Stored procedure varchar output parameter - varchar

Yesterday, I noticed something odd when returning a varchar(100) output parameter from my stored procedure in my application. It appears that the returned value is now including the extra white spaces to return a full 100 characters. This behavior is new. The only thing I have changed recently is migrating the project from VS 2015 to 2017. I am using System.Data.SQLClient to connect to the database. Select statements for varchar columns return just the values in the columns and no extra white spaces. Ansi_padding is off for the database and is not set any where in the code.
set #Message = 'Project Updated!' --where #Message is varchar(100)
This will return to the client.
_UpdateStatus = oData.outputParams.Item("#Message")
_UpdateStatus = "Project Updated! "
Any ideas as to what is happening?

Lazy solution:
_UpdateStatus = ((string)oData.outputParams.Item("#Message")).Trim()


How to use a MariaDB prepared statement query in nodejs?

I've been searching for a method to make this MariaDB prepared statement to be able to run in node.js. The problem here is that the search term "MariaDB prepared statement in node.js" does not return results that I am looking for.
To clarify much further, I have a MariaDB prepared statement like below and I've been using it for most of my customized reports that my employer requested:
SET #columns := NULL;
SET #sql := NULL;
SET #df := '2022-01-07';
SET #dt := CURDATE();
SET #pc := 'barcode IN ("111", "222", "333")';
CONCAT('SUM(CASE WHEN barcode="',barcode,'" then sold_qty else 0 END) AS "',
product_name,' \r\n ---- \r\n Sold Qty"')
CONCAT('SUM(CASE WHEN barcode="',barcode,'" then sales_amt else 0 END) AS "',
product_name,' \r\n ---- \r\n Sales Amt"') END SEPARATOR ', \r\n' ) INTO #columns
FROM products
WHERE barcode IN ("111", "222", "333");
FROM (',
') v
WHERE sales_date >= "',#df,'"
AND sales_date < "',#dt,'"
GROUP BY sales_date;') into #sql
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name LIKE 'sales_tbl%'
Basically, I'm generating a pivot query and I'm creating the columns and defining the tables (for the UNION ALL) dynamically. My node.js (or even javascript) knowledge so far is still quite beginner-ish so I attempt to re-create this prepared statement query as-is and obviously failed. I do understand why it's not working though. I've tried multiple search terms to find any question in SO that is related to my issue but I couldn't find one.
The query does pretty well for me so I don't really have any issue with it. It's just that, I'm looking to develop a customizable web report app that everybody in my organization can use.
Here's a fiddle for reference.
After further testing, I can actually use the prepared statement as-is in node.js but it requires me to add multipleStatements: true for the node.js mysql client; which I'm familiar with as I did use this method for my older projects however, it comes to my attention that using this setting is not exactly safe. I have an older question regarding this as well. Even though the web-app I'm building is just for internal usage, I (try to) prevent using unsafe practices.

Update multiple column with bind variable using cx_Oracle.executemany()

I have been trying to update some columns of a database table using cx_Oracle in Python. I created a list named check_to_process which is a result of another sql query. I am creating log_msg in the program based on success or failure and want to update same in the table only for records in check_to_process list. When I update the table without using bind variable <MESSAGE = %s>, it works fine. But when I try to use bind variable to update the columns it gives me error :
cursor.executemany("UPDATE apps.SLCAP_CITI_PAYMENT_BATCH SET MESSAGE = %s, "
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
Below is the code, I am using:
import cx_Oracle
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(user=os.environ['ORA_DB_USR'], password=os.environ['ORA_DB_PWD'], dsn=os.environ['ORA_DSN'])
cursor = connection.cursor()
check_to_process = ['ACHRMUS-20-OCT-2021 00:12:57', 'ACHRMUS-12-OCT-2021 16:12:01']
placeholders = ','.join(":x%d" % i for i,_ in enumerate(check_to_process))
log_msg = 'Success'
cursor.executemany("UPDATE apps.SLCAP_CITI_PAYMENT_BATCH SET MESSAGE = %s, "
[(i,) for i in check_to_process], log_msg, arraydmlrowcounts=True)
Many thanks for suggestions and insights!
Your code has an odd mix of string substitution (the %s) and bind variable placeholders (the :1). And odd code that creates bind variable placeholders that aren't used. Passing log_msg the way you do isn't going to work, since executemany() syntax doesn't support string substitution.
You probably want to use some kind of IN list, as shown in the cx_Oracle documentation Binding Multiple Values to a SQL WHERE IN Clause. Various solutions are shown there, depending on the number of values and frequency that the statement will be re-executed.
Use only bind variables. You should be able to use execute() instead of executemany(). Effectively you would do:
cursor.execute("""UPDATE apps.SLCAP_CITI_PAYMENT_BATCH
WHERE PAYMENT_BATCH_NAME IN (something goes here - see the doc)""",
The bottom line is: read the documentation and review examples like If you still have problems, refine your question, correct it, and add more detail.

