Jenkins is not installing some node dependencies - node.js

I'm running a nodejs application's build on jenkins. I run node as shell script step, because I have some limitations in terms of the plugins I can install in this jenkins instance.
This is what the npm install step looks like:
#!/bin/bash +x
source ~/.bashrc
cd $WORKSPACE/ && \
nvm use 7.8.0 && node --version && npm install
The problem I have is, when npm install finishes, it doesn't install everything. If I ssh into the box where jenkins is installed and run npm install inside that project's workspace, with the same user jenkins uses, it works ok. Any ideas?
I just realized the dependencies that it's not installing are devDependencies

The problem was I had the node env set to production, and of course, it wouldn't get the devDependencies...


Why doesn't my 'npm install --global yarn' work?

After running npm install --global yarn, I get an output that says:
> yarn#1.22.18 preinstall C:\Users\(me)\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\yarn
> :; (node ./preinstall.js > /dev/null 2>&1 || true)
C:\Users\(me)\AppData\Roaming\npm\yarn -> C:\Users\(me)\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\yarn\bin\yarn.js
C:\Users\(me)\AppData\Roaming\npm\yarnpkg -> C:\Users\(me)\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\yarn\bin\yarn.js
+ yarn#1.22.18
updated 1 package in 0.389s
When I run "yarn serve" it tells me that 'yarn' is not recognized as a command. I've tried this in powershell and CMD and neither works.
It ended up being a path issue. I used npm list -g to reveal where yarn was installed. Then I searched for "Edit the environment variables" in Windows and added the containing folder to the PATH.
I also updated my node and npm to the latest versions before doing these steps.
Just put --> npm install -g yarn
The problem is that you're installing nvm as root, and when npm runs the lifecycle scripts it downgrades the permissions, making it impossible to even run Node scripts, since the node binary can only be accessed by root.

npm installing dev dependencies on production

I set NODE_ENV to production and tried to install dependencies using a Capfile which contains this:
run "cd #{latest_release} && npm config set production=true && npm install --production"
or this:
run "cd #{latest_release} && npm install --production"
but I always get also the dev dependencies, which is annoying because after a few releases all the inodes are taken and I cannot create any other files on the deploy machine.
I set the environment variable like this in the Capfile:
set :default_environment, {
'NODE_ENV' => 'production'
run "echo $NODE_ENV"
and it echoes the correct value.
If I execute
npm install --production
from within a shell, it works correctly. The user that makes the capistrano deploy and this shell user are the same, so I'm quite lost. Any hints?
The problem was:
sudo npm link
which I ran after the install command and which installs all dependencies. The fix is:
sudo npm link --production

How do I know whether I have Node.js and npm successfully installed on Ubuntu 14.04?

I installed Node.js with these instructions and it seemed successful:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Then I installed npm with these instructions:
sudo curl | sh
The nodejs installation seemed to work without errors but the npm command gave me a lot of errors. But it seems like they are installed because when I test what version I have they both come up:
nodejs -v
npm -v
So If this doesn't tell me that I have both programs successfully installed, which I assume I do not, how do I know?
I think your tests tell that both or properly installed.
But you can try just type node in terminal & it should open a node shell, where you can check by running basic commands.
Current distributions of node.js (including the one you downloaded) already include npm. So maybe installing npm manually is one source of your errors. Beware that usually you run "npm install" with the permissions of a regular user. There are only some npm-based utilities that are to be installed with root permissions and the '-g' (global) command line switch.
On linux if you wish to install node.js and npm as yourself NOT root :
to start fresh remove prior node.js and npm installs as well as these :
create your ~/bin/ directory if not already created :
mkdir ${HOME}/bin
download source from :
cd node-v0.10.30/
./configure --prefix=${HOME}/bin/nodejs
make -j8
make install
which puts it into dir defined by above --prefix
export PATH=${HOME}/bin/nodejs/bin:$PATH
define NODE_PATH so node can find dir for modules otherwise
npm install xxx will put newly installed module into dir in curr dir :
export NODE_PATH=${HOME}/bin/nodejs/lib/node_modules
do above AND use syntax :
npm install xxxxx -g
always use the -g for global which puts package xxxxx into $NODE_PATH
NOTE - nodejs install gives you npm as well :
ls -la ${HOME}/bin/nodejs/bin

