TortoiseSVN: How to clear "diff with" list? - tortoisesvn

Somehow I managed to add a "Diff with LOCALFILENAME" entry to the TortoiseSVN context menu:
My question is: How can you clear that list/delete that entry? I don't want to have this entry anymore showing all the time for every file I right click.

Diff the file once and the command in the context menu will disappear.


Start perforce checkout from command line

I try to achieve a checkout from command line by using perforce helix.
It works with p4 edit.
But what i want is to open the regular window when you right click on files and click "checkout".
p4vc can open many window but what is the argument for this checkout window ?
Thank you.
The window you're talking about is just P4V; there's no stand-alone dialog for that.

How to batch-rename the labels of existing labview controls?

Let's say I have a front panel with 100 buttons named "Button 1"..."Button 100". How can I quickly rename all of them to "Push Button 1"..."Push Button 100"?
Same answer as Dave_St but as vi snippet.
Before running the VI:
And After running the VI:
It can be done programmatically but the vi whose control names are to be changed must not be running in any way (it can be loaded into memory but the run button must be flat white).
Get all the front panel references from the vi. Then change their names with another vi using the Label.Text property.
That is a really good question, if you can't just get rid of them and make a new button called "Push Button 1" that you use to create all the others. I'm assuming they're already implemented enough to make that difficult. I can't test it out on the machine I'm at, but I'd create a new VI and open a reference to the VI with your buttons in it. Then you can get the references to all the front panel controls, which you can then run through a loop that checks if it's a button and then changes the label.

Empty diff window with Apply Patch in TortoiseSVN

Use TortoiseSVN's context menu to select "Create Patch"
On another machine do the same but select "Apply Patch" and select the file generated in step 1.
A blank merge window is opened.
It looks like this:
The patch file is valid and I can use unix patch to apply it successfully (with some line-ending tinkering).
I'm on Windows 10 and TortoiseSVN/TortoiseMerge 1.9.5
The problem was that TortoiseMerge was maximized. There's a floating window on the left.
Unmaximize the TortoiseMerge window and you can see the file selector window. You can select files in that window to see them in the diff view and there's buttons for applying the patch.
It should look like this:
I had the same problem and had to select TortoiseMerge for Settings > Diff Viewer > Merge Tool.
I previously configured an external editor here and then it did not show this patch window but only an empty merge tool. Maybe this feature does not work very well with external editors.

SublimeText3: How to do the the opposite of `focus_side_bar`, i.e. focus the main view?

I have a command in a sublime plugin
that focuses the sidebar. And in another command I hide the side bar (by toggle_side_bar) but the focus still remains on the (now hidden) sidebar.
How to switch the focus back to the main view (the file contents)?
sublime.Window has several methods that could be useful, including focus_view(view), active_view(), focus_group(group), and active_group(). You can save the current view with active_view(), run your reveal_in_side_bar and focus_side_bar commands, then switch back to the formerly active view with focus_view(). Or, if you only have one group in your window, focus_group(0) will switch back to it. If there are multiple groups, use active_group() to get its index.
Press Escape key while in the side-bar would return you to the main edit

"Why you see this menu"

I broke something in my image (no idea what) and now my right-click menus only say "Why you see this menu, debug" -- what can I do to fix this ?
I can't really tell what happened unless you do what that text tells you:
click on the menu entry
in the workspace that appears evaluate menu debug
post the contents of the debugger here
We need to find out what error is being signaled. Open the debugger again like you did, then select the first entry. Click on it with the right mouse button and select "Copy to clipboard" from the popup.
Post the stack trace in you clipboard here.
Alternative: Put the whole image somewhere I can download it and I'll take a peek.
update 2
The reason why Smalltalk at: #Behavior put: Behavior didn't change anything is that Behavior is a global reference equivalent to Smalltalk at: #Behavior. The effect is that you store the RTGraphBuilder class at the same location again :).
Try this:
Smalltalk at: #Behavior put: ClassDescription superclass
The superclass of ClassDescription is Behavior and that link is independent of the global lookup.
