visual studio 2017 remote debugging azure api app: "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document." - azure

I'm trying to remote debug an core 1.1 api app (targeting .net framework 4.5.2) that's running on Azure.
I attach the debugger via Server Explorer. The debugger attaches to the correct process. But any breakpoint I set has the message "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document."
All answers I've seen to such a problem assume that the modules window shows all modules loaded by my project, but in my case the modules window is empty!
I'm on VS2017 15.4.
If I remember correctly, I was previously able to remote debug the same project with version 15.2. The problem started occurring when I updated to 15.3 but I didn't pursue it at the time.

I submitted the problem on the MS forums: Can't remote debug Azure API app
and now I have received an official reply that it is indeed a bug in VS, and a fix will be available in the pending release (15.6).
They also suggested a workaround, which I tried and indeed worked: Manually Attach a Debugger to Azure Web Apps
Which involves:
Going to the web app Application settings in the Azure portal, and making sure that Remote debugging is enabled,
In the VS menu: Debug > Attach to Process..., entering the web app url with the debugging port, e.g.:
Then in the credentials that appears, entering the username & password that are available in the app's Publish Profile, which can be downloaded from the portal. If the username is $myapp, it should be entered like this:
Then choosing Managed(v4.6, v4.5, v4.0) code and then the name of the Core app.
Actually, I had found and unsuccessfully tried similar approaches before. The key for me was step 3. The others had suggested entering the username as .\$myapp, or myapp\$myapp. So make sure to enter it as written above.
BTW, seeing that the above blog post is from almost 2 years ago (Feb 2016), whereas the problem I'm experiencing was introduced only a few months ago, it seems to be a cure-all, and it is therefore worthwhile, for anyone who has to deal with remote debugging Azure apps, to save this information for future reference.
After updating VS 2017 to version 15.5.2 the problem seems to have been fixed.

I have had the same issue with Visual Studio 2019. The fix for me was just to go in the VS menu: Debug > Attach to Process, and try to connect as describe by #Dan Z. The connection was not established, saying No connections found, but attaching a debugger from Cloud Explorer again, right after an attempt in "Debug > Attach to Process" is always successful. That is most probably a bug in VS


Remote debug Azure web job with .NET 6 in Visual Studio 2022

I followed this tutorial to create a simple web job in Azure: The web job itself does its job, consumes the message in the queue and I see them appear in Application Insights.
However, I want to debug the function on my local machine by using the tools available in Visual Studio 2022.
I have published with following profile settings:
Next I've attached the debugger under het Hosting menu:
First thing I noticed is a message about no symbols being loaded when putting a breakpoint in the function:
When I add a message to my queue, it gets consumed by the web job but the breakpoint is never hit. I've been reading a lot of similar questions regarding a this issue but I'm not progressing any further.
In Azure Portal, I've enabled Remote debugging under Configuration > general settings
In Visual Studio 2022, I checked if the correct process is attached
Here I'm a bit confused thou, the connection target is connecting through port 4024, which is according to this document, the port for Visual Studio 2019. However, a connection target with port 4026 is not found.
What am I missing here? Am I forgetting another setting somewhere?
If have tried changing the stack setting .NET version from APS.NET V4.8 to NET 6 (LTS) but that didn't help.
Should the platform architecture match the architecture of my machine in order to get it to work? Or is this not linked in any way with the debugger?
Is there anything else that I should check or try? Because my hair is turning grey here :)
Apologies for the delay here!
It should be 4024 for both 32 and 64 bit.
See this Azure doc: Remote Debugger Ports on Microsoft Azure App Service
Typically, the error “The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.” -- This error message indicates we can start debug process and attach, but cannot set a breakpoint on any or some lines of code in the project.
Most, likely cause: Application is built without debug symbols or debug symbols are not available
Kindly try these steps:
Verify Debug Symbols are being used and published and in sync
Workaround the issue by disabling “Enable Just My Code” from the
Tools >> Options >> Debugging >> general menu in Visual Studio
Other things to narrow-down the issue:
Debug symbols must be available locally or deployed to the Azure App Service, and must match the local code you are trying to debug.
It is recommended to use Cloud Explorer over Server Explorer to
connect and debug which requires the Azure SDK.
You could optionally Manually Attach a Debugger to Azure Web Apps to troubleshoot this further or recommend this as a workaround.
(old blog, try similar steps)
Kindly verify the port (Visual Studio remote debugger port assignments ) required is open in the corporate firewall and on your local machine.
As a test, you may use tool like Wireshark/netmon, to see if the port successfully connects to the port (4024) needed by the process.