Continuous integration and deployment of Node.js application on Bamboo

The application I want to implement continuous deployment on Bamboo has node modules and bower component dependencies. On the bamboo server nodejs, npm have been installed.
There are only three tasks on default job:
Source Code Checkout
Build dependencies:
npm install
bower install
Deploy to the staging server
The problem is on the second task, bamboo fails with the message "No failed tests found, a possible compilation error occurred." I don't even run any tests.
The log file is not explanatory at all:
Starting task 'Build dependencies' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
Failing task since return code of [/bin/sh /home/ubuntu/bamboo-installation/temp/] was 1 while expected 0
Ok, I solved the problem. The issue was the wrong node (which obviously messed things up) was installed on the bamboo server. Uninstalled the wrong one and everything worked as expected.
Good to see you solved it.
There is a setup I use and which could prevent further problems with CI:
export npm_config_prefix=.npm/
export PATH=.npm/bin:$PATH
export CI=true
npm install -g bower
bower install
npm install
This installs bower (and others like grunt-cli if you want) in your project folder so you can e.g. have a specific version, sets CI=true as advised in bower docs, and then installs all dependencies.
Bamboo AMI originally have npm version 1.4.28 installed and you are probably using a more recent version on you development environment. I had the same issue and resolved it by creating a script task to update npm version on the very beginning of my build process. Here is the script:
# update npm
curl -O -L
chmod +x
sudo PATH=$PATH:/opt/node-0.10/bin ./

Problem with making Capistrano run the shell tasks (nodejs deploying)

I am using capistrano to deploy a node.js application, and have a
problem with setting the shell tasks.
For instance, thought I have npm installed this fails:
run "npm install"
npm not found
and when I use
run "/opt/nvm/'cat /opt/nvm/alias/default'/bin/npm install"
the error is node not found
The deploy is managed by a special user for deploy.
Could you please tell what might cause this problem and how to solve it?
Using NVM and Capistrano is working for me by running the command through bash and sourcing the file first.
My NVM is installed in /opt/nvm, so the npm install task could look something like this:
namespace :npm do
desc 'Install the current npm environment.'
task :install do
invoke_command "bash -c '. /opt/nvm/ && cd #{current_path} && npm install'", :via => run_method
So no need of manually setting the path to the binaries by reading the alias file from NVM.
Sounds like the npm/node executables are not on the $PATH for the remote user that is executing the Capistrano script.
You should double check which user Capistrano is running as and what the $PATH is (and correcting as required)
I ended up adding this to my Capfile
set :default_environment, {
'PATH' => "$PATH:/usr/local/ruby/bin/:/home/ubuntu/.nvm/v0.10.21/bin"
In the meantime (more than a year back tho) I've created a Capistrano extension for easy nvm usage:
The extension will map node and npm by default, but you can add any executable that needs nvm to run to it (eg. grunt).
A basic setup would work by adding the following to your deploy.rb:
require 'capistrano/nvm'
set :nvm_type, :user # or :system, depends on your nvm setup
set :nvm_node, 'v0.10.21'
set :nvm_map_bins, %w{node npm}
I was able to affect node version changes by adding lines like the following to my capistrano deploy scripts:
execute :'. ~/.nvm/ && nvm use vOLDER_VERSION && nvm alias default vOLDER_VERSION'
execute :npm, 'install', '--silent --no-progress'
execute :npm, 'run', 'build'
execute :'. ~/.nvm/ && nvm use stable && nvm alias default stable'
Where vOLDER_VERSION is the version of choice.
The way this works is it sources nvm, sets it to use the specified version, and sets that version as default. It then reverts those changes after the npm steps have been run. This way other parts of the deploy or other deploys still get to use the latest version.
If you don't care about other deploys you could just run that step once for your deployer user:
su deployerUser
nvm alias default vOLDER_VERSION
