Bash: How do I make sub-processes of a script be terminated, when the script is terminated? - linux

The question applies to a script such as the following:
for f in `find ${SRC} -name '*log*2011*' | sort --reverse`
OUT=`nice grep -ci -E "${1}" "${f}"`
if [ "${OUT}" != "0" ]
printf '%7s : %s\n' "${OUT}" "${f}"
printf '%7s %s\n' "(none)" "${f}"
) &
echo "WAITING..."
echo "FINISHED!"
Current behavior
Pressing Ctrl+C in console terminates the script but not the already running grep processes.

Write a trap for Ctrl+c and in the trap kill all of the subprocesses. Put this before your wait command.
function handle_sigint()
for proc in `jobs -p`
kill $proc
trap handle_sigint SIGINT

A simple alternative is using a cat pipe. The following worked for me:
echo "-" > test.text;
for x in 1 2 3; do
( sleep $x; echo $x | tee --append test.text; ) &
done | cat
If I press Ctrl-C before the last number is printed to stdout. It also works if the text-generating command is something that takes a long time such as "find /", i.e. it is not only the connection to stdout through cat that is killed but actually the child process.
For large scripts that make extensive use of subprocesses the easiest way to ensure the indented Ctrl-C behaviour is wrapping the whole script into such a subshell, e.g.
) | cat
I am not sure though if this has the exactly same effect as Andrew's answer (i.e. I'm not sure what signal is sent to the subprocesses). Also I only tested this with cygwin, not with a native Linux shell.


Script to check if vim is open or another script is running?

I'm making a background script that requires a user to input a certain string (a function) to continue. The script runs fine, but will interrupt anything else that is open in vim or any script that is running. Is there a way I can test in my script if the command line is waiting for input to avoid interrupting something?
I'm running the script enclosed in parenthesis to hide the job completion message, so I'm using (. nightFall &)
Here is the script so far:
# nightFall
echo "Night begins to fall... Now might be a good time to rest."
while [[ "$text" != "rest" ]]
read -p "" text
Thank you in advance!
If you launch nightFall from the shell you are monitoring, you can use "ps" with the parent PID to see how many processes are launched by the shell as well:
for k in `seq 1 15`; do
N=$(ps -ef | grep -sw $PPID | grep -v $$ | wc -l)
(( N -= 2 ))
[ "$N" -eq 0 ] && echo "At prompt"
[ "$N" -ne 0 ] && echo "Child processes: $N"
sleep 1
Note that I subtract 2 from N: one for the shell process itself and one for the script. The remainder is = how many other child processes does the shell have.
Launch the above script from a shell in background:
bash &
Then start any command (for example "sleep 15") and it will detect if you are at the prompt or in a command.

Concurrency in linux

I am trying to write a small shell script, make it go to sleep for some amount of time like 20 seconds and then run it. Now if i open another terminal and try to run the same script, it shouldn't run as the process is running else where. How do I do it?
I know i should write something, make it go to sleep captures its pid and write a condition that if this pis is running somewhere then don't let it run anywhere. but how do i do it? Please give a code.
echo "this is a process"
sleep 60
testfilepid = `ps ax | grep | grep -v grep | tr -s " " | cut -f1 -d " "| tail -1`
echo $testfilepid
if [[ $tesfilepid = " " ]]
echo "this process is already running"
This is what I tried. when i execute this in 2 windows, both the windows give me the output this is a process.
You could use pgrep to check that your script/process is running, and negate the output, this is a very basic example that could give you an idea:
if ! pgrep -f sleep >/dev/null; then echo "will sleep" && sleep 3; fi
Notice the !, pgrep -f sleep will search for a process matching against full argument lists. (you could customize this to your needs). so if nothing matches your pattern then your script will be called.

