Notable to access application outside the Azure remote desktop - azure

I have created virtual machine in Azure cloud and connected to it using remote desktop, installed IIS in it and copy pasted XAP file from my desktop to remote and configured in IIS, i can able to browse application in remote but it cannot be accessed in my local desktop or out of remote, any ideas would be appreciated..

Remote Desktop cannot route network traffic to your VM.
In your case I would suggest you to use a Point-to-Site (P2S) connection to access your website.
For that reason you have to create a virtual network in Azure, deploy your VM into that virtual network and use P2S to connect to your virtual network via VPN. After that you can access your VM's webserver from your local computer.
Here you find a step-by-step guide how to do this:
By the way, you cannot move an existing VM into a virtual network. But there is a very easy workaround. Delete your VM, but DO NOT delete the associated disks or VHDs. Then create a new VM and select in the creation wizard to use an existing disk. There you select the disk from your just deleted VM.


Setting up private access to my jenkins server using vpn

I have windows 10 VM in azure cloud and a localhost Jenkins server hosted in my PC!
The question is how can I access the Jenkins server from the VM using VPN .
I googled this issue but I can't find a solution !
You have a local Jenkins server, and you are RDPing into an Azure VM, and then want to access the local Jenkins server from the VM?
If this is the case, you will need network connectivity from your Azure VM to your local computer. To do this, you will have 2 options:
open up your local jenkins server to the internet (not advised for security reasons) by forwarding the port on your local router.
Create a VPN (P2S or S2S) to your Azure VNET on your local computer. Then you should be able to connect from the VM to your internal IP.
The RDP connection will not give any access from your VM back to your computer, so a better way to think about this is just how you can access the site on your local computer from your VM.

azure cloud service worker role vm not mounting local drive

I have been trying to mount my local resources(drive C:) and I am not winning, is there a way to transfer resources from my local to a VM? When I try to remote desktop to it, it keeps connecting for a very long time. I have selected the "drives" on the "more" section,this is the screenshot
When I use my RDP it does not give me the option to mount my drives
Note: With Azure Cloud Services, if you connect from Portal or RDP tool, which allows the remote computer to access the following resources on my computer.
To access Local drives in Azure Cloud Services, you may follow these steps:
Open Visual Studio => Navigate to your Cloud Services Instance => Right Click => Connect using Remote Desktop
Before connecting, go to Local Resources => More => Add all
Check the result:
Ensure you have RDP your Classic VM with the right Public port of Remote Desktop.
If not, Go to The ednpoint of your VM and find the Remote Desktop Public port.
Then run RDP, put your VM's dns name and :<your public RDP port>.
Also, you need to select the "drives" on the "more" section.Then just connect your VM.
Here is result:

Azure Virtual machine remote destop issue

I have created one virtual machine on azure windows 2012 datacenter.
I am not able to take remote while clicking on RDP file it gives error
Remote access to server not enable
Remote computer is turned off
Remote computer is not available on the network
You need to enable RDP inbound in 2 places:
1) the Azure Network Security Group (assuming you created the VM as an Azure Resource Manager VM instead of a "classic" VM), and
2) the firewall on the VM itself.

How do I add a website to a virtual network in Windows Azure?

I have a website on Windows Azure. That website needs to connect to a (new) Azure VM.
I have done the following:
Created new Virtual Network on Azure
Added the VM to the Virtual Network, and it does get an IP in the virtual network.
I have configured the appropiate Endpoint for the VM (Public/Private port).
Now, how do I "connect" the Azure website to the same virtual network, such that my .NET code in the website can create a TCP connection to the VM on it's IP on the Virtual Network ?
This is now possible. Be sure to use the NEW Azure Portal. For details, check out:
Currently you cannot connect/add Azure Web Site to a Virtual Network. You can only add VMs and Cloud Services to a Virtual Network. However this is a demanded feature and I believe we will see it in the future releases of the Web Sites service (my speculation).
The key here is to create the Virtual Network before the Virtual Machine and then place the VM in the VN during it's creation. The article here gives instructions moving a VM into a VN.

Connecting Windows Azure to On-Premise Active Directory

I am trying to connect my Windows Azure Virtual machines to my On Premise network. I have established a site to site VPN tunnel, and have created the appropriate subnets and placed a virtual machine in one of the subnets that isn't the gateway subnet.
My on premise test network is 192.168.9.x/24 my Azure Network is 10.4.x.x/16 with a subnet for DMZ - 10.4.2.x/24 and ServerNetwork at 10.4.3.x/24.
I have confirmed that the tunnel is up and running both on the Windows Azure side, as well as on my Cisco ASA 5505.
I want my servers to be able to communicate across the tunnel, however currently they cannot see each other. I am missing something, I tried static routes between the two servers, and have not had any success. Has anyone gotten this to work? If so what did you do on the networking side of the config to make it work?
Windows Azure Virtual Network enables you to create secure site-to-site connectivity, as well as protected private virtual networks in the cloud.
You can specify the address space that will be used for both your virtual network and the virtual network gateway.
Additionally, new name resolution features allow you to connect directly to role instances and virtual machines by hostname.
These features allow you to use Windows Azure as you would a branch office, or as a protected private virtual network in the cloud.
You can read more about it here:
Here is a lab exercise to walk you through the process:
