Could not run MongoDB after installed it into my Node.js - node.js

I have installed mongoDB into my Node.js (I implemented on Cloud 9 platform) with this command sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org, after I installed it, I tried to run my mongoDB with command line ./mongod . However, it showed the message like the picture here, which made me unable to keep it running, I have used information from this question to help me, but it could not work ,what may be the problem of it?


Error "No package postgresql12-server available" how to install postgres sql on oracle linux

I am trying to install postgress on oracle linux (checked on oracle linux 7.5 and 6.8) using the following command. ( )
sudo yum install -y
But when I run this command it takes some time and gives following error.
No package postgresql12-server available
Error: Nothing to do
Then I tried `yum install postgressql-server. Then it gives error.
No package postgressql-server available
I can use docker and run it from a docker container. But I found out it is only for dev and testing only.
I tried with different versions of postgres and same issue occurs.
can someone point out what is the issue here. I did find so much but still couldnt find a solution.

Linux AWS still looking for uninstalled version of Node and of NPM

I'm fairly new to Linux systems, so sorry if the question is too basic. I am using Amazon Linux 2 AMI.
I had installed version 16.4.2 of NodeJS at the beginning and was giving me compatibilities issues. Hence I tried to uninstall it and then install version 14.15.5 (which was stable on my local dev).
To uninstall the new version, I ran the command sudo yum remove nodejs and it apparently uninstalled NodeJS. Then I installed the old version via first curl -sL | sudo bash - and then sudo yum install -y nodejs (it said it was successful). But finally I ran the command node -v to only get:
-bash: /home/ec2-user/.nvm/versions/node/v16.4.2/bin/node: No such file or directory
So he's still looking for the version I uninstalled. How can I completely remove the new version and finally get the new version installed, please?
Thanks in advance!
For anybody arriving at this post: after uninstallation, everything I had to do was stopping and rebooting the instance. Then the old version was recognized.
Try exiting and reconnecting to the EC2 instance, it helps everytime. Also, if you haven't already upgraded the nodejs version you can upgrade using this link once done, exit the instance and reconnect, works everytime.

python3 how to install couchdb module on raspbian

I have spent a couple of months developing an application that uses the python module for couchdb, and now I want to deploy it, I can't remember how I first installed it, I thought it was a simple:
sudo apt-get install couchdb-python
but I seem to have got that wrong, how can I get this now for python3 please?

How does one get docker running on Ubuntu 16 and remove old installs?

I had taken a course on a training site that first suggested using sudo apt-get install or docker-io. The instructor then explained that this is an old method. So, then, without mentioning removing that version, he says to add a repo and use sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get install docker lxc-docker. I saw the errors when I tried to see if it was running after this and to pull an image, not in that order - I mean I wouldn't try to pull if it wasn't running.
Anyway, I cannot seem to get it to start. I got this error instead
Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code. I setup a full gist to show the complete output.
First I should note, that I do have docker installed in /usr/bin/docker and while I don't see a lxc-docker there are files in there that seem to relate to docker and start with lxc.
The gist is at:
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The installation on Ubuntu docs have steps for this. Basically, add the current apt source:
deb ubuntu-xenial main
Then update the cache and remove the old package:
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get purge lxc-docker
Then you should be able to install the latest version - check with docker version and it will be (as of today) 1.12.1.

Ubuntu 14 nodejs install with apt-get node fails to run in console

I have run sudo apt-get install nodejs and I expected that when I now type node in the terminal I would go into the node shell. or if I type node --version I would see the version instead nothing happens no errors, results, anything the terminal just goes to a new line like I pressed enter without typing anything. ive been googling for the last two hours and have found nothing.
after a lot of looking I found a package called "node" installed which is some sort of radio package and has nothing to do with nodejs I believe it was causing conflicts particularly with web storm which I believe was picking up that package and getting very confused. after removing that everything was working again.
I also noted that I was typing node --version and I should have typed nodejs --version. Hopefully this helps someone else that accidentally installs the "node" amateur radio package
Use this commands
sudo apt install curl
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs
