Codeigniter 3 Session error - windows-10

Heloo, I have this error:
Fatal error: Class CI_Session_files_driver contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (SessionHandlerInterface::open, SessionHandlerInterface::read) in D:\wamp64\www\has\system\libraries\Session\drivers\Session_files_driver.php on line 49
I have tried proposed solutions from forums and I have replaced the system folder of CI 3 but still no luck. Restarting apache fixes the problem temporary. But after a while, it still comes back. Here is my working environment:
Windows 10 64 bit Pro; Wamp Server 3.1.0; PHP Version 7.1.10; Codeigniter 3.1.6;
What is very interesting, i have two other projects on this Wamp Server that are on Codeigniter 2, and they dont seem to have this problem. I noticed this when i switched from PHP5 to PHP7. Any ideas or thoughts?

Some one reported similar issue on Github:
PHP >= 7 session problem,
which link to the solution, turn off opcache in php.ini:
Hope this is the solution you are looking for, currently I don't have the setup to reproduce the error.

Class CI_Session_files_driver contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (SessionHandlerInterface::open, SessionHandlerInterface::close) using Codeigniter
The one of the reason for this error is recursive function calling with no ending.


MFC GetParent function returns null

Hello there back in 1999 early 2000 a lot of my apps used this MFC Export dialog extension which added filters to file extensions, because MFC didn't yet have that (at least that's what I remember to be the reason, maybe I was drunk I don't now), the library can be downloaded here:
Now I know that this functionality is built in already, but its easier to fix one library then to fix all of my apps
Now if I compile this with VC++ 6 everything is fine, the problem is that I would like to use a bit more modern compiler
Here are my changes that I added to this lib over the years (its a big file so I will post a link instead):
The example code that I use to test this library can be found here:
Just click on File->Export and you should see the problem
Now the problem happens on the library's void CFileExportDialog::OnTypeChange() method
is this part
CWnd *fileNameBox = GetParent()->GetDlgItem(edt1);
if (fileNameBox == NULL)
fileNameBox = GetParent()->GetDlgItem(cmb13);
For some reason, GetParent() returns NULL (I cannot even get to GetDlgItem() at this point)) pointer, I have no idea why does it do that, and the strangest thing is that this used to work on VC++ 6 (it also worked on MFC7 as well), why doesn't it work on VC++ 17 (MFC140) anymore ?
Hopefully someone has an idea what changed and how can I fix my library
Thanks for Anwsering and Best Regards

Problems running Processing P2D and P3D in Linux

I’d like to run Processing in an old computer (Acer ES1) with Xubuntu , but while everything seems to work fine, when I run sketches that use P2D or P3D I get the following error:
InternalError: XXX0 profile[2]: GL2 -> profileImpl GL3bc !!! not mapped
This happens with Processing 4.1.1. (as well as 4.0 and 3.5.4). In my understandings the issues is about an old bug that has been solved in the recent version for most of the machines, but not for mine. I suppose the bug should be related to this:
P3D don’t work on AMD dynamic switchable graphics #5308
I tried to follow all the possible workarounds suggested in the previous link but nothing worked out. The only thing I didn’t try and that I would avoid is downgrading the version, since I need to work with the latests.

PHP framework AMPHP/THREAD no longer in use?

Was amphp/thread discontinued? amphp/amp is working perfectly but when I run ANY of the example coding from amphp/thread git, I get all kinds of errors. Not one example is working. I noticed last update was in 2014.
Is there any way for me to get amphp/thread working? Was it replaced? With what replacement?
I have php 7.0 installed on mac, built with thread safety. EV, EVENT, UV are all enabled.
My .jason file looks like this 
"amphp/amp": "v0.17.0", "amphp/thread": "v0.8.1"
Much appreciated.
I found the answer to this question in a discussion here:
amphp/thread is no longer being supported but there is hope that it will be picked up again in the future to work with amphp/amp v2. No concrete timeline on when this will happen was given.
Also, amphp/parallel is considered to be the replacement for amphp/thread.

C++ Builder XE 5 Ghost component in BPL file

I have been haunted by this ghost problem for a long time. I have a component library that I wrote myself, containing some derived VCL components.
Whenever i try to run an application that uses this library (MyComponents.bpl), it will show this error:
Mbutton used to be one of the components in the library, but it has long obsolete and removed from the project.
I have checked all files (cpp and h files) in the MyComponents project, none of them has any reference to Mbutton.
The host application source code is not referring to this component as well.
And I have been very sure there is only one copy of MyComponents.bpl in my whole PC. (which is located in the folder where the application is uisng it.)
There is no duplicate in Windows/System32.
Cleaning/Uninstalling the components library and recompiling/Re-installing it does not help.
Can anyone help me track down what's the cause of this ghost component problem, please? Many thanks.
Ah, found the source of the problem... There is a MyComponents.LIB which is referencing Mbutton component. The compiler was complaining about MyComponents.BPL, so I was misleaded all the time.
Removed the reference to MyComponents.LIB in the cbproj file and gone with the problem. Just to be sure, I deleted the LIB file as well.
This PC wasn't my original development PC, it was used by my colleague who has resinged, and I took over the PC after my PC has broken down. Don't know why she took my BPL and convert it into LIB... sigh, problem solved, thanks anyway to all who helped.

Has anyone been successful getting Joomla running under IIS/Phalanger?

Has anyone been successful getting Joomla running under IIS/Phalanger?
I have gone through the Phalanger 3.0 installation, followed the instructions on making Joomla a app that runs using the Phalanger compiler, but for some reason I get an error before the app even starts up:
Error: Class 'JLogEntry' not found in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\nfspv3\libraries\joomla\log\log.php on line 169, column 4.
I was running Joomla 2.5 on IIS/MySQL prior to installing Phalanger 3.0 so I am wondering if it's an issue with the Phalanger compiler not interpreting the PHP right? Would be good to know if anyone has Joomla working with Phalanger ok.
The error is telling you that the class JLogEntry hasn't been defined, yet it has been referenced by something the expects it to be defined. This means a dependency wasn't satisfied. Your log.php is dependant on a file that defines the JLogEntry class. The JLogEntry class is defined in entry.php according to this:
and this:
So for whatever reason you're not satisfying that dependency. If I was on your system I'd poke around for that file, check if it exists, is corrupt, correctly versioned, or otherwise prevented from being executed.
If you still suspect something is hinky with your Phalanger compiler then test it. Write a simple "hello world" and prove whether it works or not. Infact do it in the same file (after backing up the file) to prove whether it's executing. The compiler is working at some level or else it wouldn't be showing you error messages.
According to #highcore the Phalanger 3.0 compiler fails to implement regular expressions in the way Joomla expects. Joomla relies on this to resolve the filenames it will include. Thus, entry.php is never included leaving JLogEntry undefined. The suggested work around is to avoid reg ex and split the file names.
