Unable to build job on jenkins for node application - node.js

I am using node version 4.4.5 and npm version is 5.3.0.
jenkins version is 2.46.2.
At the time of build I am getting this exception:
/bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson7756731843340614304.sh
+ PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
+ npm install
/tmp/hudson7756731843340614304.sh: 6: /tmp/hudson7756731843340614304.sh: npm: not found
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
The execute shell consist of:
#echo "PATH is :$PATH"
#echo "node version is :'node -v' "
#echo "npm version is:'npm -v' "
npm install
npm run coverage
zip -r EngagementSystemNodeApi.zip .
What need to be done plz suggest.

Don't run npm from the commandline. Install and use Jenkins NodeJS plugin. It allows you to configure multiple versions of node and it puts them on the PATH

have you set the enviroment variable in the jenkins machine?


ng is not recognised as an internal or external command. Jenkins + Angular CLI

I am trying to setup Jenkins for an Angular CLI project. I have installed node and Angular Cli on the Jenkins server under a specific user account.
if I open a command prompt on the server an execute the following commands to verify they are installed properly, this is the result:
I have configured the project with Jenkins, and i created two build steps two execute two bat files.
One runs: npm install
and the second one runs: ng build --prod
Then I build Jenkins, it runs the npm install but it fails running ng build --prod because it says " 'ng' is not recognised as an internal or external command".
Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way to probably use the angular cli on the node_modules folder, So it does not need to use the angular cli installed on the server. It seems like Angular CLI is installed only for my user on the server but not for the user Jenkins use to build.
PS: I installed Angular CLI globally using:
npm i -g #angular/cli
No need to install angular cli on server, just run
npm run ng -- build
That will run the local version from your project devDependencies
This way you can pass any flag to your local cli npm run ng -- test, npm run ng -- lint, etc
You can pass additional flags to ng just like that
run ng -- build --prod
More details at https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/run-script
Just for further clarification when someone searches for the same problem and finds this question (as I did):
If you want to use the --prod flag while running the build command, as asked in this question, you can use:
npm run ng -- build --prod
Important are the "--" between "ng" and "build" with spacing. This is due to the syntax of "npm run", more information can be found here: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/run-script
This also solves the problem described in a comment below the accepted answer: "This is working but its excluding the additional parameters like --test when running the build"
npm run ng -- build
we can use as this without installing angular cli
If it is working on the Local command prompt, Restart the Jenkin server.
Restart Jenkins --> http://host-name:port/base-url/restart
ex:- http://localhost:8080/jenkins/restart
If it is not working on local command as well install angular CLI globally and set the environment settings and do the previous step.
try as below.
BUILD_ID=dontKillMe nohup ng serve
The only issue with npm run ng build is it omits any other parameter like --prod or --test after build.
Following are the commands what i am using to run my angular build successfully from Jenkins.The last command is executed the dirty way by setting up the path variables. Don't know if there is a cleaner way to do this. This does execute the commands properly without omitting anything.
#echo on
cmd /c npm install -g #angular/cli#latest
echo yarn Install
cmd /c yarn
echo Build
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\#angular\cli\bin;
ng build --prod --aot=true

Jenkins is not installing some node dependencies

I'm running a nodejs application's build on jenkins. I run node as shell script step, because I have some limitations in terms of the plugins I can install in this jenkins instance.
This is what the npm install step looks like:
#!/bin/bash +x
source ~/.bashrc
cd $WORKSPACE/ && \
nvm use 7.8.0 && node --version && npm install
The problem I have is, when npm install finishes, it doesn't install everything. If I ssh into the box where jenkins is installed and run npm install inside that project's workspace, with the same user jenkins uses, it works ok. Any ideas?
I just realized the dependencies that it's not installing are devDependencies
The problem was I had the node env set to production, and of course, it wouldn't get the devDependencies...

/.bin/webpack Webpack command not found after Node nvm update in prod env

After upgrading my project from using Node v5.0.0 to 6.10.2 (via nvm), my Travis build is now failing with the error:
/home/travis/build/Widen/gray-wolf/node_modules/.bin/webpack --config config/webpack.config.js -p
make: /home/travis/build/Widen/gray-wolf/node_modules/.bin/webpack: Command not found
make: *** [webpack] Error 127
In our MAKE scripts, the commands ultimately being called are as followed:
npm install (this does not seem to be failing)
$(NPM_BIN)/webpack --config config/webpack.config.js -p
Following npm install, one of the lines is:
webpack#2.3.3 node_modules/webpack before the webpack command fails
The ways where this is not failing are
nvm version is set to 5.0.0 instead of 6.10.2
It's in a stage environment instead of prod environment
The initial failure happened alongside a large amount of updated dependencies, so I limited the change to only update Node with nvm with the following commands in my .travis.yml file:
- . $HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh
- nvm install 6.10.2
- nvm use 6.10.2
The only difference being the version number. Following that failure, I'm getting another similar failure with eslint. It seems likely that the failures have the same cause.
make: /home/travis/build/Widen/gray-wolf/node_modules/.bin/eslint: Command not found
If you are in a prod environment but the travis flag of IS_CI is set to true, use the (deprecated) --production=false flag.

