How to enter pass and username inside script - linux

I wrote a shell script and ı will set it into crontab but ı have a problem. When crontab run my script, running scp command inside script and get some informations from different server so ı have to enter password of other server inside my script. How to enter password inside script ?
my script:
scp username#host:/Products/data/bridge/control.txt .
????? ( have to automatically enter password)
b=$(more control.txt | wc -l)
if [$b = 1]; then
echo " OK "

You could use expect, for example:
expect -c "spawn scp username#host:/Products/data/bridge/control.txt .; expect \"password\" {send -- \"${my_password}\r\"; expect eof;};"


Is there a way to automatically answer for user prompt when doing ssh in a shell script without using expect or spawn?

I'm trying to test ssh trust between a linux box against 12 other linux boxes using a shell script and I'm trying to pass user input as 'yes' for the question below automatically.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
but the script is failing with error 'Host key verification failed'. I manually executed the ssh command with << EOT on one of the server but the I still get user prompt question. Is there any-other way to pass input value for user prompts automatically while running ssh command?
Note: I cannot use spawn or except do you some system limitation and I cannot install them due to organisations access restrictions.
I tried with the following options but none of them worked for me
[command] << [EOT, EOL, EOF]
echo 'yes'
yes | ./
printf "yes" | ./
echo "yes" | ./
./ 'read -p "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?";echo "yes"'
for server in `cat server_list` ; do
UPPER_MACHINE_NAME=`echo $server | cut -d '.' -f 1`
ssh -tt user#$UPPER_MACHINE_NAME << EOT
echo 'yes'
touch /usr/Finastra/sshtest.txt

"Cache" credentials on a bash script

I have created a bash script to run a few js scripts into MongoDB. Basically, what I am doing is, running the bash script and passing a parameter in this case called version, example:
./ 1.0
That will go and execute all scripts for the version 1.0. Now, it is possible that MongoDB requires authentication user/pass, so I have an option in the script execution that will ask the user if it requires authentication.
read -p "Username: " mongo_user; read -s -p "Password: " mongo_pass;
My question is: what would be the best way to kind cache the same credentials to call the script multiple times? For example:
./ 1.0
./ 1.1
./ 1.2 and on..
I don't want to type in the same credentials every time the script runs.
As stated in my comment here's how I did it:
Thanks for Charles Duffy for the printf solution:
ePass() {
read -sp "Password: " pass
echo ""
printf '%s\n' "$pass" | perl -e 'chomp($passwd=<>); chomp($encoded=pack("u",$passwd));print "$encoded\n"' > .pswd
cat .pswd
dPass() {
dPass=`cat .pswd | perl -e 'chomp($encoded=<>); chomp($passwd=unpack("u",$encoded)); print "$passwd\n"'`
echo $dPass
You can add these functions to your script. When you want to set the password ePass will do:
[KUBO#home ~]$ ./
It will mask the input to avoid over-the-shoulder reading. Then it will echo the encoded output (remove after testing):
Password: Hello >>> %2&5L;&\`
Then you dPass:
So when you call your mongo scripts you can use the dPass output as your arg.
The best way would be setting an environment variable and reading that variable every time.
comp#rangeesh:~$ export USERNAME=user
comp#rangeesh:~$ export PASSWORD=pass
comp#rangeesh:~$ echo $USERNAME
comp#rangeesh:~$ echo $PASSWORD
using the same way you could use the environment variable for a valid session or global var

