async await. This causes me issues.
If I request and return the data from AWS like this,
let secrets = {
jwtHash: 10,
const client = new AWS.SecretsManager({
region: region
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.getSecretValue({ SecretId: secretName }, async (err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const res = await JSON.parse(data.SecretString);
secrets.dbUsername = res.username;
secrets.dbPassword = res.password;
secrets.dbHost =;
secrets.dbPort = res.port;
secrets.dbDatabase = res.dbname;
module.exports = promise;
Then I can import it in another file and use the data like this,
const promise = require('../secrets');
(async () => {
const secrets = await promise;
// use secrets here
Now let's say in that file where I am trying to use secrets I have something like this,
const pool = new Pool({
user: secrets.dbUsername,
host: secrets.dbHost,
database: secrets.dbDatabase,
password: secrets.dbPassword,
port: secrets.dbPort
pool.on('error', err => {
console.error('Unexpected error on idle client', err);
module.exports = pool;
If I wrap the pool function in the async self invoking function I have trouble exporting it so it can be used anywhere in my app when I need a database connection. Similar, I have many functions throughout my application that need access to the secret data. If I were to walk through the application wrapping all of my code in async functions it would continue to cause more of these difficulties.
It seems to me the best solution here would be to return the data asynchronously and once it has resolved, export it synchronously.
How can I achieve such a task in this scenario?
A win here would be,
Make the request in /secrets/index.js
Build the secrets object in the same file
Export secrets as an object that can easily be imported anywhere else in my application without the need for asynchronous functions.
Example of How I Would Like to Use This
const secrets = require('../secrets');
const pool = new Pool({
user: secrets.dbUsername,
host: secrets.dbHost,
database: secrets.dbDatabase,
password: secrets.dbPassword,
port: secrets.dbPort
pool.on('error', err => {
console.error('Unexpected error on idle client', err);
module.exports = pool;
Because the needed data is gotten asynchronously, there's no way around making everything that depends on it (somehow) asynchronous as well. With asynchronicity involved, one possibility is to usually export functions that can be called on demand, rather than exporting objects:
an object that depends on the asynchronous data can't be meaningfully exported before the data comes back
if you export functions rather than objects, you can ensure that control flow starts from your single entry point and heads downstream, rather than every module initializing itself at once (which can be problematic when some modules depend on others to be initialized properly, as you're seeing)
On another note, note that if you have a single Promise that needs to resolve, it's probably easier to call .then on it than use an async function. For example, rather than
const promise = require('../secrets');
(async () => {
// try/catch is needed to handle rejected promises when using await:
try {
const secrets = await promise;
// use secrets here
} catch(e) {
// handle errors
you might consider:
const promise = require('../secrets');
.then((secrets) => {
// use secrets here
.catch((err) => {
// handle errors
It's less wordy and probably easier to make sense of at a glance - better than a self-invoking async IIFE. IMO, the place to use await is when you have multiple Promises that need to resolve, and chaining .thens and returned Promises together gets too ugly.
A module that depends on secrets to perform has to, in its code, have something that effectively waits for secrets to be populated. Although being able to use your const secrets = require('../secrets'); in your lower code example would be nice, it just isn't possible like that. You can export a function that takes secrets as a parameter rather than as a require, and then (synchronously!) return the instantiated pool:
// note, secrets is *not* imported
function makePool(secrets) {
const pool = new Pool({
user: secrets.dbUsername,
host: secrets.dbHost,
database: secrets.dbDatabase,
password: secrets.dbPassword,
port: secrets.dbPort
pool.on('error', err => {
console.error('Unexpected error on idle client', err);
return pool;
module.exports = makePool;
Then, to use it in another module, once the secrets are created, call makePool with the secrets, and then use / pass around the returned pool:
const secretsProm = require('../secrets');
const makePool = require('./makePool');
secretsProm.then((secrets) => {
const pool = makePool(secrets);
.catch((err) => {
// handle errors
Note that the doSomethingWithPool function can be completely synchronous, as is makePool - the asynchronous nature of secrets, once handled with .then in one module, does not have to be dealt with asynchronously anywhere else, as long as other modules export functions, rather than objects.
I would suggest doing everything in 1 file, and then instead of exporting the object you create, export a function that returns the object. The function will always have access to the must up-to-date version of the object, and you can call it from any file to access the same object.
Create two files in a folder. In the first file, we will do this:
Define a value.
Set a timeout to change the value after some time
Export the value itself
Export a function that returns the value
let x = 0 ; // set initial value
setTimeout(() => { x = 5; }, 2000); // sometime later, value will change
const getValueOfX = () => { return x; };
module.exports = {
x: x,
getValueOfX: getValueOfX
Now in the other file, we just import the two exports from the previous file (we put them both in an object for easy exporting). We can then log them out, wait for some time to pass, and log them out again.
let values = require('./values');
console.log(`Single value test. x = ${values.x}`);
console.log(`Function return value test. x = ${values.getValueOfX()}`);
setTimeout(() => { console.log(`Single value test. x = ${values.x}`); }, 4000);
setTimeout(() => { console.log(`Function return value test. x = ${values.getValueOfX()}`); }, 4000);
To run the code, just open your Terminal or Command Prompt and, from the same directory as these two files, run node index.js
You'll see that when just the value (object, array, w/e) is exported, it is exported as-is when the export runs - almost always before the API call is finished.
BUT - If you export a function that returns the value (object, array, w/e), then that function will retrieve the up-to-date version of the value at the time it is called! Great for API calls!
so your code might look like this:
let secrets = { jwtHash: 10 };
const client = new AWS.SecretsManager({
region: region
let pool = null;
client.getSecretValue({ SecretId: secretName }, async (err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const res = await JSON.parse(data.SecretString);
pool = new Pool({
user: res.username,
database: res.dbname
password: res.password
port: res.port
pool.on('error', err=> {
console.error('Unexpected error on idle client', err);
module.exports = function(){ return pool; };
One thing I do (especially when working with a large application that imports static variables that have been moved to a database) is load that file via a function and that function populates an export.
// config.js
const exports = {};
export async function populate() {
const RUNTIMEVARS = await what_you_do_to_get_vars();
for (const config of RUNTIMEVARS) {
exports[config.key] = exports[];
// for anything needing the config in the bootstrap.
return exports;
export default exports;
Then in the bootstrap:
// bootstrap.js
import './database-connection.js'; // important to have no internal dependencies.
(async() => {
const { populate } = await import('./config.js');
await populate();
Now any file inside your application can import config from '../config.js' as though it were statically declared as we populated the object in the populate function in the bootstrap.

