How to connect local spark to Hive in cluster in Scala IDE - apache-spark

Can you please let me know the steps to connect scala ide which I use for developing spark to connect to hive. Currently the output goes to hdfs and then I create an external table on top of it. But as spark streaming creates small files , the performance is getting bad and I want spark to write directly to Hive and I am not sure what configuration in my PC that I should make for that to happen for my development.


How to configure Hive to use Spark execution engine on Google Dataproc?

I'm trying to configure Hive, running on Google Dataproc image v1.1 (so Hive 2.1.0 and Spark 2.0.2), to use Spark as an execution engine instead of the default MapReduce one.
Following the instructions here doesn't really help, I keep getting Error running query: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/collection/Iterable errors when I set hive.execution.engine=spark.
Does anyone know the specific steps to get this running on Dataproc? From what I can tell it should just be a question of making Hive see the right JARs, since both Hive and Spark are already installed and configured on the cluster, and using Hive from Spark (so the other way around) works fine.
This will probably not work with the jars in a Dataproc cluster. In Dataproc, Spark is compiled with Hive bundled (-Phive), which is not suggested / supported by Hive on Spark.
If you really want to run Hive on Spark, you might want to try to bring your own Spark in an initialization action compiled as described in the wiki.
If you just want to run Hive off MapReduce on Dataproc running Tez, with this initialization action would probably be easier.

Registering temp tables in ThriftServer

I am new to Spark and am trying to understand how (if at all) is it possible to register dataframes as temp tables in the Spark thrift server.
To clarify, this is what I am trying to do:
Submit an application that generates a dataframe and registers it as a temporary table
Connect from a JDBC client to the Spark ThriftServer (running on the master) and query the temporary table, even after the application that registered it completed.
So far I've had no success with this - the Spark ThriftServer is running on the Spark master, but I'm unable to actually register any temp table to it.
Is this possible? I know I can use HiveThriftServer2.startWithContext to serve a dataframe via JDBC, but that requires the application to keep running forever + it requires me to launch additional applications.
The key idea is to register all temp tables in the Spark job and finally start SparkThriftServer from this job. It will keep your job running until you terminate thrift server. Also you will be able to query SparkThriftServer for all temp table via JDBC.
Here it is described with example

IDE Eclipse with Spark SQL connect Hive tables

I am developing Spark SQL code with the Eclipse IDE. I want to access the tables I have in hdfs, particularly in the hdfs:/data directory. That configuration should develop at the beginning of my program? By default only support me Hive in /tmp.
Thank you

Use JDBC (eg Squirrel SQL) to query Cassandra with Spark SQL

I have a Cassandra cluster with a co-located Spark cluster, and I can run the usual Spark jobs by compiling them, copying them over, and using the ./spark-submit script. I wrote a small job that accepts SQL as a command-line argument, submits it to Spark as Spark SQL, Spark runs that SQL against Cassandra and writes the output to a csv file.
Now I feel like I'm going round in circles trying to figure out if it's possible to query Cassandra via Spark SQL directly in a JDBC connection (eg from Squirrel SQL). The Spark SQL documentation says
Connect through JDBC or ODBC.
A server mode provides industry standard JDBC and ODBC connectivity for
business intelligence tools.
The Spark SQL Programming Guide says
Spark SQL can also act as a distributed query engine using its JDBC/ODBC or
command-line interface. In this mode, end-users or applications can interact
with Spark SQL directly to run SQL queries, without the need to write any
So I can run the Thrift Server, and submit SQL to it. But what I can't figure out, is how do I get the Thrift Server to connect to Cassandra? Do I simply pop the Datastax Cassandra Connector on the Thrift Server classpath? How do I tell the Thrift Server the IP and Port of my Cassandra cluster? Has anyone done this already and can give me some pointers?
Configure those properties in spark-default.conf file,,
# if you configured security in you cassandra cluster
spark.cassandra.auth.username smb
spark.cassandra.auth.password bigdata#123
Start your thrift server with spark-cassandra-connector dependencies and mysql-connector dependencies with some port that you will connect via JDBC or Squirrel.
sbin/ --hiveconf --hiveconf hive.server2.thrift.port 10003 --jars <shade-jar>-0.0.1.jar --driver-class-path <shade-jar>-0.0.1.jar
For getting cassandra table run Spark-SQL queries like
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE mytable USING org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra OPTIONS (cluster 'BDI Cassandra', keyspace 'testks', table 'testtable');
why don`t you use the spark-cassandra-connector and cassandra-driver-core? Just add the dependencies, specify the host address/login in your spark context and then you can read/write to cassandra using sql.