Condition IF In Power Query's Advanced Editor

I have a field named field, and I would like to see if it is null, but I get an error in the query, my code is this:
Condition= Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="test_table"]}[Content],
field= Condition{0}[fieldColumn],
query1="select * from students",
if field <> null then query1=query1 & " where id = '"& field &"',
exec= Oracle.Database("TESTING",[Query=query1])
but I get an error in the condition, do you identify the mistake?
I got Expression.SyntaxError: Token Identifier expected.
You need to assign the if line to a variable. Each M line needs to start with an assignment:
Condition= Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="test_table"]}[Content],
field= Condition{0}[fieldColumn],
query1="select * from students",
query2 = if field <> null then query1 & " some stuff" else " some other stuff",
exec= Oracle.Database("TESTING",[Query=query2])
In query2 you can build the select statement. I simplified it, because you also have conflicts with the double quotes.
I think you're looking for:
if Not IsNull(field) then ....
Some data types you may have to check using IsEmpty() or 'field is Not Nothing' too. Depending on the datatype and what you are using.
To troubleshoot, it's best to try to set a breakpoint and locate where the error is happening and watch the variable to prevent against that specific value.
To meet this requirement, I would build a fresh Query using the PQ UI to select the students table/view from Oracle, and then use the UI to Filter the [id] column on any value.
Then in the advanced editor I would edit the generated FilteredRows line using code from your Condition + field steps, e.g.
FilteredRows = Table.SelectRows(TESTING_students, each [id] = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="test_table"]}{0}[fieldColumn])
This is a minor change from a generated script, rather than trying to write the whole thing from scratch.

passing Jan of selected year by default in prompt

I have 2 year-month prompts. If I don't select any year-month in 1st prompt, report should by default, run from January of the same year, selected in 2nd prompt. My prompts are value prompts and have string values. Please help me materialise the requirement. I have already tried # prompt macro, ?prompt?, case when etc. I am nto sure, If javascript would help.
I'm going to assume your underlying date fields are not stored as DATE value types since you're using strings. This may be easier split into 4 prompts: from month, from year, to month, to year.
The filter would then be an implied if:
(?FROM_YEAR? = '' or ?FROM_MONTH? = '') and
[database_from_month] = '01' and
[database_from_year] = ?TO_YEAR? and
[database_to_month] = ?TO_MONTH? and
[database_to_year] = ?TO_YEAR?
(?FROM_YEAR? <> '' or ?FROM_MONTH? <> '') and
[database_from_month] = ?FROM_MONTH? and
[database_from_year] = ?FROM_YEAR? and
[database_to_month] = ?TO_MONTH? and
[database_to_year] = ?TO_YEAR?
The above style filter is superior for many reasons:
More likely to be sargeable
Easy to understand
Uses simple built-in Cognos functions; more likely to be cross-version compliant
No issues with cross-browser support you would get with Javascript
Code snippet would work in other Cognos studios (Business Insight, etc)
You've likely seen CASE statements in filters throws an error. The CASE statement is passed to SQL, not compiled into a SQL statement via Cognos. Hence it's not seen as proper syntax.

Replace empty strings with null values

I am rolling up a huge table by counts into a new table, where I want to change all the empty strings to NULL, and typecast some columns as well. I read through some of the posts and I could not find a query, which would let me do it across all the columns in a single query, without using multiple statements.
Let me know if it is possible for me to iterate across all columns and replace cells with empty strings with null.
Ref: How to convert empty spaces into null values, using SQL Server?
To my knowledge there is no built-in function to replace empty strings across all columns of a table. You can write a plpgsql function to take care of that.
The following function replaces empty strings in all basic character-type columns of a given table with NULL. You can then cast to integer if the remaining strings are valid number literals.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_empty_text_to_null(_tbl regclass, OUT updated_rows int)
_typ CONSTANT regtype[] := '{text, bpchar, varchar}'; -- ARRAY of all basic character types
_sql text;
SELECT INTO _sql -- build SQL command
'UPDATE ' || _tbl
|| E'\nSET ' || string_agg(format('%1$s = NULLIF(%1$s, '''')', col), E'\n ,')
|| E'\nWHERE ' || string_agg(col || ' = ''''', ' OR ')
SELECT quote_ident(attname) AS col
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = _tbl -- valid, visible, legal table name
AND attnum >= 1 -- exclude tableoid & friends
AND NOT attisdropped -- exclude dropped columns
AND NOT attnotnull -- exclude columns defined NOT NULL!
AND atttypid = ANY(_typ) -- only character types
ORDER BY attnum
) sub;
-- RAISE NOTICE '%', _sql; -- test?
-- Execute
updated_rows := 0; -- nothing to update
GET DIAGNOSTICS updated_rows = ROW_COUNT; -- Report number of affected rows
SELECT f_empty2null('mytable');
SELECT f_empty2null('myschema.mytable');
To also get the column name updated_rows:
SELECT * FROM f_empty2null('mytable');
db<>fiddle here
Old sqlfiddle
Major points
Table name has to be valid and visible and the calling user must have all necessary privileges. If any of these conditions are not met, the function will do nothing - i.e. nothing can be destroyed, either. I cast to the object identifier type regclass to make sure of it.
The table name can be supplied as is ('mytable'), then the search_path decides. Or schema-qualified to pick a certain schema ('myschema.mytable').
Query the system catalog to get all (character-type) columns of the table. The provided function uses these basic character types: text, bpchar, varchar, "char". Only relevant columns are processed.
Use quote_ident() or format() to sanitize column names and safeguard against SQLi.
The updated version uses the basic SQL aggregate function string_agg() to build the command string without looping, which is simpler and faster. And more elegant. :)
Has to use dynamic SQL with EXECUTE.
The updated version excludes columns defined NOT NULL and only updates each row once in a single statement, which is much faster for tables with multiple character-type columns.
Should work with any modern version of PostgreSQL. Tested with Postgres 9.1, 9.3, 9.5 and 13.