How can you debug Classic ASP on an Azure Web App?

I'm using Visual Studio 2015, and a Classic ASP app running on an Azure Web App.
In VS, on the Server Explorer, I can right-click on the Azure Web App and select Attach Debugger.
PROBLEM: it attaches to debug "Managed Code" which isn't helpful since VBScript isn't managed code. I can set breakpoints in the default.asp file (for example) which show up as filled red dots suggesting it's loaded symbols, which is encouraging, but the breakpoint is never hit.
QUESTION: how can I get it to connect and debug "Script"?
FYI I can do this just fine against iisexpress.exe running on my local dev machine. I see "Script, Managed Code" as available options, and can select "Script". The exact same breakpoint gets hit as I'd expect.
Has anyone gotten this working successfully against an Azure Web App? If so, how did you do it?

Debugger can't connect when starting local azure project

Ok, first of; here's what I did:
Install AZURE tools
Start Visual Studio - new Azure project
Add web role ( MVC 4 beta web role)
Hit F5 (debug)
It starts up the storage emulator and the compute emulator and starts to load in runtimes, and then I get a popup saying that the debugger couldn't connect.
Then after some googeling I'm suggested to try to run the application without running the debugger to see if I can acces the application. When I do I get this:
So I figure that IIS does not have permissions to access some file/directory. So I go to IIS and look up the application pool running the app, and it tells me that the identity in use is NetworkService, then I go give NetworkService full permissions to the entirety of the folder IIS has set for the application (which also happens to be the path to the project dir). Still I get the same error. Now I'm more or less out of ideas, but I try one last thing, which is to also give IUSR full permissions to the same dir, but this did not help either.
How can I go about resolving this problem? I haven't tried actually launching my project to Azure yet, cause if I can't even get it to work in development I don't see much point. Any and all help would be appreciated.
I ran into the same error today after uninstalling .NET 4.5/Visual Studio 11 Dev Preview, then installing ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta (this is before Feb 29th when the updated VS 2011 Preview drops).
Since I uninstalled .net 4.5, you just need to do an "aspnet_regiis -i" to ensure the .net framework (4.0) is set up with IIS 7.x this worked for me.
Edit: This will work if you uninstall/then manually install Visual Studio 2012 RTM as well.
I had a similar error yesterday. For me the problem was that the output of the build was empty in the target folder.
I tried to answer a similar question
Check %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\dftmp\IISConfiguratorLogs\IISConfigurator.log
file for the error messages. Mode details at
Make sure that the build output of your project is not empty. You can do this by going to IIS, find the site with the name similar to
'deployment16(6).WindowsAzureProject2.WebApplication3_IN_0', right
click --> Explore.... Make sure that this folder is not empty and
contains all the files required to start a web project successfully.
As for the Access Denied error:
it could be just an IIS default setting to disable browsing. To resolve that, just navigate to that web site in IIS, find Directory Browsing icon, and press Enable. You will at least see the files inside that directory.
Also try not only, buta specific document inside that folder, like
Take into account the fact that there's sometimes some mess with the ports. You see that in the error message it's port 82, but in your browser it's port 81. So make sure you're using the right port. Or, even better, in your service definition try to use some non-standard port for this to avoid remapping.
I've met the same issue. In the end, I had to reinstall IIS 7.
I got this exact same error and tried a re-install of IIS and the Azure SDK - nothing worked.
Eventually tracked it down to the "IIS URL Rewrite Module 2". I went to the Control Panel and chose Repair and it resolved it. If you have a section in your web.config then this might be the cause.
Follow step 11 from Worked for me on Windows 8 with Oct 2012 SDk when upgraded from 2011.

Debugging Azure: Error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process

I have a web application to deploy to Windows Azure. I try to run it on local first. But when debugging, I catch this error from VS2010:
"There was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process
for URL '' for role instance
Unable to start debugging on the web server ......."
I've search so hard to find the solution for this problem but there's nothing seems work for me. I'm a newbie in Windows Azure, it's really a big trouble with me.
I had similar problem with Windows 8, debuging a cloud application with Visual Studio 2012 RTM and Azure SDK 1.71, when trying to launch the application into the compute emulator. It was a very simple app, but I used Azure diagnostics. At the end these are two things I have changed that have work for me, both turning on Windows 8 features (so go to Win8 and open 'Turn Windows Features On/Off'.
Activate the checkboxes for:
Internet Information Services Hostable Web Core
Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Application Development Features > ASP.NET 4.5
Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Health and Diagnostics > Tracing
Internet Information Services > Web Management Tools > IIS Management Scripts and Tools
That worked for me, it makes sense, as I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and trying to get some trace information using diagnostics in Azure.
I hope this will work for you or give some tip about the problem. In the case of being useful information, remember to vote as response or as value tip.
This usually happens when there's a problem with the project to be deployed to the emulator (WindowsAzureProject2 in your case).
Try the following:
Check %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\dftmp\IISConfiguratorLogs\IISConfigurator.log file for the error messages. See more details in this answer.
Make sure your project can be started without the emulator. It's a web project, so just try to start it as a regular web project. Or publish it to the separate folder and try to create a website in IIS of it.
Check your *.csdef and *.cscfg files to make sure all the configuration is correct.
Make sure that the build output of your project is not empty. You can do this by going to IIS, find the site with the name similar to deployment16(6).WindowsAzureProject2.WebApplication3_IN_0, right click --> Explore.... Make sure that this folder is not empty and contains all the files required to start a web project successfully.
BTW, there's a similar question: Debugger can't connect when starting local azure project
Follow step 11 from Worked for me on Windows 8 with Oct 2012 SDk
I just have today the same problem trying to Debug locally with Azure Storage Emulator in Windows 7. So in the Azure project properties, in Web tab, I checked the radio button 'Use IIS Express' and it debugged without problem. I hope this helps someone.
I encountered this exact same problem when I upgraded an existing Azure solution to the Azure SDK 2.1. After some hunting around I uncovered that the upgrade had automatically set the "Local Development Server" setting to "Use IIS Web Server".
Changing the "Local Development Server" setting to "Use IIS Express" fixed the problem immediately.
To access this setting right-click the Azure cloud project file in your solution, select the "Properties" option, tab down to "Web" and you'll see the following setup.
Also, make sure you run Visual Studio as administrator
Please check the version of emulator you have installed. If your code is created in older sdk and you have a new emulator installed it will give you this error.
Check the version of Azure APIs in your project, go to Project > references and right click on Azure dlls to check the version, same sdk version must be installed on the system, higher are optional as azure 2.x are not backward compatible.

Azure - error on starting with multiple web role projects

If I have more than one webroles(projects, not instances) in my application, I get this error: (I only get it if I attach a web role. It works fine wit as many worker roles projects as I want)
Microsoft Visual Studio
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio
There was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process for URL '' for role instance 'deployment(21).CloudPOC.WebRoleToHostDataService.0'. Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server is not configured correctly. See help for common configuration errors. Running the web page outside of the debugger may provide further information.
Click Help for more information.
What is wrong here? I can't understand it and I need a webservice project!
Make sure you are starting the Azure project rather than the Web Project itself. You might have set the Web Role as the startup project, and if you do that you'll find that IIS runs the Web App rather than the Azure Dev Fabric, meaning any Dev Fabric specific stuff (like config settings per role) aren't available causing problems.
What you're meant to do is let the Azure Dev Fabric (Compute Simulator) fire up all your roles for you, and it'll also work out if it needs to open a web browser etc.
So right click on the Azure Cloud project, set that as the Startup Project, and try again.
Hope that helps,
EDIT thought of something else!
Make sure your web.config is compiling to allow debug="true". If you have added a new WebSite to your solution, it won't be so by default:
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
I had similar issue which got resolved with following steps.
Make sure you have correct version of .net framework 4.0 is intalled. (.Net Framework 4.0.30319 is the latest version)
Uninstall if there isany other .Net 4.0 framework in present on your system by going to Add And Remove programs.
Go to %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64 physical location and remove unwanted .Net framework 4.0 folder
I've also had this problem and it happened when I upgraded my app to 4.0... I ran without debugging and got the following error:
There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' section defined
and after researching that error, I found this:
which says there's currently a bug w/ vs2010 and 4.0... I took the answers recommendation and commented out the extensions section and it worked for me... Another possible solution.
