azure cloud service worker role vm not mounting local drive - azure

I have been trying to mount my local resources(drive C:) and I am not winning, is there a way to transfer resources from my local to a VM? When I try to remote desktop to it, it keeps connecting for a very long time. I have selected the "drives" on the "more" section,this is the screenshot
When I use my RDP it does not give me the option to mount my drives

Note: With Azure Cloud Services, if you connect from Portal or RDP tool, which allows the remote computer to access the following resources on my computer.
To access Local drives in Azure Cloud Services, you may follow these steps:
Open Visual Studio => Navigate to your Cloud Services Instance => Right Click => Connect using Remote Desktop
Before connecting, go to Local Resources => More => Add all
Check the result:

Ensure you have RDP your Classic VM with the right Public port of Remote Desktop.
If not, Go to The ednpoint of your VM and find the Remote Desktop Public port.
Then run RDP, put your VM's dns name and :<your public RDP port>.
Also, you need to select the "drives" on the "more" section.Then just connect your VM.
Here is result:


Connect with RDP download file Error: access Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons

Going through exercises of Fundamentals of Azure, we(me and my team) are unable to connect via our Windows 10 desktops to RDP 3389.
Attached screen-shot.
Test connections outbound of RDP on the portal work as expected. Connection is successful.
But via clicking "Connect" from the dowloaded RDP file we get this error.
There is section to setup Linux VM via windows; currently exploring that but we see little hope.
There can be various reasons that RDP to Azure VM can fail.
Please check Troubleshoot Remote Desktop connections to an Azure virtual machine section if this helps.
If you just created a new VM in Azure it might be a firewall restriction that is causing the error. You can check if the RDP port 3389 be allowed from your client IP address in the network security group.

Problems accessing Service Fabric Cluster via RDP

I'm trying to access my service fabric cluster to see the files in it via RDP, but when I use mstsc / the following error message shows up:
Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:
1) Remote access to the server is not enabled
2) The remote computer is turned off
3) The remote computer is not available on the network
Make sure the remote computer is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled.
How do I enable my cluster to allow RDP connection?
Just say if you need more infos.
Thank you in advance.
SF cluster instances is a VMSS, by default, Azure opens RDP port on Load Balancer, you don't need change anything. You could find the RDP port on Azure Portal. <your resource group>--><Load balancer>--><Settings>--><Inbound NAT rules>.
According to your description, please ensure your VMSS instance is running.
This is documented in the Microsoft documentation at

Not able to connect to Azure server using "NET USE <drive>..." command

I have subscription to Azure server running Windows 2008 Server r2 Datacentre, 64-Bit. I have shared a folder in the root of its C drive with full permission to 'Everyone' (along with default users/groups). Both Azure Windows firewall and my local system Firewall are OFF. No other changes have been made in Azure from the default settings. In Azure control panel, Site URL of Cloud service and DNS of Virtual Machine are showing same and the Public IP of both Cloud service and Virtual machine are same.
Now, when I am trying to map this shared folder remotely using the below command,
NET USE Z: \\<IPaddress>\<sharedfoldername> /USER:<username> <password> /PERSISTENT:NO
I am getting,
"System error 53 has occured.
The network path was not found"
But, I am able to connect to the machine through RDP with the same user!
So, what I am missing? Is there any other settings required in Azure to allow this?
Thanks in advance,
Rajesh Karunakaran
EDIT ON 08-Feb-2017 (Just to explain a bit more deeper)
In our Azure subscription, we have Storage account, Virtual Machine, Virtual Network & Cloud service. After setting up a Folder Share in Storage Account, I am able to map that folder within the Azure VM using
NET USE Z: \\<IPaddress>\<sharedfoldername> /USER:<username> <password> /PERSISTENT:NO
But, what I want to achieve is to be able to access the Share Folder in Azure from my local system (I am not in US) through mapping a drive the same way. But from my local system, when I issue the same command it says
"system error 5... Access Denied"
I have opened Port 445 (File sharing....) in Azure server by logging in through RDP. (Anyway, the Firewall is OFF and I assume then port opening is insignificant)
Interestingly, when we'd taken Azure trial account (for 30 days), I was able to connect to a normal windows Shared Folder through 'NET USE' command from my local system. Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
If you want to mount file between client and server. The port 445 could be communication.
According to your description, please check as the following steps:
1.Open port 445 on Azure NSG(Inbound rules)
2.Click here to see the summary of ISPs that allow or disallow access from port 445.
You could use Portquery to check whether port 445 is open.
PortQry.exe -n [storage account name] -p TCP -e 445
More information about how to troubleshoot this issue please refer to this link.

Azure Virtual machine remote destop issue

I have created one virtual machine on azure windows 2012 datacenter.
I am not able to take remote while clicking on RDP file it gives error
Remote access to server not enable
Remote computer is turned off
Remote computer is not available on the network
You need to enable RDP inbound in 2 places:
1) the Azure Network Security Group (assuming you created the VM as an Azure Resource Manager VM instead of a "classic" VM), and
2) the firewall on the VM itself.

Notable to access application outside the Azure remote desktop

I have created virtual machine in Azure cloud and connected to it using remote desktop, installed IIS in it and copy pasted XAP file from my desktop to remote and configured in IIS, i can able to browse application in remote but it cannot be accessed in my local desktop or out of remote, any ideas would be appreciated..
Remote Desktop cannot route network traffic to your VM.
In your case I would suggest you to use a Point-to-Site (P2S) connection to access your website.
For that reason you have to create a virtual network in Azure, deploy your VM into that virtual network and use P2S to connect to your virtual network via VPN. After that you can access your VM's webserver from your local computer.
Here you find a step-by-step guide how to do this:
By the way, you cannot move an existing VM into a virtual network. But there is a very easy workaround. Delete your VM, but DO NOT delete the associated disks or VHDs. Then create a new VM and select in the creation wizard to use an existing disk. There you select the disk from your just deleted VM.