Shutdown computer when all instances of a given program have finished

I use the following script to check whether wget has finished downloading. To check for this, I'm looking for its PID, and when it is not found the computer shutdowns. This works fine for a single instance of wget, however, I'd like the script to look for all already running wget programs.
while kill -0 $(pidof wget) 2> /dev/null; do
for i in '-' '/' '|' '\'
echo -ne "\b$i"
sleep 0.1
EDIT: I'd would be great if the script would check if at least one instance of wget is running and only then check whether wget has finished and shutdown the computer.
In addition to the other answers, you can satisfy your check for at least one wget pid by initially reading the result of pidof wget into an array, for example:
pids=($(pidof wget))
if ((${#pids[#]} > 0)); then
# do your loop
This also brings up a way to routinely monitor the remaining pids as each wget operation completes, for example,
npids=${#pids[#]} ## save original number of pids
while (( ${#pids[#]} -gt 0 )); do ## while pids remain
for ((i = 0; i < npids; i++)); do ## loop, checking remaining pids
kill -0 ${pids[i]} || pids[$i]= ## if not unset in array
## do your sleep and spin
There are probably many more ways to do it. This is just one that came to mind.
I don't think kill is a right Idea,
may be some thing on the lines like this
while [ 1 ]
for pid in `ps -ef | grep wget| awk '{print $2}'` ; # Adjust the grep
if test $live_wgets -eq 0; then # shutdown
sudo poweroff; # or whatever that suits
sleep 5; # wait for sometime
You can adapt your script in the following way:
DOWNLOAD=`ps -ef | grep wget | grep -v grep`
while [ -n "$DOWNLOAD" ]; do
for i in "${spin[#]}"
DOWNLOAD=`ps -ef | grep wget | grep -v grep`
echo -ne "\b$i"
sleep 0.1
sudo poweroff
However I would recommend using cron instead of an active waiting approach or even use wait
How to wait in bash for several subprocesses to finish and return exit code !=0 when any subprocess ends with code !=0?

Getting BASH command PID

I have this piece of code
echo "Debugging for stream: $streamURL";
echo "Starting debugging...";
vlc -vvv --color $streamURL --file-caching=10000 2>&1 | sed "s/^/ `date`/";
) | tee debug.txt &
ps -e | grep $PROCESS_PID
echo " killing process pid: "
kill -9 $PROCESS_PID
ps -e | grep vlc #still there
My problem is I can't manage to save the "vlc ..." command PID into a variable in order to kill it later. If I move "PROCESS_PID=$!" right after it, it will be empty. Also need the pipe after it for sed. Any suggestions?
You can get the pid by twiddling file descriptors, but it's painful. For example:
{ PID=$({ (
echo foo;
echo bar;
sh -c 'echo $$ >&5; exec echo baz' ) |
tr a o; } 5>&1 1>&3 ); } 3>&1
will assign the pid of 'echo baz' to PID. Replace that echo with your vlc and replace the tr with your sed and you should have a solution.
To try an provide a somewhat simplified explanation of what's going on here, first notice that we are using process substitution to make the assignment to PID. The $() syntax simply takes the command inside the parentheses and assigns to the variable the output of the command. It is important to remember that "output" here means "whatever is printed to file descriptor 1". Inside the sh command, we print a pid to file descriptor 5 and then exec echo. By using exec, that echo has the same pid that the previous echo wrote. Now the echo foo, bar and baz are all writing into the pipe that goes to tr. The output of tr is being redirected to fd 3 (before the edit, this was fd 2. Which file descriptor to use is mostly arbitrary, but modifying 2 is a bad idea in case any errors are generated) and file descriptor 5 is being redirected to fd 1, so that it becomes the "output" of the process substitution that is assigned to PID. Then outside the process substitution, we assign fd 3 to give output where it was originally desired. Hopefully, this paragraph is more explanatory than obfuscating: if confused, look at the code for clarification!
Unfortunately, it gets uglier if you want to run in the background:
{ PID=$({ (
echo foo;
echo bar;
sh -c 'echo $$ >&5; exec 5>&-; exec echo baz' >&3 & ) |
tr a o; } 5>&1 1>&3 ); } 3>&1
Here, you need to close file descriptor 5 to ensure that the process substitution completes.
You can't assign a variable in a subshell and get it back outside it.
In this case, if you kill $! you'll kill tee, which will (AFAIK) send SIGPIPE to the subshell and terminate the whole thing. So there's generally no need for the PID in the subshell.
I'm not sure, but the problem might be that you're nuking the process from orbit with SIGKILL rather than killing it softly with just kill $PID. It might be that tee does not send SIGPIPE in this case, because it doesn't get to clean up after itself.
In other words, just use kill $process_id. Be aware that killing a process is not synchronous - you're just sending it a signal and carrying on. See Kill bash processes “nicely” for details.

