Shell Script is not generating the logs file - linux

I am trying to capture the netstat command logs for every minute.I have written a script which runs in loop.But my script executes till capturing logs statement into code.
export TODAY=`date`
export i=0
while [ true ]
echo "capturing logs" $i
sh > test$i.log
echo "sleeping for 1m"
sleep 60
netstat -l 5575 | while IFS= read -r line; do printf '[%s] %s\n' "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" "$line"; done
The output from above script is :
capturing logs
(If i press crtl-c then it move further and it display "sleeping for 1m" statement and i need to press again crtl-c when it comes to "capturing logs statement").

sh > test$i.log
Is waiting for to finish, which probably takes way too long to complete.
Try to execute in another tty like
setsid sh -c 'exec [launch the script] <> /dev/tty[number_of_tty] >&0 2>&1'
and let me know.
Be careful not to run a lot of processes on the same tty. You can play with [number_of_tty] to avoid this.
Could solve the problem, could not, but it's worth trying.


Background rsync and pid from a shell script

I have a shell script that does a backup. I set this script in a cron but the problem is that the backup is heavy so it is possible to execute a second rsync before the first ends up.
I thought to launch rsync in a script and then get PID and write a file that script checks if the process exist or not (if this file exist or not).
If I put rsync in background I get the PID but I don't know how to know when rsync ends up but, if I set rsync (no background) I can't get PID before the process finish so I can't write a file whit PID.
I don't know what is the best way to "have rsync control" and know when it finish.
My script
if [ -f $pidfile ];
echo "PID file exists " $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
rsync -zrt --delete-before /repository/ /mnt/backup/repositorio/ < /dev/null &
echo $$ > $pidfile
# If I uncomment this 'rm' and rsync is running in background, the file is deleted so I can't "control" when rsync finish
# rm $pidfile
Can anybody help me?!
Thanks in advance !! :)
# check to make sure script isn't still running
# if it's still running then exit this script
sScriptName="$(basename $0)"
if [ $(pidof -x ${sScriptName}| wc -w) -gt 2 ]; then
pidof finds the pid of a process
-x tells it to look for scripts too
${sScriptName} is just the name of the can hardcode this
wc -w returns the word count by words
-gt 2 no more than one instance running (instance plus 1 for the pidof check)
if more than one instance running then exit script
Let me know if this works for you.
Test both for presence of pid file and status of the running process like this:
is_running =0
if [ -f $pidfile ];
echo "PID file exists " $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
previous_pid=`cat $pidfile`
is_running=`ps -ef | grep $previous_pid | wc -l`
if [ $is_running -gt 0 ];
echo "Previous process didn't quit yet"
rsync -zrt --delete-before /repository/ /mnt/backup/repositorio/ < /dev/null &
echo $$ > $pidfile
Hope this helps!!!

Bash script to re-launch program in case of failure error

In linux (I use a Ubuntu), I run a (ruby) program that continually runs all day long. My job is to monitor to see if the program fails and if so, re-launch the program. This consists up simply hitting 'Up' for last command and 'Enter'. Simple enough.
There has to be a way to write a bash script to monitor my program if its stops working and to re-launch it automatically.
How would I go about doing this?
A bonus is to be able to save the output of the program when it errors.
What you could do:
while :
echo "New launch at `date`" >> "${LOGFILE}"
${LAUNCH} >> "${LOGFILE}" 2>&1 &
Another way is to periodicaly check the PID:
while :
if [ -n "${PID}" ]; then
CHECK=`ps -o pid:1= -p "${PID}"`
# If PID does not exist anymore, launch again
if [ -z "${CHECK}" ]; then
echo "New launch at `date`" >> "${LOGFILE}"
# Launch command and keep track of the PID
${LAUNCH} >> "${LOGFILE}" 2>&1 &
sleep 2
Infinite loop:
while true; do
your_program >> /path/to/error.log 2>&1

How to output the start and stop datetime of shell script (but no other log)?

