How to add multiple wordpress posts into .xml file? - wsimport

I want to add more than 80 thousand posts at once into .XML format and then import to WordPress. It can be possible to post using php and XML without python.

Use WordPress Tools to Import and Export Content
In the TOOLS section of the WordPress admin dashboard, you will see two options; Import and Export. For such a small menu item with no discernible settings, this WordPress functionality packs some power and allows you to become the ninja designer you want to be.
Simply put, EXPORT allows you to take the current site’s posts and pages and export them to an XML file for use outside the blog. IMPORT allows you to import external posts and pages into the current site.
Creating an XML Export of Your WordPress Content
In the export settings menu, WordPress gives you a short explanation of the XML format and what it can be used for. You’ll notice the built-in exporting feature allows you to make a copy of posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags.
WordPress Export Settings
If you have custom post types those options will also be available to choose from downloads and will show up underneath standard posts and pages.


Hybris, export homepage with all its data using Impex Export

I want to export homepage(main page, that one which has navigation panel with categories, banners etc) and all data related to it.
So far I have managed to migrate category navigation panel at the top, by exporting impex with the following CMS types:
CategoryNavigationComponent, CMSNavigationNode, CMSLinkComponent, CMSNavigationEntry. But I'm confused how to export the rest of the page.
The best scenario will be to migrate only the data related to homepage. But if it will be easier, we can download all the other pages data as well, it will be good too.
Is there some universal way to do it, which types would you transfer?
Versions of hybris,
Source server: 6.4
Target server: 6.7.0
There is no quick and easy way to export components related to a specific page. At the minimum, you'll need to know what those components are.
If you want to export all components / Types, SAP Commerce 1905's back office has "System > Tools > Script Generator". THere might be something similar in SAP Commerce 6.4 (not sure if this already using backoffice or HMC). However, you will need to review the script and adjust accordingly, since some of them will cause errors when you try to import the exported data.

Kentico - Import Toolkit XML to Custom Page Type

I have an xml and want to import to Kentico 9 as Custom Page type items. Is this possible? I don't have access to the Import Tool Kit and will need to ask someone else to do it, so want to make sure it's doable.
From what I read here, I saw the mention of Pages, but not sure if it includes Custom Page Type.
Yes, you can import to almost any object, including custom page types, within Kentico using a flat file, xml, Excel or another database connection.

Automatic way of export / import pages from liferay

I have created portlets for liferay and prepare couple of pages. Now I want to create installation script, which create pages definition in customer liferay server. I know that pages export/import is possible using LAR file, but this could be done only manualy, or using remote publishing which i am not able to do.
I was searching on net and found ddm tool. Which should be able to do that. Unfortunately i'm not able to get it work as it export only web content, blogs, wikis, etc, but not pages with portlets. It is probably because one of the condition is "Every Template must be assigned to a Structure. Don't create any templates on the Liferay server which does not have a structure connected to it.
". But how can I assign page to structure ? Cant find anything.
Or is there any other option for automatic page creation, which could be used ?
In case you created a custom theme, you can easily use the "resources importer" to create an entire site via the "sitemap.json" file (define pages: choose layout, assign portlets to the columns, ...). You can also export existing content as xml from the current instance and import them via the theme. Same thing for web content structures and templates.
for more details:
Unfortunately theme is produced by another supplier, so this solution isn't suitable for me.
at the end i find working solution which consist of following steps:
create plugin hook
in hook setup upgrade process
in the upgrade process create pages with appropriate layout, friendlyUrl, etc. All these is possible to do using liferay api
Don't have enough reputation, so at least two links

How to export my Hybris website?

I've read the hybris wiki but I wasn't able to find any related information...I have made a website in one hybris platform on localhost, and now I need to get all the content, products, pages, etc and import it in another platform. Do you have any idea how to do this?
You can export your data by writing Export Script.
Creating Headers for Export
Log into the hybris Management Console.
Navigate to System > Tools > Script Generator.
In the Wizard: Script Generator, click on the Advanced Settings tab.
Clear the Document ID check box.
Switch back to the Script tab.
Select [y] hybris MigrationScriptModifier from the Script modifier drop-down menu.
Click the Generate button.
The Script Generator writes the headers for all types in the hybris Commerce Suite into the Script field.
Copy and paste the list of headers into a text editor.
Remove the headers for the types you do not want to export.
Here are the list of some examples ->
Export CMS Content
Users and Addresses
Catalog Version Content
Classification System
For More Information on How to run Export in different ways, Follow this link Impex - User Guide
Quick and dirty db dump:
If you're not worried about overwriting existing data on the other platform, you could simply copy the database over. More than likely you will also need to copy the hybris/data folder, or you'll have missing media references. If you're using MySQL you can use the mysqldump utility. This is the quick easy way if you just need to stand up a UAT environment, for example.
Impex export
The better way would be by creating impex scripts that will export all the items needed. On the hybris wiki, search for "Data Exporter", which is a page containing a link to an HMC extension called advancedexport. It will allow you to set up your export more easily.
There are two scenarios :
1 - You have made all the website configuration by impex files and therefore you will just need to initialise your system on the new platform
2 - You have done all the website configuration manually
If you are running the exact same Hybris version and code, then exporting / importing the data is possible
If you are not running exactly the same platform, then it becomes tricky, you could either use import export functionality (good examples here) or try to generate Jinja templates for each item type (example here)
Another good option for you here will be to use the Hybris-to-Hybris Synchronization which will allow you to transfer all your data by taking advantage of Data Hub. This is a very good solution in cases where you want to keep a good performance in the origin system, or where you are dealing with different version of hybris. See more information on this here.

Liferay - export sitemap to human-readable form

We would like to put our Liferay sitemap to VCS, so new developers can start developing more quickly. So far, I was unable to find out how to export Liferay's sitemap to some human-readable form. Any ideas?
One simple method is to simply access []/sitemap.xml. Although I'm not certain it is clean enough for you. You can see it in action on Liferay's website,
Site Map can be retrieved in two ways. (None of them actually are designed to be human-readable but they can use)
1- XML
Liferay Portal makes this very simple for administrators by generating the sitemap XML automatically for all public web sites.
2- LAR file (Liferay Archive)
The Export / Import tab allows you to export the pages you create into a single file, called a LAR (Liferay Archive). You can then import this file into any server running Liferay, and all of your pages will be copied.
Using the first format, you can generate any kind of human-readable format (like trees), and attaching the second file, you can send the information, and others can upload it.
I hope it works :)
Quotes are from Liferay documentation
