VC 2017 Runtime deployment methods - visual-c++

Could someone answear my question, please?
I have two options with the VC++ deployment.
I can use:
call redistrutable executable (the vcredist_x86.exe)
add the only one important CRT merge module
Both solutions are acceptable for me.
Which would be better for home desktop's users?
Thank you very much

The question is really what kind of installer/setup solution you are using? The Merge Modules are if you use an MSI-based installer. The other is generic enough you can usually work it into any standard installer assuming that the install itself elevates with administrator rights.
Note that the CRT deployment is one of the areas that UWP apps on Windows Store just takes care of for you.


Can you use nodejs with install4j

Can you use install4j with nodejs? I have a server I need to have an installer for, can install4j work with this?
If not do any of you know something that can/
Other installers seem that would take a lot of time to solve my issue, since I also need information from the user (like paths.)
You can install anything with install4j. However, the installer requires a JRE to run so you have to bundle one with it, even though you don't need it for your installed application. Also, a lot of install4j's functionality is geared towards supporting Java launchers, so that will not be useful for you.

What does the Qt configure option "-commercial" actually do

The help for configure in Qt commercial source 4.8.7 lists an option "-commercial" with the following description.
-commercial ........ Compile and link the Commercial Edition of Qt.
The options are also listed here, with the same brief explanation of this parameter,
Since there are separate source packages for commercial (or enterprise) and open source, why is a flag needed? Also I can confirm that it successfully compiles also without giving this flag, which makes me wonder even more...
What does it actually do?
If you configure without commercial or opensource option you get asked with which license you want to use Qt: the commercial or the opensource one. I assume using one of these options just pre-answers this question.
EDIT: Sorry, I mixed something up. Forget the "answer".

Script Create Package for Windows Store apps

I am maintaining a set of eleven Windows Store apps. I would like to automate the "Create Package" task, which I am currently doing through the wizard in Visual Studio, in order to produce test packages (signed with my test certificate).
Is there a way to script this task? I was thinking probably using MSBuild or PowerShell, my goal is to have a single script to run that would generate all my app packages and copy them all to a given target directory.
I found some documentation about using the wizard on MSDN, but nothing about scripting the task.
Any ideas?! Thanks.
MSBuild will create app packages for you, in the AppPackages folder. You can also do it manually using MakeAppx, but I've found it to be a bit more cumbersome.
Some things to note: There is a build target called Publish you should use (/t:Publish) when making the actual packages. You should look into the different command-line switches, such as DebugSymbols.
You'll likely want to use the 32-bit MSBuild, as I've had issues with the 64-bit and things like the Multilingual App Toolkit. Also in regards to the MApp Toolkit, make sure you do a full rebuild before building your app package. If an entry is not in a given language and is in another, the entry for the secondary language will be used, so you can end up with multiple languages all popping up on the same page.
Hope this helps and happy coding!

Sandboxed plugins for Node.js

I'm a complete Node noob, so I apologize if this question has an obvious answer.
I'm looking to create a web app that will run plugins from untrusted sources (i.e. community submissions). So I need to lock down those plugins into a sandbox where only certain access is allowed (can't write to disk, etc.). Ideally, the plugin would only be able to use certain approved node packages and APIs.
Is this possible in Node? If so, can you point me toward a package or documentation that will get me started?
Here is a small list of projects that can help you:
I suggest the first one (sandbox) since it's more mature.
I would also contribute to the list with my library: In addition to the sandboxing of the untrusted code (in a restricted subprocess), it gives an opportunity to export any set of functions inside the sandbox thus defining a custom API for the sandboxed code.

NTLMSetUserInfo on Windows CE 6

I want to create my own user configuration utility targetted for WinCE6 in C++. All the NTLM functions (such as this one) require ntlmssp.lib which I cannot find. I have searched my Platform Builder directories but can only find the dll file not the lib.
Can anyone shed some light on how I actually access these functions, or find the lib file?
The lib is probably generated (the DEF is in public\common\oak\lib) when you build your platform to only include the entry points you've selected in your design. For example, I do see ntlmssp.lib in my release directory for a couple designs.
The proper way to do this is to roll and install an SDK based on your OS Design, then you'll get that installed in the right place on your dev machine (or make your utility as a subproject of your OS Design, which will then look in the release folder for the LIB).
