passing Jan of selected year by default in prompt - cognos

I have 2 year-month prompts. If I don't select any year-month in 1st prompt, report should by default, run from January of the same year, selected in 2nd prompt. My prompts are value prompts and have string values. Please help me materialise the requirement. I have already tried # prompt macro, ?prompt?, case when etc. I am nto sure, If javascript would help.

I'm going to assume your underlying date fields are not stored as DATE value types since you're using strings. This may be easier split into 4 prompts: from month, from year, to month, to year.
The filter would then be an implied if:
(?FROM_YEAR? = '' or ?FROM_MONTH? = '') and
[database_from_month] = '01' and
[database_from_year] = ?TO_YEAR? and
[database_to_month] = ?TO_MONTH? and
[database_to_year] = ?TO_YEAR?
(?FROM_YEAR? <> '' or ?FROM_MONTH? <> '') and
[database_from_month] = ?FROM_MONTH? and
[database_from_year] = ?FROM_YEAR? and
[database_to_month] = ?TO_MONTH? and
[database_to_year] = ?TO_YEAR?
The above style filter is superior for many reasons:
More likely to be sargeable
Easy to understand
Uses simple built-in Cognos functions; more likely to be cross-version compliant
No issues with cross-browser support you would get with Javascript
Code snippet would work in other Cognos studios (Business Insight, etc)
You've likely seen CASE statements in filters throws an error. The CASE statement is passed to SQL, not compiled into a SQL statement via Cognos. Hence it's not seen as proper syntax.


How to query date by year?

Following query in SQLite Studio for a date in 2021 or 2022 returns all rows correspondingly:
select * FROM daily_reports
WHERE strftime('%Y', daily_reports.reporting_date) in ('2021','2022');
Same query in Python returns no rows and the where clause
created is ... where 1 = 0:
q = ...
q = q.filter((func.strftime('%Y', DailyReportItem.reporting_date) in ['2021','2022']))
How to make it work?
The problem is that the statement you passed into .filter() does not get converted into SQL, it is executed as false in Python right away and then passed down to .filter() as argument.
The way you do the IN operator in SQLAlchemy is via DailyReportItem.reporting_date.in_(['2021', '2022']).
So in your case it should be something like this: q.filter(func.strftime('%Y', DailyReportItem.reporting_date).in_(['2021', '2022']))
I would rather just check if date is bigger than the beginning of the year 2021 and lower than the end of 2022. This way you would also get a better use of indexes.

Cognos Report Studio: CASE and IF Statements

I'm very new in using Cognos report studio and trying to filter some of the values and replace them into others.
I currently have values that are coming out as blanks and want to replace them as string "Property Claims"
what i'm trying to use in my main query is
CASE WHEN [Portfolio] is null
then 'Property Claims'
ELSE [Portfolio]
which is giving me an error. Also have a different filter i want to put in to replace windscreen flags to a string value rather than a number. For example if the flag is 1 i want to place it as 'Windscreen Claims'.
if [Claim Windscreen Flag] = 1
then ('Windscreen')
Else [Claim Windscreen Flag]
None of this works with the same error....can someone give me a hand?
Your first CASE statement is missing the END. The error message should be pretty clear. But there is a simpler way to do that:
coalesce([Portfolio], 'Property Claims')
The second problem is similar: Your IF...THEN...ELSE statement is missing a bunch of parentheses. But after correcting that you may have problems with incompatible data types. You may need to cast the numbers to strings:
when [Claim Windscreen Flag] = 1 then ('Windscreen')
else cast([Claim Windscreen Flag], varchar(50))
In future, please include the error messages.
it might be syntax
IS NULL (instead of = null)
NULL is not blank. You might also want = ' '
case might need an else and END at the bottom
referring to a data type as something else can cause errors. For example a numeric like [Sales] = 'Jane Doe'
For example (assuming the result is a string and data item 2 is also a string),
when([data item 1] IS NULL)Then('X')
when([data item 1] = ' ')Then('X')
else([data item 2])
Also, if you want to show a data item as a different type, you can use CAST