I am still very new to shell scripting (bash)...but I have written my first one and it is running as expected.
What I am currently doing is writing to the log with sh >> /cron.log 2>&1. However this writes everything out. It was great for debugging but now I don't need that.
I now only want to see the start date and time along with the end date and time
I would still like to write to cron.log but just the dates as mentioned above But I can't seem to figure out how to do that. Can someone point me in the right direction to do this...either from within the script or similar to what I've done above?
A simple approach would be to add something like:
echo `date`: Myscript starts
to the top of your script and
echo `date`: Myscript ends
to the bottom and
echo `date`: Myscript exited because ...
wherever it exits with an error.
The backticks around date (not normal quotes) cause the output of the date command to be interpolated into the echo statement.
You could wrap this in functions and so forth to make it neater, or use date -u to print in UTC, but this should get you going.
You ask in the comments how you would avoid the rest of the output appearing.
One option would be to redirect the output and error of everything else in the script to /dev/null, by adding '>/dev/null 2>&1' to every line that output something, or otherwise silence them. EG
if fgrep myuser /etc/password ; then
could be written:
if fgrep myuser /etc/password >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
if fgrep -q myuser /etc/password ; then
is more efficient in this case.
Another option would be to put the date wrapper in the crontab entry. Something like:
0 * * * * sh -c 'echo `date`: myscript starting ; /path/to/myscript >/dev/null 2>&1; echo `date`: myscript finished'
Lastly, you could use a subshell. Put the body of your script into a function, and then call that in a subshell with output redirected.
do_it ()
... your script here ...
echo `date`: myscript starting
( do_it ) >/dev/null 2>&1
echo `date`: myscript finished
Try the following:
TMP=$(date);; echo "$TMP-$(date)"
or with formatted date
TMP=$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S);; echo "$TMP-$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S)"

How to get watch to run a bash script with quotes

I'm trying to have a lightweight memory profiler for the matlab jobs that are run on my machine. There is either one or zero matlab job instance, but its process id changes frequently (since it is actually called by another script).
So here is the bash script that I put together to log memory usage:
pid=`ps aux | grep '[M]ATLAB' | awk '{print $2}'`
if [[ -n $pid ]]
\grep VmSize /proc/$pid/status
echo "no pid"
when I run this script in bash like this:
it works fine, giving me the following result:
VmSize: 1289004 kB
which is exactly what I want.
Now, I want to run this periodically. So I run it with watch, like this:
watch ./
But in this case I only receive:
no pid
Please note that I know the matlab job is still running, because I can see it with the same pid on top, and besides, I know each matlab job take several hours to finish.
I'm pretty sure that something is wrong with the quotes I have when setting pid. I just can't figure out how to fix it. Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?
In the man page of watch, it says that commands are executed by sh -c. I did run my script like sh -c ./script and it works just fine, but watch doesn't.
Why don't you use a loop with sleep command instead?
For example:
pid=`ps aux | grep '[M]ATLAB' | awk '{print $2}'`
while [ "1" ]
if [[ -n $pid ]]
\grep VmSize /proc/$pid/status
echo "no pid"
sleep 10
Here the script sleeps(waits) for 10 seconds. You can set the interval you need changing the sleep command. For example to make the script sleep for an hour use sleep 1h.
To exit the script press Ctrl - C
pid=`ps aux | grep '[M]ATLAB' | awk '{print $2}'`
could be changed to:
pid=$(pidof MATLAB)
I have no idea why it's not working in watch but you could use a cron job and make the script log to a file like so:
pid=$(pidof MATLAB) # Just to follow previously given advice :)
if [[ -n $pid ]]
echo "$(date): $(\grep VmSize /proc/$pid/status)" >> logfile
echo "$(date): no pid" >> logfile
You'd of course have to create logfile with touch.
You might try just running ps command in watch. I have had issues in the past with watch chopping lines and such when they get too long.
It can be fixed by making the terminal you are running the command from wider or changing the column like this (may need to adjust the 160 to your liking):
export COLUMNS=160;

Bash: How do I make sub-processes of a script be terminated, when the script is terminated?

The question applies to a script such as the following:
for f in `find ${SRC} -name '*log*2011*' | sort --reverse`
OUT=`nice grep -ci -E "${1}" "${f}"`
if [ "${OUT}" != "0" ]
printf '%7s : %s\n' "${OUT}" "${f}"
printf '%7s %s\n' "(none)" "${f}"
) &
echo "WAITING..."
echo "FINISHED!"
Current behavior
Pressing Ctrl+C in console terminates the script but not the already running grep processes.
Write a trap for Ctrl+c and in the trap kill all of the subprocesses. Put this before your wait command.
function handle_sigint()
for proc in `jobs -p`
kill $proc
trap handle_sigint SIGINT
A simple alternative is using a cat pipe. The following worked for me:
echo "-" > test.text;
for x in 1 2 3; do
( sleep $x; echo $x | tee --append test.text; ) &
done | cat
If I press Ctrl-C before the last number is printed to stdout. It also works if the text-generating command is something that takes a long time such as "find /", i.e. it is not only the connection to stdout through cat that is killed but actually the child process.
For large scripts that make extensive use of subprocesses the easiest way to ensure the indented Ctrl-C behaviour is wrapping the whole script into such a subshell, e.g.
) | cat
I am not sure though if this has the exactly same effect as Andrew's answer (i.e. I'm not sure what signal is sent to the subprocesses). Also I only tested this with cygwin, not with a native Linux shell.
