cannot find virtual device on android studio 3 windows 10 - android-studio

I am relatively new to Android development and i recently downloaded Android Studio on my Windows 10 machine. But i am facing some problems. When i create a new project, in the activity_main.xml design tab I cannot see any virtual device. All i see is a message that says Design Editor unavailable until successful build. When I click on build,I don't see any message regarding the build in the IDE log. I have the AVD manager installed and i have also created a virtual device.
Also when i edit the RUN configuration, it asks me to select a module but in the drop down window it says no module

**Just update your repositories by clicking on install missing platforms and sync project, i hope that will help **


Getting Android Studio AVD To Work With Mac Mini M1

I'm having trouble getting my emulator to work on my m1 mac. Currently, I am waiting on my physical android phone to arrive so I have to use an emulator for the moment. I have looked at the official google repo ( for the m1 preview and I noticed it said "Support for downloading the M1-based emulator was added to SDK Manager, so it's not necessary to go to the Github releases page to download a standalone .app anymore. In AVD Manager go to the Other Images tab as by default it doesn't show the ARM64 images." However, I can't seem to find which SDK to download in the SDK manager as every time I attempt to cold boot a virtual device it simply returns the error "Could Not Start AVD".
Sorry if this has been asked before. Couldn't seem to find any posts about it.
So it took some time but I figured it out. In the updated Android Studio you have to create a new virtual device for ARM based machines. Once you select your new device and you get to what android release you would like to run, hit the "other" column. Now you have a list of some of the ARM based Virtual Devices.
Here is a link to a post I found that helped:
Android Studio - How Can I Make an AVD With ARM Instead of HAXM?
Android Studio Dolphin, Virtual Device Manager, now includes arm64a-v8a for Tiramisu API level 33, which works well for M1 mac.

Did Android Studio 3.6.1 remove the connection assistant?

A young friend of mine would like to push a game created using to his Samsung Android Tablet. He is using Windows 10 and Android Studio 3.6.1.
But the Device Drop Down is greyed out and for some reason the AVD Manager, the SDK Manager and the Connection Assistant are missing from this tools menu.
On my Android Studio 3.4 I can still see the Connection Assistant
I checked the Release notes but could not find anything.
I checked that Windows can see the tablet as a USB device and the friend told me that developer mode is enabled.
Any ideas what is going on ?
So I got a chance to look further into the problem.
It turned out, that the problem seems to be with Buildbox not generating a proper Android project. In particular the generated project is missing a proper module and a proper app configuration. Once I added those the missing connection tool reappeared.
However I still got an error.

Canary build of the android emulator for AMD processor showing error

I am trying to run my app on canary build of the android emulator from android studio on AMD processor but I am getting the following error
1:47 PM Emulator: [2440]:INFO:android/android-emu/android/verified-
boot/load_config.cpp:236:Verified boot params were not found.
1:47 PM Emulator: **
1:47 PM Emulator: ERROR:/usr/local/google/buildbot/src/android/emu-master-
dev/external/qemu/fpu/softfloat.c:486:round_canonical: code should not be
1:47 PM Emulator: Process finished with exit code 3
I got to know about the canary build of the android emulator for AMD processor from here. My virtual device' CPU/ABI is armeabi-v7a. I searched for what the 'exit code 3' for the emulator mean but I didn't get any solution.
Can someone help me please!
I got the android emulator working today.
I have done the instalation process for canary build of android studio from the beginning:
1. Enabled "Hyper-V" and "Windows Hypervisor Platform" in "Turn Windows features on or off" settings of Windows. This has been explained in here.
2. Downloaded the latest Canary build of Android studio from here.
3. After downloading the zip file I followed the guidelines in here under "Install alongside your stable version" heading. The guide lines are:
a. Unpack the ZIP file.
b. Rename the resulting folder to something unique like "Android Studio Preview."
c. Move it to a permanent location, such as next to your existing Android Studio install in C:\Program Files\Android.
d. Inside C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio Preview\bin\, launch studio64.exe (or if you're on a 32-bit machine, launch studio.exe).
4. After launching studio64.exe I got a pop-up message to update Android emulator. After the update I created a new virtual device with an image of x86 with android 9.0. I started the android emulator to test my app. Though I got the
Verified boot params were not found
popup error message initially, the emulator started functioning well.
I am a very new Android developer and was until today having the same issue as yourself. Here is how I got it to work (Please note I am also on an AMD system).
Make sure you have enabled Hyper-V and Windows Hypervisor Platform. If you type "turn windows features on" in your run bar you should be able to locate it. Also enable virtualisation in the Bios. Mine comes under "SVD".
(Please note after this step I was still experiencing the problem but this is a pre-requisite).
Delete all devices from the AVD manager.
Install a new x86 device from the AVD manager. What I did here was select a version down from the one I was previously getting issues on so Oreo from Pie. When it asks to confirm if you want to wipe the user data please confirm positive.
Once setup, run the device from the AVD manager. It may ask you if you wish to enable Instant Run. I elected to disable this. (I had enabled it when I first was trying to run a device).
You will still receive the 1st error regarding no boot parameters but the emulated environment should load. You can now run the APP and it should install the APK. Previously due to the device not coming online properly, the APK would not install. I can also now setup a device on Pie without experiencing the issue so I think it may have been the wiping of the previous data that helped.
I wish I could tell you WHY this worked for certain and previously it would not work, sadly I cannot but hopefully this will get you working.

Annoying "Create Desktop Entry" popup in Android Studio on Ubuntu 16.04

Recenty I installed Android Studio on my laptop running Ubuntu 16.04.
When I created a new project and used Android Studio, this annoying popup kept showing: (Because my low reputation, I cannot post images, please click the link below)
I tried to check the checkbox but it still display everytime I click on anywhere in Android Studio.
Help me, thanks in advance.
Try to use this for creating a desktop entry: desktop-file-install THE_DESKTOP_FILENAME_HERE.desktop
It might be the solution (if error it's because it localized the fileB, if ok it will copy to the correct localization /usr/share/applications) Restart then
After trying many times, I decided to reinstall Android Studio and the error disappeared! I don't know the reason clearly but maybe using Create Desktop Entry in Android Studio and creating a .desktop file manually (after installing Android Studio, I wanted to add Android Studio icon to launcher) caused conflicts.
goto settings in android studio
keymap-> main menu-> tools-> create desk entry
right-click on "create desktop entry"
you will get an option to turn off it.

Android Studio won't run application from studio ide?

I've got an application I've been working on and am having an issue with android studio. When I click "build->run" and then select my device, the application never runs on my phone (and the log in android-studio that automatically comes up does not have anything, whereas in the past when I have used this feature it usually says something like, "waiting for phone..." and then the application pops up and automatically opens on the phone and you get some other pertinent information). I have the phone already in developer mode with the install from unknown sources set to on. When I manually move the application from its gradle build location to the phone and then install it manually in file explorer, all is well and the application performs as expected. As I need to debug, however, this is not a very viable solution. Anybody have any advice as to how to get it to run from the IDE? I have tried rebuilding and invalidating the cache/restarting android studio, to no avail.
When I click the run tab at the bottom I have an empty window. When I click the debug tab, I see:
Waiting for device.
Target device: samsung-samsung_sm_g920a-randomIntegerId
Uploading file
local path: /home/eric/Documents/class/OOSE/final_project/2015-group-17/project_code/android/Place2B/app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
remote path: /data/local/tmp/oose2017.myApp
Note: I am building the application on a LUbuntu 15.04 VM on a windows 8 host, and am using the latest version of android studio.
EDIT: gradle console indicates a successful build as well (obviously since moving the .apk manually to the device works properly).
Open 'Run->Edit Configurations...', and look for your app module in the column on the left-hand side.
Select it, then go to the 'General' tab.
Under the 'Activity' section, there are a couple of radio buttons. Make sure that 'Launch default activity' is selected.
