I have a series of log files in text file format.
The document format is this:
[2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z] Branch indexing
[2021-12-11T10:21:30.374Z] Starting the program with default pipeID
[2021-12-11T10:21:30.374Z] Running with durable level: max_survivbility will make this program crash if left running for 20 minutes
[2021-12-11T10:21:30.374Z] Starting the program with default pipeID
Each line in the document starts with:[2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z]
I want to remove the first set of characters that represent date and timestamp and have a result something like this:
Branch indexing
Starting the program with default pipeID
Running with durable level: max_survivbility will make this program crash if left running for 20 minutes
Starting the program with default pipeID
Can anyone please help me explain how I can do this?
I tried to use this method but it doesn't work since I have '[]' in the date stamp.
import re
text = "[2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z] Branch indexing"
re.sub("[.*?]", "", text)
This doesn't work for me.
If I try the same method on a text like text = "<2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z> Branch indexing".
import re
text = "<2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z> Branch indexing"
re.sub("<.*?>", "", text)
It removes <2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z>. Why does this not work with [2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z]?
I need help removing every instance of this format "[2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z]" in all the log files.
Thank you so much.
I'd rather go with a simple solution for this case, pal. Split the string where the ] ends, then trim the second element of the resulting list, to remove all those extra spaces and then print it, bud. Hope this helps, cheers!
import re
text = "[2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z] Branch indexing"
print(re.split("]", text)[1].strip())
Your current regex pattern is off because square brackets are regex metacharacters which need to be escaped. Also, you should be running the regex in multiline mode. And the timestamp pattern should be more generic.
text = re.sub(r'^\[.*?\]\s+', '', text, flags=re.M)
I'm currently working on a Steam bot project that trades Steam items for Game keys. I'm already done with all the trading part, and the only part missing now is the part where the script actually looks for a key in my txt file. (one key per line)
I have a variable ready called totalKeyWeGive that outputs 1 , 2 , 3 etc depending on how many keys is the user buying.
So now I want to 1. get 1 , 2 , 3 etc keys from my file, then move these used keys to another file.
How can I do that ?
this is the part that I need to modify (everything is working) :
console.log("OFFER ACCEPTED");
//loop on how much we give the key
//get steamkey from file here ------
var textMsg = "Hello ! You bought "+totalKeyWeGive+ " Game keys. Your keys are: "
client.chatMessage(offer.partner.getSteamID64(), textMsg);
Thanks to everyone who will take the time to read this post. It's kinda messy, sorry about that :/
Not sure how the keys are organized in the txt file, but assuming they are one per line you could do something like this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38843461/4686055
That is, before removing the line, save it in memory and write it to the target file.
Send an interval to slice() to remove multiple lines. Check this out for an example of how it works: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/slice
Hope this helps!
Update: an alternative approach could be to use the readlines module instead of reading the entire file into memory: https://nodejs.org/api/readline.html#readline_example_read_file_stream_line_by_line
So This is related to my other two posts. Im dealing with extracting text from a text file and analyzing it and I've run into some problems. For A while I've been using a method that sets all the text between two other strings as a variable, but here is the situation I have. I need to extract the speed (numbers) from the below string: "etc...,query":{"ping":47855},"cmts":...etc. The problem is that the text cmts sometimes changes to something else so really I need to extract all the numbers from this:
One more thing that makes this difficult is that the characters }," Are all over the file. Thank you for helping me! -Lucas EDG Programmer.
Here's the full file:
{"_id":53291,"ip":"","domain":"jectile.com","port":25565,"url":"","date_add":1453897770,"status":1,"scan":1,"uptime":99.53,"last_update":1485436105,"geo":{"country":"US","country_name":"United States","city":"Lake Forest"},"info":{"name":" Jectile | jectile.com [1.8-1.11]\n Shoota (Call of Duty) \/ Zambies (Zombie Survival)","type":"FML","version":"1.10","plugins":[],"players":18,"max_players":420,"players_list":[],"map":"world","software":"BungeeCord 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x","avg_player_day":24.458333,"avg_load_day":5.8234,"platform":"MINECRAFT","icon":true},"counter":{"online":47871,"offline":228,"players":{"date":"2017-01-26","total":0},"last_offline":0,"query":{"ping":47855},"cmts":1},"rating":{"main":19.24,"difference":-0.64,"content_up":0.15,"K":0},"last":{"offline":1485415702,"online":1485436105},"chart":{"14:30":14,"14:40":16,"14:50":15,"15:00":18,"15:10":12,"15:20":13,"15:30":9,"15:40":9,"15:50":11,"16:00":12,"16:10":11,"16:20":11,"16:30":18,"16:40":25,"16:50":23,"17:00":27,"17:10":27,"17:20":23,"17:30":24,"17:40":26,"17:50":33,"18:00":31,"18:10":31,"18:20":32,"18:30":37,"18:40":38,"18:50":39,"19:00":38,"19:10":34,"19:20":33,"19:30":40,"19:40":36,"19:50":37,"20:00":38,"20:10":36,"20:20":38,"20:30":37,"20:40":37,"20:50":37,"21:00":34,"21:10":32,"21:20":33,"21:30":33,"21:40":29,"21:50":28,"22:00":26,"22:10":21,"22:20":24,"22:30":29,"22:40":22,"22:50":23,"23:00":27,"23:10":24,"23:20":26,"23:30":25,"23:40":28,"23:50":27,"00:00":32,"00:10":29,"00:20":33,"00:30":32,"00:40":31,"00:50":33,"01:00":40,"01:10":40,"01:20":40,"01:30":41,"01:40":45,"01:50":48,"02:00":43,"02:10":45,"02:20":46,"02:30":46,"02:40":43,"02:50":42,"03:00":39,"03:10":36,"03:20":44,"03:30":34,"03:40":0,"03:50":32,"04:00":35,"04:10":35,"04:20":33,"04:30":43,"04:40":37,"04:50":26,"05:00":31,"05:10":31,"05:20":27,"05:30":25,"05:40":26,"05:50":18,"06:00":13,"06:10":15,"06:20":17,"06:30":18,"06:40":17,"06:50":15,"07:00":16,"07:10":17,"07:20":16,"07:30":16,"07:40":18,"07:50":19,"08:00":14,"08:10":12,"08:20":12,"08:30":13,"08:40":17,"08:50":20,"09:00":18,"09:10":0,"09:20":0,"09:30":27,"09:40":18,"09:50":20,"10:00":15,"10:10":13,"10:20":12,"10:30":10,"10:40":10,"10:50":11,"11:00":13,"11:10":13,"11:20":16,"11:30":19,"11:40":17,"11:50":13,"12:00":10,"12:10":11,"12:20":12,"12:30":16,"12:40":15,"12:50":16,"13:00":14,"13:10":10,"13:20":13,"13:30":16,"13:40":16,"13:50":17,"14:00":20,"14:10":16,"14:20":16},"query":"ping","max_stat":{"max_online":{"date":1470764061,"players":129}},"status_query":"ok"}
By the way, the reason things change is because it looks at info from different servers
Very similar to ther answer I gave you to your first question:
#Echo Off
Set/P var=<some.json
Set var=%var:*:{"ping":=%
Set var=%var:},=&:%
Timeout -1