expect, interact and then again expect

There are several posts regarding the same, but i still not able to make my expect script work properly. My intention is to automate everything but leave the password enter for the user. So there are 3 parts of the script:
automated login
give the user interaction to enter the password
give control back to Expect script to continue work
So i have script which will be spawned and which have 3 read commands. First and last should be filled by Expect and second one i would like to enter my self:
read user?User:
echo "Expect entered the username $user"
read pass?Password:
echo "User entered the password $pass"
read command?"Shell>"
echo "Expect entered the command $command"
My expect script:
spawn ./some_script
expect User
send I-am-expect\r
expect Password
expect Shell
send I-am-expect-again
Unfortunately after i have entered the password the script does not continue and left in the interact mode:
[root#localhost ~]# ./my-expect
spawn ./some_script
Expect entered the username I-am-expect
Password:i am user
User entered the password i am user
And finally when i entering something on the "Shell" and pressing [ENTER] expect exits with the error:
Expect entered the command
expect: spawn id exp4 not open
while executing
"expect Shell"
(file "./my-expect" line 7)
[root#localhost ~]#
I appriciate any explanation or resolution of this issue. I am using expect version 5.45
You can read (expect_user) the user's password by yourself and then send it to the spawn'ed program. For example:
[STEP 101] # cat foo.exp
proc expect_prompt {} \
global spawn_id
expect -re {bash-[.0-9]+(#|\$)}
spawn ssh -t bash --noprofile --norc
expect "password: "
stty -echo
expect_user -timeout 3600 -re "(.*)\[\r\n]"
stty echo
send "$expect_out(1,string)\r"
send "exit\r"
expect eof
[STEP 102] # expect foo.exp
spawn ssh -t bash --noprofile --norc
root#'s password:
bash-4.3# exit
Connection to closed.
[STEP 103] #
The interact should be given with proper condition for the exit criteria.
The following script will execute the user commands in the shell
read -p "User: " user
echo "Expect entered the username $user"
read -p "Password: " pass
echo "User entered the password $pass"
while :
# Simply executing the user inputs in the shell
read -p "Shell> " command
spawn ./
expect User
send dinesh\r
expect Password
send welcome!2E\r
expect Shell>
puts "\nUser can interact now..."
puts -nonewline "Type 'proceed' for the script to take over\nShell> "
while 1 {
interact "proceed" {puts "User interaction completed.";break}
puts "Script take over the control now.."
# Now, sending 'whoami' command from script to shell
send "whoami\r"
expect Shell>
# Your further code here...
The script automateCmdsExec.exp will address the login needs of the bash script and when the prompt arrives, it will hand over the control to user.
We should define an exit criteria for the interact for which I have used the word proceed. (You can alter it as per your need).
Once interact matched the word proceed. it will return the control back to the expect script.
For demo purpose, I kept one more send-expect pair of command.
send "whoami\r"
expect Shell>
You can keep your further code below the interact, thus it can be executed by script.

How to pass a value from bash into expect?

I've got a really simple bash script which requires expect.
I need to pass a value from bash into expect and I'm not trying to ssh into another server or anything (cause I only seem to find questions regarding logging into another server via ssh).
The idea is simply something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Please enter your password: "
x=$(expect -c '
spawn su -c 'whoami'
expect "Password:"
send "$PASSWD\r"
So this doesn't work. The expect shell doesn't recognize the $PASSWD variable.
How may this be accomplished?
Thank you.
Another option would be to store the PASSWD in the environment and let expect pick it up there:
read -p "Your password: " passwd
export passwd
expect -c '... ; send "$env(passwd)\r"; ...'
Probably the best choice security-wise is have expect prompt for the password: then, the password will not show up on the command line nor in the environment.
expect -c <<'END'
stty -echo
send_user "Your password: "
expect_user -re "(.*)\n"
send_user "\n"
set passwd $expect_out(1,string)
stty echo
# your script starts here
send "$passwd\r"
Variables within single quotes are not expanded by the shell, that's why in this case $PASSWD remains the literal string $PASSWD.
Try changing the quotes:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Please enter your password: "
x=$(expect -c "
spawn su -c 'whoami'
expect 'Password:'
send '$PASSWD\r'
One more note: you should be aware that this could pose a security risk, as the password will be visible in plaintext in the process list while the command is running.

Linux script - password step cuts the flow

Lets assume the script i want to write ssh to and then invokes
The problem is that when the line "ssh" is invoked, a password is
Required, hence, the flow is stopped, even when i fill the password,
The script wont continue.
How can i make the script continue after the password is given?
You want to do public key authentication. Here are some resources which should get you going.
I would post a couple more links, but I don't have enough reputation points. ;) Just google on "SSH automated login" or "SSH public key authentication" if you need more help.
Actually you're trying to run ls locally but you have an ssh session opened. So it won't run ls until the session is opened. If you want to run ls remotely, you should use
ssh username#host COMMAND
Where command is the command you want to run. Ssh session will finish as soon as the command is invoked and you can capture its output normally.
I would suggest you to use RSA authentication method for script that needs ssh.
I just tried this script:
ssh vps1 ls
mkdir temp
cd temp
echo test > file.txt
And it works. I can connect to my server and list my home. Then, locally, it creates temp dir, cd into it and then creates file.txt with 'test' inside.
write simple login bash script named login_to and give exec permissions (chmod 744 login_to)
if [ $1 = 'srv1' ]; then
echo 'srv1-pass' | pbcopy
ssh root#
if [ $1 = 'foo' ]; then
echo 'barbaz' | pbcopy
ssh -t dux# 'cd ~/somedir/someotherdir; bash'
now use it like this
login_to srv1
login_to foo
When asked for password, just pate (ctrl+v or command+v) and you will be logged in.
