Script Create Package for Windows Store apps - visual-studio-2012

I am maintaining a set of eleven Windows Store apps. I would like to automate the "Create Package" task, which I am currently doing through the wizard in Visual Studio, in order to produce test packages (signed with my test certificate).
Is there a way to script this task? I was thinking probably using MSBuild or PowerShell, my goal is to have a single script to run that would generate all my app packages and copy them all to a given target directory.
I found some documentation about using the wizard on MSDN, but nothing about scripting the task.
Any ideas?! Thanks.

MSBuild will create app packages for you, in the AppPackages folder. You can also do it manually using MakeAppx, but I've found it to be a bit more cumbersome.
Some things to note: There is a build target called Publish you should use (/t:Publish) when making the actual packages. You should look into the different command-line switches, such as DebugSymbols.
You'll likely want to use the 32-bit MSBuild, as I've had issues with the 64-bit and things like the Multilingual App Toolkit. Also in regards to the MApp Toolkit, make sure you do a full rebuild before building your app package. If an entry is not in a given language and is in another, the entry for the secondary language will be used, so you can end up with multiple languages all popping up on the same page.
Hope this helps and happy coding!


Shopware 6 administration build only plugin

Is there a command to build only the administration part of a specified plugin? Right now I am building the whole administration to build the public resources for the plugin, which of course takes more time. Since every plugin has it's own resources, shouldn't it be possible to do this?
Since Shopware it seems to be possible to only build the extensions (not a single one, but at least only extensions) by adding the environment variable SHOPWARE_ADMIN_BUILD_ONLY_EXTENSIONS=1
There are no out-of-the-box scripts to selectively build only one module.
The build is based on one single webpack config in vendor/shopware/administration/Resources/app/administration which includes each extension's code as as submodule.
If you are asking to speed up development, you might want to use bin/ which should only rebuild changed files when you save them.

Why are SAP Commerce Cloud recipes not recommended for Production, but the set-up instructions usually mentions using recipes?

In Installing SAP Commerce Using Installer Recipes and Installer Recipe Reference, there is a comment that says something like:
The installer is currently only intended to install SAP Commerce in
development environments or for demonstration purposes. Do not use the
installer to install SAP Commerce in a production environment.
However, guides like Customizing the Accelerator with extgen and modulegen usually mention recipes:
On Windows: install.bat -r b2c_acc_plus
So, how do you really set-up a project from scratch? Do you start with recipes, or do you start with ant modulegen?
I don't see clear instructions (or best practice) on how I should build a B2C/B2B application from scratch for development and then preparing it for Production. (Maybe there is a gap in the instructions, or I just don't know where it is)
Even the Installing SAP Commerce Cloud for use with Spartacus guide mentions starting with a B2C recipe. Does this mean that the starting point of building a SAP Commerce project is to use recipes? Are there cases where you would not use a recipe, and build everything from scratch using ant modulegen and ant addoninstall?
It is not recommended to use recipe for direct installation on production. Reason being it installs a preset of hybris extensions which might or might not be needed for your requirements, also it might not be a allowed to use under the license you got.
However, when you start your development, you can use recipe to give your development a quick start. It generates the raw structure for your e-commerce application which you would need to customize and later deploy on your production.
how do you really set-up a project from scratch? Do you start with recipes, or do you start with ant modulegen?
Well, You can use any of those. If you are looking for difference, it has already been answered here
how I should build a B2C/B2B application from scratch and prepare for production?
For production hybris deployment procedure refer this.
a) recipe installation does more than what you can achieve using modulegen like complete installation, configuration and initialization for a running e-commerce example. I think once you go through above links, you will have a much better understanding on this.
b) When you go with recipe, it will install related extensions which you might not want to use or don't have production license for that. Please be considerate to review and disable such extensions,
A few more points adding to the answer by
Generally, the integrations in a recipe are mock integration e.g. payment integration as the purpose of a recipe is to provide a ready-to-use demo/reference application (store).
The data (catalog, users & password, usergroups, roles, promotions etc.) in a recipe are sample data. The same goes with the look-n-feel (logos, colour, layout etc.). Every business requires its specific data and look-n-feel.
The system configurations/properties (e.g. memory configuration, logging configuration etc.) may be optimised for the demo purpose but the production setup may require a different configuration. On the same line, configurations like hosts, ports, encryption etc. are general purpose configurations and a production environment may need to change them.
The database set up by a recipe is generally HSQLDB which is only good for development/demo.

VC 2017 Runtime deployment methods

Could someone answear my question, please?
I have two options with the VC++ deployment.
I can use:
call redistrutable executable (the vcredist_x86.exe)
add the only one important CRT merge module
Both solutions are acceptable for me.
Which would be better for home desktop's users?
Thank you very much
The question is really what kind of installer/setup solution you are using? The Merge Modules are if you use an MSI-based installer. The other is generic enough you can usually work it into any standard installer assuming that the install itself elevates with administrator rights.
Note that the CRT deployment is one of the areas that UWP apps on Windows Store just takes care of for you.

When using someone else's application code do I need to run Cmake to get the project structure for my operating system.

I am getting into a position where I have to use other people code for projects, for example openTLD. I want to change some of the code to give it more functionality and use it in a diffrent way. What I have found is that many people have packaged their files in such a way that you are supposed to use
and then
and sometimes after that
make install
I don't want to install the software on my system. What I am looking to do is get these peoples code to a point where I can add to it in Eclipse or even just using Nano and then compile it.
At what point is the code in a workable/usable state. Can I use it after doing cmake or do I need to also call make? Is my thinking correct that it would be better to edit the code after calling cmake as opposed to before? I am not going to want my finished code to be cross platform supported, it will only be on Linux. Is it easer to learn cmake and edit the code befor running cmake as opposed to not learning cmake and using the code afterwards, if that is possible?
You question is a little open ended.
Looking at the opentld project, there is a binary and a library available for use. If you are interested in using the binary in your code, you need to download the executables(Linux executables are not posted). If you are planning to use the library, you have two options. Either you use the pre-built library or build it during your build process. You would include the header files in your custom application and link with the library.
If you add more details, probably others can pitch in with new answers or refine the older ones.

NTLMSetUserInfo on Windows CE 6

I want to create my own user configuration utility targetted for WinCE6 in C++. All the NTLM functions (such as this one) require ntlmssp.lib which I cannot find. I have searched my Platform Builder directories but can only find the dll file not the lib.
Can anyone shed some light on how I actually access these functions, or find the lib file?
The lib is probably generated (the DEF is in public\common\oak\lib) when you build your platform to only include the entry points you've selected in your design. For example, I do see ntlmssp.lib in my release directory for a couple designs.
The proper way to do this is to roll and install an SDK based on your OS Design, then you'll get that installed in the right place on your dev machine (or make your utility as a subproject of your OS Design, which will then look in the release folder for the LIB).
