python3 how to install couchdb module on raspbian - python-3.x

I have spent a couple of months developing an application that uses the python module for couchdb, and now I want to deploy it, I can't remember how I first installed it, I thought it was a simple:
sudo apt-get install couchdb-python
but I seem to have got that wrong, how can I get this now for python3 please?


Trouble met when installing PCL on Ubuntu 18.04

I have trouble in installing PCL 1.9 on my Ubuntu 18.04. Could anybody please help? Really thanks.
I already tried as many tutorials on the Internet. However they both won't work.
When trying to add ppa source and use apt/apt-get to install libpcl-all, it seems that the source doesn't work for ubuntu18.
When I was trying to build the PCL myself, on Ubuntu 18.04, it has lots of dependencies problems. Many tutorials say that using apt to install the dependencies, however some libraries are not available in apt.
There are some people suggesting to use apt install libpcl-dev. Although there is no errors in installation, when I tried to compile an example code, it still doesn't work.
Using pcl-trunk might be your best choice.
git clone pcl-trunk
cd pcl-trunk && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Could not run MongoDB after installed it into my Node.js

I have installed mongoDB into my Node.js (I implemented on Cloud 9 platform) with this command sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org, after I installed it, I tried to run my mongoDB with command line ./mongod . However, it showed the message like the picture here, which made me unable to keep it running, I have used information from this question to help me, but it could not work ,what may be the problem of it?

No dashboard/terminal/sidebar displayed in ubuntu 14.04 after removing python3.4

Problem summary: No dashboard/terminal/sidebar displayed in Ubuntu 14.04 after uninstalling Python3.4
How it happened: I was working on a project which requires Python3.5 . My Ubuntu 14.04.5 had already Python3.4 installed in it. After installing Python3.5, I removed Python3.4 as I was facing some problem.
While uninstalling Python3.4(using 'sudo apt-get remove python3.4'), I realized that I have made a mistake by uninstalling it, as it caused to remove many other packages related to display/software updates/other display related packages.
I reinstalled the Python3.4 package and rebooted the system. But then I found that the desktop of my system is not coming properly. There is no dashboard/sidebar/terminal/settings option visible. Even ctr+alt+T not working.
Tried Solution: I installed python3.4/ubuntu-desktop/software-center packages there(using ctr+alt+F1) but they did not improve the situation. I still don't understand which packages I need to install in order to fix this. I appreciate any help for it.
I landed up in the same situation, doing the same thing as you. To make matters worse (may be) I even tried to uninstall Python2. My thinking was, if I have Python3, why do I need 2?
Anyway, I was scrambling to find a fix, when I came across your query, which gave me an idea. I hit Ctrl+Alt+F1, and at the command prompt issued this command:
sudo apt-get install unity
That fixed the issue.
I realize you may have already resolved the issue, but I figured this might help others.

Step by step: Installing Python 3.3, Lighttpd & Pymongo on Ubuntu 12.04

I'm currently migrating to new computer and I need to reinstall the software I am using which are:
Python 3.3,
Lighttpd (newest version),
Pymongo (newest version),
Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop (The System I'm using)
I started to install Python 3.3 by downloading it from the its official website (in tar.bz2 file) and by following this tutorial. Afterwards I installed Lighttpd and changed the lighttpd.conf for Python by following this tutorial, too.
I tried several paths for my cgi.assign, none of them worked. Especially /opt/python3.3/bin/python3.3 should be working, but it shows 500 - internal Server error all the time with a "hello world" test script.
Now regardless to this problem I have no clue on installing Pymongo. If I try to intall pip OR easy_install python3.3 I have to manually download it and execute the with my python3.3 executable, right? Because this always fails with an error:
`Error missing zlib on a bundle called distribute-0.7.3 (is this even the right tool I need, because it seems to be a legacy wrapper !?) or unknown url type: https for pymongo2.6.2 itself.`
I'm getting crazy with this setup. Why is this so difficult to handle? Other programs are just a few clicks to install even on a system like Ubuntu, but these particular development tools seem to be really difficult to install.If anybody has an idea on how to install all three together or has information on a better solution please help me out.
The system is used to program Python scripts in Eclipse and trying them out directly on the system (lighttpd). The database used is MongoDB. Python and MongoDB are communicating over the Pymongo driver. I am planning to use the system on a Server distribution on release and it has to be nicely scalable on a high amount of excecutions.
Thanks for your time,
It's easiest to use the Ubuntu repositories:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip lightppd python-pymongo
Or if that only installs the python2.x pymongo, use pip, which you've just installed:
sudo pip-3.3 install pymongo
Or better yet, use a virtualenv with the help of virtualenvwrapper (docs)
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
... # follow instructions for installing virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 -i pymongo mongoppd
workon mongoppd
... which will segregate the environment I've called 'mongoppd' from the rest of your system so you can't cause any trouble. Then you don't need sudo to pip-3.3 install things, just workon mongoppd then pip-3.3 install [...]. Or after the -i flag when you create the virtualenv to get it installed straight away.
In general, on Ubuntu, you should hardly ever have to install something manually. Your first attempt should be using sudo apt-get install (use tab-complete to see what's available or just google "ubuntu 12.04 packages [...]" and you'll find the list of packages). Then for python use pip install or pip-3.3 install as appropriate. You'll only need to run python install if you need to install a development version of a package or something obscure that's not on pip. I don't think there's a good reason to ever use easy_install these days.

Install Gnome without using yum on centos 4

I'm using CentOS 4.8 , i386.
I would appreciate if any one can help me to install Gnome (or any other GUI) while there is no yum available.
I tried to install yum but since It's a company's server with many things installed on it,
I faced with many problems.
However I decided to find a way to install Gnome without using yum
And please take note:
I'm a neophyte!
Did you try getting the source-code and building it manually?
You can get the code from
GNOME also provides a build tool to make the installation easier.
But, as it has already been pointed out - Servers are best managed over command line. It will give you more power and control over what you are doing.