How can I use spies with Jest in order to test a NodeJs module/app

I don't understand how to spy whether a method/function has been fired inside a module.
This is my example:
module.exports.saveUser = (user) => {
console.log('Saving the user', user);
let db = require('./db');
module.exports.handleSignup = (email, password) => {
db.saveUser({ email, password });
const db = require('./db');
const app = require('./app');
describe('App: ', () => {
it('should call "db.saveUser" with a user object', () => {
let dbSpy = jest.spyOn(db, 'saveUser');
const user = { email: '', password: 'abc123' };
app.handleSignup(, user.password);
by running this test I can see from the shell the console.log written in saveUser(), so it means that db.saveUser() is firing and Jest is not mocking up saveUser().
What am I doing wrong?
referring to the manual mock example given here:
jest.genMockFromModule() is actually called in a mock module file. Even so, if that db file you're mocking is one of your own local files, you wouldn't need to call genMockFromModule. I believe that that's only used for the npm modules in your node_modules folder and core modules (e.g. 'fs', 'readline', etc.)
that aside
I've been working with Spock for a while and I've found mocking and observing to be a bit of a trial-and-error process. Sometimes you have to get a bit creative with it as it doesn't quite perform as you might expect.
An easy approach that has worked for me in multiple instances (and, I imagine, will work in your case):
create a mock:
./__mocks__/db.js (I'm assuming db.js is in your project's base dir folder)
module.exports = {
fileSaveObserver: [],
getFileSaveObserver () {
return this.fileSaveObserver;
saveUser (obj) {
then in ./__tests__/app.test.js:
const app = require('../app');
describe('App: ', () => {
test('should call "db.saveUser" with a user object', () => {
const user = { email: '', password: 'abc123' };
app.handleSignup(, user.password);
const db = require('./db.js');
const observer = db.getFileSaveObserver()
if you're having problems with the above, try removing the '.js' file extensions from the jest.mock() statement and the require statement (this has been a gotcha for me on some occasions.
hope that helps!

mocha wait for db connection before running tests

Basically to run the tests, I need the database connection to MongoDb to be ready. The database manager has a connect method to get a connection and a get method to get a reference to that connection. The connect method is supposed to be called only once, at startup. This design works fine when running the app because the app starts only if the connect method has been called and returned a connection.
The database manager using mongo native (no mongoskin, no mongoose) (database.js):
var config = require('../config')
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient
var connection = null
module.exports.connect = function () {
return MongoClient.connect(config.mongodb.uri + config.mongodb.db)
.then(function (db) {
connection = db
module.exports.get = function () {
if (!connection) {
throw new Error('Call connect first!')
return connection
Start the app:
var db = require('./services/database');
.then(function() {"mongodb is running");
In the application, there are service modules and repository modules. The service modules require repository modules when they have to use the database. I have a BaseRepository module where I define the common queries findOne, findAll, etc. For all the MongoDb collections I have a specific repository that inherits from the BaseRepository. In the constructor, I set the collection by calling the database connection.
It means that when a service module which has a dependency on a repository module, the database connect method has to be called. This is the issue because I don't know how to start all the tests after the call to that connect method. I am open to suggestions if you think it's a design flow.
A test:
var usersService = require('../../services/rest/UsersService');
describe('IT Test', function () {
The service:
var usersRepository = require('../dao/UsersRepository');
The repository:
var db = require('../database');
var BaseRepository = require('./BaseRepository');
var util = require('util');
util.inherits(UsersRepository, BaseRepository);
function UsersRepository() {
this.collection = db.get().collection('users'); // <====== The connect method has not been called yet
The base repository:
function BaseRepository() {
this.collection = undefined;
BaseRepository.prototype.findOne = function (filters) {
return this.collection.findOne(filters)
I ended up writing a wrapper for all the tests
'use strict'
var logger = require('../services/logger')()
var db = require('../services/database')
describe('All tests wrapper', function () {
it('should pass', function () {
return db.connect()
.then(function () {'MongoDB is running')
The best way is mocha --delayed switch. mocha doc says
If you need to perform asynchronous operations before any of your suites are run (e.g., for dynamically generating tests), you may delay the root suite. Run mocha with the --delay flag.
For example, use mocha in this way mocha --recursive --exit --delay --ui tdd tests.js and --delayed enable you to trigger running the root suite via calling run() explicitly.
const fn = async x => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1500, 2 * x);
(async function() {
const z = await fn(3);
suite("won't run until run() executes", () => {})
For more information, please read

Node.js Unit Testing - Create Mock Layer Using mocha

I have written a web service that indeed consumes an external web service, after performing some validations and data manipulations (plain business logic). I need to write unit tests for the same and need to have code coverage report as well. Many suggestions are available on the net, Mocha being the prominent one. But in all available examples, actual DB call or external service call happens. My requirement is not to have actual external service call, but just mock the call (Just how, we do using EasyMock in Java). Any help would be highly appreciated. Is it possible to create a mock of DB call or external service call in node js ?
You can use Sinon with Mocha to provide stubbing, or spying of calls. It is important to also write you code to aid mocking. For instance, don't assume the database handler exists in the web component, pass it in through the constructor. That way its easy for testing to replace the database with your own "mocked" version.
As an example - here is the start of one of my bunch of tests where I instanciate a mocked connection pool to my database handler and pass it into the test. I am actually also mocking the web server, and just testing the API.
'use strict';
const DBHOST = 'dummy';
const DBNAME = 'dummy';
const expect = require('chai').expect;
const sinon = require('sinon');
const mock = require('../mock/server');
const DB = require('../database');
const Logging = require('../log');
Logging.debug(true); //set to log debug message
const logger = Logging.logger;
const poolPromise = mock.getPool();
const db = new DB(mock.Pool,DBNAME,logger);
const API = require('../api');
const api = new API(mock.server,db,logger);
describe('API tests',function() {
let sandbox, testConnection;
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
testConnection = new mock.Connection();
return poolPromise.then(pool => {
pool.getConnection().then(cb => {
describe('/logon',function() {
let params;
describe('Admin', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
params = {name: 'Admin', password: 'abcde'};
it('Performs logon if username is "Admin" and password is good', function(done) {
mock.server.emit('/logon', params, (status,user) => {
expect('Super User');
}); => {
let request = value.request;
expect(request.sqlTextOrProcedure).to.equal('SELECT passwordsalt FROM Admin WHERE AdminID = 0');
request.emit('row', mock.makeRow('passwordsalt',['salt']));
}).then(value => {
let request = value.request
