Search and replace files (Linux) - linux

I'm quite new to Linux. I'm using Linux Mint and I've just found a situation where I have a file which exists multiple times inside the tree/folders of a folder. I want to replace all occurrences of this file with a new version of it.
So instead of looking for that file once and again and replacing it with the new one, I wonder if there is any kind of search & replace command for files.
I've already searched for a similar question in stackoverflow, but I was only able to find commands to search & replace TEXT in files, not the file itself.
Can anyone please point me to the right direction?
Thank you.

you can always do it in parts, like:
Get a list of items matching your search.
Replace every match (using mv for example) with your file.
something like:
foreach dir ( `ls | egrep '^(i686\|amd64)\.'` )
mv yourfile $dir


Renaming All Files in a Directory

I split a large text file into 60 chunks, which are are named xaa, xab, xac,...xcg. I want to rename these files so that they all end with .txt
How can I do this from the linux command line?
Looked in the split command for the ability to customize the filenames. Looked on Stack Overflow for other solutions but the ones I've come across are all too specific to the OP's situation.
Assuming that your shell is the default Bash:
for f in x??; do mv "$f" "$f.txt"; done
If you want to be more specific, you could say x[abc][a-z] instead of x??.
This is good enough for a one-liner. In a script you would want to check that "$f" exists before trying to rename it.

Cygwin - How can I keep original file name when outputting results of a command on a file (cut command)?

I'm using a cut command to split up a file. I need the output of the file to keep the original file name. I will not know the name of the file, just what folder it is located in. I need to ultimately add a suffix and prefix to original file after the cut, which I've got figured out. My issue is that I do not know how to keep the original file name after I output the cut.
cut -d, -f1,2,3 for file in * $file > originalfilename.txt
There should only be 1 file in the "dropbox" folder at one time. So if I can store the variable of that file name somewhere and use later that works for me.
Also if there is a way to just modify the file using cut, rather than needing to output it somewhere this would satisfy my needs too, because I would obviously still have original file name then.
I just started using Cygwin a few days ago so I apologize if there is really an obvious answer to this! I have googled everything and couldn't find what I needed.
The answer is no, unix cut does not offer an in-place option. However you can look at alternate options here
You define a variable to store the name of the file and use that variable in the commands:
cut -d, -f1,2,3 for file in * $file > $orig_file <br>
echo "The name of the original file is $orig_file"

Linux script change file name,folder name and ingridents

I have a long folder/file structure with bunch of code files in it. some of my files has "x5g6" pattern on their name, on the folder name and also the text inside the files.
- vbg_x5g6.cmd
- x5g6_pp
so on so forth
also if you open vbg_x5g6.cmd file you can see there is a code in it and it also has this pattern (e.g function bb_x5g6 = x+ y);
My question is which commands I can use to recursively change x5g6 into x5g7
on folder, file names and also inside the files?
So far I could only found;
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/x5g6/x5g7/g' {} +
but this only changes whatever inside the files not the folder and file names.
It looks like you have a solution already for editing the file contents.
For the file/directory names, I believe the generally accepted answers are to use either a program called mmv, (which I, myself, prefer), or one called rename
For the record, this question is a duplicate of
The original there contains an answer also recommending zmv (if you're using zsh instead of bash).
edit: grammar

Replace pwd with USER in a file

I know that this is quite an easy thing for any advanced Vim programmer, but I have been trying to find a solution for a couple of hours now.
In my results file, there are certain lines like:
/Users/name/Project/Task1/folder1 : INFO : Random Info message
Here, /Users/name/Project/Task1/folder1 is my pwd i.e present working directory.
I want to replace all the occurrences of my pwd above in the file with 'USER'. How can I do that?
If I understand you correctly you can simply use the search and replace functionality and escape the / character like this:
If you need to replace multiple current working directories (and thus want to have the pwd to be dynamic) it is probably easier to use something like sed:
sed "s~$(pwd)~USER~" < file
Note that the ~ is used as a delimiter for the command instead of the /, this way we do not need to escape the / in the path.

Find required files by pattern and the change the pattern on Linux

I need to find all *.xml files that matched by pattern on Linux. I need to have written the file name on the screen and then change the pattern in the file just was found.
For instance.
I can start the script with arguments for keyword and for value, i.e keyword "another word"
Script should find all files with keyword and do the following changes in the files containing keyword.
<keyword></keyword> should be the same <keyword></keyword>
<keyword>some word</keyword> should be like this <keyword>some word, another word</keyword>
In other words if initially value in keyword node was empty, then I don't need to change it and if it contains some value then I need to extend it with the value I will specify.
What is best way to do this on Linux? Using find, grep, sed?
Performance is also important since the number of files are thousands.
Thank you.
It seems using a combination of find, grep and sed would do this and they are pretty fast since you'll be doing text processing so there might not be a need for xml processing but if you could you give an example or rephrase your question I might be able to provide more help.
