How to create GUI in dotnet core in Linux? - linux

Need for laboratory programming. I have monodevelop and there safely run Gtk# c mono, but I would like to run Gtk# with dotnet core. There are still vscode with dotnet core, but I don't know how to connect it to Gtk#.
Is it possible to change monodevelop to mono for dotnet core?
Is it possible to do so would be in vscode worked with Gtk#?

Bit of a late reaction. Recently started using Avalonia UI, which supports a lot of the standard WPF XAML. Also using Avalon Studio, which can be built on your Linux, if you'd like to develop on Linux, for Windows you can use a Avalonia addon for Visual Studio. Avalon Studio mimicking a very basic Visual Studio (like 2005/2008 express/community editions), but it is very unstable.


Visual studio on linux?

Is there any way i can install visual studio on linux?
Already tried installing it. Rider is too expensive for my needs and I want to upgrade from Window to Linux. Distro: Garuda
I don't think you can run it natively. Perhaps there's a workaround by using a Windows virtual machine inside your Linux distro and then using Visual Studio in the VM.
A quick google yielded these alternatives that are Linux compatible, but as you can read by the comments under each listing, it depends on your use case. See if any of these will work for you:
Visual Studio Code (interactive text editor) runs pretty fine. Although you will need several extensions for languages like C# to compile. There is also a gtk# language implementation with MonoDevelop (C# native implementation for linux), but its development was freezed.

Build Visual Studio Project for Linux Systems

Is there a way to build a project in visual studio for linux sytems? This Github repository ( is very useful for my project, in this repository is just the visual studio project files (.sln ,c# source code etc.), I cloned it in my visual studio and want to build it but not as executable but for linux system? Is this somehow possible?
Looking at their documentation (translated to English), the application is built on the .NET Framework, which is only intended to work on Windows-based devices. Their documentation also states it's supported on Windows XP and up, and requires the .NET Framework 4.6 runtime, which Linux can't use.
If it was using .NET (previously .NET Core) you'd be in business, but as is, without a rewrite in .NET, you won't be able to run this or build it for Linux devices.

How to do .NET Core remote development with Visual Studio 2019

Is it possible to develop and build a .NET Core application locally, then push it to a remote Linux system, run it there and attach the remote debugger?
Can I execute a run script from within Visual Studio which does all the tasks via SSH? (I'm thinking of something similiar to run configuration "Shell Script" in Intellij IDE.)
I'm aware of Visual Studio Code and the remote development extension, but I'm not a fan of that IDE.
If you're thinking of something like what you could do with Java in for example Netbeans, or c++ for linux in Visual Studio, then you can't do that easily/ as conveniently with .NET core and linux unfortunately.

Compiling with Xamarin Studio for Linux or Mac

Good morning. I just switched from Visual Studio to Xamarin Studio. I really like the interface and the multiplatform support but I have a question.
I already published an application but these are the files:
OpenTK.xml (image)
I was expecting multiplatform compiling in this .NET Console Application but I just got windows executables.
I want to compile my game to Windows, Linux, and Mac (without needing java) but do I need a Linux partition or Virtual box to compile for Linux and the same for Mac (at least I have one of those)

How to Compile the Xamarin.iOS app using Visual Studio only?

Recently i came to know that Xamarin 3 got released and there a is beautiful GUI designer for iOS. But am not sure still for compilation do we need to use the Mac? With out Mac is it possible to compile iOS app?
With invention of GUI designer for iOS in Xamarin, makes it easy for the developer to switching between xCode to windows. For compiling there is no need of Mac. But to run and see the output, you still require Mac - iOS build host. Also, Mac would be required to host iOS app on App store.