Kusto Query Language: set column name of summarize by evaluated expression

Me again asking another Kusto related question (I really wish there would be a thorough video tutorial on this somewhere).
I have a summarize statement, that produces two columns for y axis and one for x axis.
Now i want to relabel the columns for x axis to show a string, that i also got from the database and already put into a variable with let.
This basically looks like this:
let android_col = strcat("Android: ", toscalar(customEvents
| where application_Version contains secondLatestVersionAndroid));
let iOS_col = strcat("iOS: ", toscalar(customEvents
| where application_Version contains secondLatestVersionIOS));
... some Kusto magic ...
| summarize
Android = 100 - (round((countif(hasUnhandledErrorAndroid == 1 ) * 100.0 ) / countif(isAndroid == 1), 2)),
iOS = 100 - (round((countif(hasUnhandledErroriOS == 1) * 100.0 ) / countif(isIOS == 1), 2))
by Time
|render timechart with (ytitle="crashfree users in %", xtitle="date", legend=visible )
Now i want to have the summarize display not Android and iOS, but the value of android_col and iOS_col.
Is that possible?
Best regards
Generally, it's suggested to have predefined column names, otherwise various features don't work. For example, IntelliSense won't know the names of the columns, as they would be determined at run time only. Also, if you create a function that returns a dynamic schema, you won't be able to run this function from other clusters.
However, if you do want to change column names, you definitely have a way to do it by using various plugins. For example, bag_unpack, pivot and others.
As for courses on Kusto, there are actually several excellent courses on Pluralsight (all are free):
How to start with Microsoft Azure Data Explorer
Basic KQL
Azure Data Explorer – Advanced KQL
The usage of the "toscalar" in this query looks wrong, it seems to me that you should use the "extend" operator with the same logic to create the additional columns.

Query date range and product size from xlsx file

I'm using python 3.6 to do this. Below are just a few important columns that I'm interested to query out.
Auto-Gen Index : Product Container : Ship Date :.......
0 : Large Box : 2017-01-09:.......
1 : Large Box : 2012-07-15:.......
2 : Small Box : 2012-07-18:.......
3 : Large Box : 2012-07-31:.......
I would like to query rows that indicate Large Box as their product container and the shipping date must be in the period of July in the year of 2012.
file_name = r'''Sample-Superstore-Subset-Excel.xlsx'''
df = read_excel(file_name, sheet_name = my_sheet)
lb = df.loc[df['Product Container'] == 'Large Box'] //Get large box
july = lb[(lb['Ship Date'] > '2012-07-01') & (lb['Ship Date'] < '2012-07-31')]
I just wonder how to use query and where condition by python(pd.query())?
If your question is when to use loc vs where, see my answer here:
Think of loc as a filter - give me only the parts of the df that
conform to a condition.
where originally comes from numpy. It runs over an array and checks if
each element fits a condition. So it gives you back the entire array,
with a result or NaN. A nice feature of where is that you can also get
back something different, e.g. df2 = df.where(df['Goals']>10,
other='0'), to replace values that don't meet the condition with 0.
If you are asking when to use query, AFAIK there is no real reason to do besides performance. If you have a very large dataset, query is expected to be faster. More on high-level performance here.

Name variable based on string MATLAB

I have a variable that is created by a loop. The variable is large enough and in a complicated enough form that I want to save the variable each time it comes out of the loop with a different name.
PM25 is my variable. But I want to save it as PM25_year in which the year changes based on `str = fname(13:end)'
PM25 = permute(reshape(E',[c,r/nlay,nlay]),[2,1,3]); % Reshape and permute to achieve the right shape. Each face of the 3D should be one day
str = fname(13:end); % The year
% Third dimension is organized so that the data for each site is on a face
save('PM25_str', 'PM25_Daily_US.mat', '-append')
The str would be a year, like 2008. So the variable saved would be PM25_2008, then PM25_2009, etc. as it is created.
Defining new variables based on data isn't considered best practice, but you can store your data more efficiently using a cell array. You can store even a large, complicated variable like your PM25 variable within a single cell. Here's how you could go about doing it:
Place your PM25 data for each year into the cell array C using your loop:
for i = 1:numberOfYears
C{i} = PM25;
Resulting in something like this:
C = { PM25_2005, PM25_2006, PM25_2007 };
Now let's say you want to obtain your variable for the year 2006. This is easy (assuming you aren't skipping years). The first year of your data will correspond to position 1, the second year to position 2, etc. So to find the index of the year you want:
minYear = 2005;
yearDesired = 2006;
index = yearDesired - minYear + 1;
PM25_2006 = C{index};
You can do this using eval, but note that it's often not considered good practice. eval may be a security risk, as it allows user input to be executed as code. A better way to do this may be to use a cell array or an array of objects.
That said, I think this will do what you want:
for year = 2008:2014
eval(sprintf('PM25_%d = permute(reshape(E',[c,r/nlay,nlay]),[2,1,3]);',year));
I do not recommend to set variables like this since there is no way to track these variables and completely prevents all kind of error checking that MATLAB does beforehand. This kind of code is handled completely in runtime.
Anyway in case you have a really good reason for doing this I recommend that you use the function assignin for this.
assignin('caller', ['myvar',num2str(1)], 63);