Jenkins integration with Grunt

I've setup Jenkins v1.550 on Windows Server 2008 R2. It runs as a service at http://localhost:8080 for now. I'm logged into the machine as an Administrator. I've installed Node.js and can run "npm" from the command line.
I've also installed the NodeJS plugin v0.2.1 for Jenkins. I then went into the Configure System section of Jenkins, scrolled down to NodeJS installations, clicked on Add NodeJS button, gave "NodeJS" as the name, and "C:\Program Files\nodejs" as the path to the installation directory. I didn't check the "Install automatically" option as I read on the plugin page that it is only available to Linux.
I then created a new job, clicked the checkbox that said "Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH", created a new build step for "Execute Windows batch command" and typed in "node --version" and "grunt --version" and saved it.
I ran the job and this is the output -
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Test_1.0
[Test_1.0] $ cmd /c call C:\Windows\TEMP\hudson1381541243088903083.bat
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Test_1.0>node --version
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Test_1.0>grunt --version
'grunt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Test_1.0>exit 9009
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
It looks like it's unable to find the grunt-cli for the user account Jenkins is running under (System). I tried to installing grunt cli globally (npm install -g grunt-cli) and also grunt locally (npm install grunt). No luck.
Can someone please help?
for nice easy to configure self-installed nodejs on the machine, i have to recommend the excellent -> http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/NodeJS+Plugin
it will install nodejs and grunt on the machine, through easy to use web front end no shell required
jenkins jobs can then simply run nodejs build steps, hey presto
steps involved :
a) install this on your jenkins instance -> http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/NodeJS+Plugin
b) create a nodejs installation on jenkins
go to
NodeJS- > NodeJS installations -> Add NodeJS -> Name = "NodeJS 0.11.10", tick "Install automatically", select "Install from nodejs.org", add "grunt-cli" to globally installed packages
c) create a job with "execute NodeJS script" build task
var sys = require('sys');
sys.puts('NodeJS Test');
volia :)
run the job and see the nodejs script run,
from their the world is your oyster you can use grunt by ticking "Provide Node/npm bin folder to PATH" and running a "execute shell" build task
npm update
grunt --force reporting
You will need to restart the Jenkins service after installing node, presumably to cause it to refresh its cached copy of your PATH environment variable
I have grunt doing some tasks for me in Jenkins, but I went the npm script route. Grunt and grunt-cli are dev dependencies, and I have the following defined in my package.json file:
"scripts": {
"test": "node node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt test"
In Jenkins (running on Windows), I added two post-build tasks:
npm install
npm test
We just installed NodeJs normally on the Jenkins server.
Another solution that worked for me on Windows is to use the full path to the grunt exec file, which can be found by writing "where grunt" in the command shell. I used the full path in the regular bat-file.
Had the same issue on Windows. When I manually installed node and ran npm install -g grunt-cli from command line, jenkins could not recognize the grunt command. So uninstall node, reinstall it but dont run npm install. Then restart the jenkins slave. Then from the jenkins job that runs on your specific jenkins slave, make it run a Windows batch command that runs npm install -g grunt-cli After that again restart the jenkins service. Then from the job run npm install. Then everything worked for me. If issues still persist, then uninstall the slave, and reinstall it, then everything works fine immediately.

Jenkins script quitting prematurely when using npm install on Windows

In my Jenkins job I want to build a JavaScript app using Grunt. The Jenkins build scripts creates a build directory (if it doesn't already exist), changes to that directory and runs:
npm install grunt
npm install grunt-zip
grunt --gruntfile=[something]
(Of course grunt-cli is installed globally.) When I build the job, the first statement causes Grunt and dependencies to be pulled down as expected. However, the job then terminates successfully:
Archiving artifacts
No emails were triggered.
Finished: SUCCESS
The second npm install is not run. Any idea why the script is terminating after running npm install instead of continuing to the subsequent statements?
So it turns out that npm is a batch file, not an executable, so it needs to be invoked using call from the Jenkins script:
call npm install grunt
i would recommend not using the local grunt / nodejs install, but instead getting jenkins to do this for you!
it's much easier and means there's less coupling to system specific installs and variables.
a) use nodejs jenkins plugin + get it to install nodejs on machine/grunt-cli -> Jenkins integration with Grunt
b) populate your package.json with any nodejs dependances required, eg grunt/grunt-zip etc
c) when running grunt just do a "npm update" before "grunt" command
that way your not doing explicit npm install, it's all configured from your package.json, and your build scripts will be less brittle, and your developers can use the same steps as the build server, eg "npm update;grunt" locally same as build server
For future googlers:
use command chaining for this.
This works:
npm install && npm install install grunt-zip
This wont work:
npm install
npm install grunt-zip