Spark Sql JDBC Support

Currently we are building a reporting platform as a data store we used Shark. Since the development of Shark is stopped so we are in the phase of evaluating Spark SQL. Based on the use cases we have we had few questions.
1) We have data from various sources( MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Mongo). We would like to know how can we get this data into Spark SQL? Does there exist any utility which we can use? Does this utility support continuous refresh of data (sync of new add/update/delete on data store to Spark SQL?
2) Is the a way to create multiple database in Spark SQL?
3) For Reporting UI we use Jasper, we would like to connect from Jasper to Spark SQL. When we did our initial search we got to know currently there is no support for consumer to connect Spark SQL through JDBC, but in future releases you would like the add the same. We would like to know by when Spark SQL would have a stable release which would have JDBC Support? Meanwhile we took the source code from but we had some difficulty in setting it up locally and evaluating it . It would be great if you can help us with setup instructions.(I can share the issue we are facing please let me know where can I post the error logs)
4) We would also require a SQL prompt where we can execute queries, currently Spark Shell provides SCALA prompt where SCALA code can be executed, from SCALA code we can fire SQL queries. Like Shark we would like to have SQL prompt in Spark SQL. When we did our search we found that in future release of Spark this would be added. It would be great if you can tell us which release of Spark would address the same.
as for
3) Spark 1.1 provides better support for SparkSQL ThriftServer interface, which you may want to use for JDBC interfacing. Hive JDBC clients that support v. 0.12.0 are able to connect and interface with such server.
4) Spark 1.1 also provides a SparkSQL CLI interface that can be used for entering queries. In the same fashion that Hive CLI or Impala Shell.
Please, provide more details about what you are trying to achieve for 1 and 2.
I can answer (1):
Apache Sqoop was made specifically to solve this problem for the relational databases. The tool was made for HDFS, HBase, and Hive -- as such it can be used to make data available to Spark, via HDFS and the Hive metastore.
I believe Cassandra is available to SparkContext via this connector from DataStax: -- which I have never used.
I'm not aware of any connector for MongoDB.
1) We have data from various sources( MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Mongo)
You have to use different driver for each case. For cassandra there is datastax driver (but i encountered some compatibility problems with SparkSQL). For any SQL system you can use JdbcRDD. The usage is straightforward, look at the scala example:
test("basic functionality") {
sc = new SparkContext("local", "test")
val rdd = new JdbcRDD(
() => { DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:target/JdbcRDDSuiteDb") },
1, 100, 3,
(r: ResultSet) => { r.getInt(1) } ).cache()
assert(rdd.count === 100)
assert(rdd.reduce(_+_) === 10100)
But notion that it's just an RDD, so you should work with this data through map-reduce api, not in SQLContext.
Does there exist any utility which we can use?
There is Apache Sqoop project but it's in active development state. The current stable version even doesn't save files in parquet format.
Spark SQL is a capability of the Spark framework. It shouldn't be compared to Shark because Shark is a service. (Recall that with Shark, you run a ThriftServer that you can then connect to from your Thrift app or even ODBC.)
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "get this data into Spark SQL"?
There are a couple of Spark - MongoDB connectors:
- the mongodb connector for hadoop (which doesn't actually need Hadoop at all!)
the Stratio mongodb connector
If your data is huge and need to perform a lot of transformations then Spark SQL can be used for ETL purpose, else presto could solve all your problems. Addressing your queries one by one:
As your data is in MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Mongo all these can be integrated in Presto as it has connectors for all these databases.
Once you install Presto in cluster mode you can query all these databases together in one platform, which also provides to join a table from Cassandra and other tables from Mongo, this flexibility is unparalleled.
Presto can be used to connect to Apache Superset which is open source and provides all sets Dashboarding. Also Presto can be connected to Tableau.
You can install MySQL workbench with presto connecting details which helps in providing a UI for all your databases at one place.