bash: silently kill background function process

shell gurus,
I have a bash shell script, in which I launch a background function, say foo(), to display a progress bar for a boring and long command:
while [ 1 ]
#massively cool progress bar display code
sleep 1
foo &
kill $foo_pid >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10
now, when foo dies, I see the following text:
/home/user/script: line XXX: 30290 Killed foo
This totally destroys the awesomeness of my, otherwise massively cool, progress bar display.
How do I get rid of this message?
kill $foo_pid
wait $foo_pid 2>/dev/null
BTW, I don't know about your massively cool progress bar, but have you seen Pipe Viewer (pv)?
Just came across this myself, and realised "disown" is what we are looking for.
foo &
kill $foo_pid
sleep 10
The death message is being printed because the process is still in the shells list of watched "jobs". The disown command will remove the most recently spawned process from this list so that no debug message will be generated when it is killed, even with SIGKILL (-9).
Try to replace your line kill $foo_pid >/dev/null 2>&1 with the line:
(kill $foo_pid 2>&1) >/dev/null
This answer is not correct for the reason explained by #mklement0 in his comment:
The reason this answer isn't effective with background jobs is that
Bash itself asynchronously, after the kill command has completed,
outputs a status message about the killed job, which you cannot
suppress directly - unless you use wait, as in the accepted answer.
This "hack" seems to work:
# Some trickery to hide killed message
exec 3>&2 # 3 is now a copy of 2
exec 2> /dev/null # 2 now points to /dev/null
kill $foo_pid >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 1 # sleep to wait for process to die
exec 2>&3 # restore stderr to saved
exec 3>&- # close saved version
and it was inspired from here. World order has been restored.
This is a solution I came up with for a similar problem (wanted to display a timestamp during long running processes). This implements a killsub function that allows you to kill any subshell quietly as long as you know the pid. Note, that the trap instructions are important to include: in case the script is interrupted, the subshell will not continue to run.
while [ 1 ]
#massively cool progress bar display code
sleep 1
#Kills the sub process quietly
function killsub()
kill -9 ${1} 2>/dev/null
wait ${1} 2>/dev/null
foo &
#Add a trap incase of unexpected interruptions
trap 'killsub ${foo_pid}; exit' INT TERM EXIT
#Kill foo after finished
killsub ${foo_pid}
#Reset trap
Add at the start of the function:
trap 'exit 0' TERM
You can use set +m before to suppress that. More information on that here
Another way to do it:
[[ "$(pidof ${1})" ]] && killall ${1}
sleep 2
[[ "$(pidof ${1})" ]] && kill -9 "$(pidof ${1})"
call it with
func_terminate_service "firefox"
Yet another way to disable job notifications is to put your command to be backgrounded in a sh -c 'cmd &' construct.
while [ 1 ]
sleep 1
#foo &
export -f foo
foo_pid=`sh -c 'foo & echo ${!}' | head -1`
# if shell does not support exporting functions (export -f foo)
#arg1='foo() { while [ 1 ]; do sleep 1; done; }'
#foo_pid=`sh -c 'eval "$1"; foo & echo ${!}' _ "$arg1" | head -1`
sleep 3
echo kill ${foo_pid}
kill ${foo_pid}
sleep 3
The error message should come from the default signal handler which dump the signal source in the script. I met the similar errors only on bash 3.x and 4.x. To always quietly kill the child process everywhere(tested on bash 3/4/5, dash, ash, zsh), we could trap the TERM signal at the very first of child process:
## assume script name is
foo() {
trap 'exit 0' TERM ## here is the key
while true; do sleep 1; done
echo before child
ps aux | grep 'test\.s[h]\|slee[p]'
foo &
sleep 1 # wait trap is done
echo before kill
ps aux | grep 'test\.s[h]\|slee[p]'
kill $foo_pid
sleep 1 # wait kill is done
echo after kill
ps aux | grep 'test\.s[h]\|slee[p]'
