Can not find module after installing it - haskell

I am trying to install "threepenny-gui", I simply do it by
cabal install threepenny-gui
It is a school project that I have to use it and you can find the start code here.
After I have installed it and run Calculator.hs without changing anything I get the error
Could not find module ‘Data.Aeson’
Perhaps you meant Data.Version (from base-
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Graphics.UI.Threepenny’
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core’
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Failed, modules loaded: none.
I read here in section 4.1 that
This happens when you install a package globally, and the previous packages were installed locally.
But does not give any real solution. How should I install it correctly? Have been having similar problems when installing other modules.


I’d like to install and require “fs”, ”path”, and “js-yaml” in Windows 10 but only “js-yaml” led to "Error cannot find module "

 Nice to meet you. I'm a beginner in computer and these days have enjoyed your sophisticated Q&As here. This is my first question in StackOverFlow. Please forgive me when I use not common notations and unnatural English.
 I trid for several hours to install external modules in Node-Red (Node.js ?).
I’d like to install three---“fs”, ”path”, and “js-yaml”--- in Windows 10 but my trouble is that only “js-yaml” resulted in failure although the others can be successfully installed and used.
 I tried the following command…
C:\windows\system32>npm –g install js-yaml
C:\windows\system32>npm –g install fs
C:\windows\system32>npm –g install path
These commands created the modules, but only js-yaml behaved differently from the other two. After adding appropriate keys and properties such as “ fs: require(‘fs’)” to functionGlobalContext in (C:~~~/.node-red/) setting.js, I tried to start Node-Red.
When I commanded
C:\windows\system32> node-red
it returned the following errors only on js-yaml and node-red did not open. It ran successfully when I removed the term “jsyaml: require(‘js-yaml’)” from setting.js.
Error loading C:~~~/.node-red/setteing.js
Error cannot find module “js-yaml”
I’ll list reports which may be related with my problem.
*The other two (fs, path) created the folders only in the directory “C:~~~/npm/node-modules”, but js-yaml created another js-yaml file apart from there in “C:~~~/npm”.
*Perhaps I tried “npm link” command in each directory before install command. And npm link [module name] in C:~~~/.node-red directory.
*I downloaded external module (node-red-contrib-postgres) from github, which may have fs.js and path.js??
*It did not change the result to add “js-yaml” term into “dependency” in (C:~~~/.node-red/) package.json.
*I add C:~~~/npm.node_modules(got by "npm -g bin"command) to enviroment variable "PATH"
I would suggest you install them locally, not globally.
When you install npm modules globally using -g, they are stored under %APPDATA%\npm, which is user-specific, and to which Node Red may not have access, depending on how it's being run.
Have a look at Running on Windows under "Sharing Node-RED between Users" and npm-folders for further info.
Alternatively, you can also put the actual path in functionGlobalContext, which may work for you. Along the lines of:
js-yaml: require(‘/the/path/to/js-yaml’)

Issue using Hoe from cabal sandbox - System.Random not found

I'm trying to use the Hoe utility from a cabal sandbox and am presented with the following error:
lyndon#endpin ~/Haskell-Sandboxes/hoe-1.0.1 ./.cabal-sandbox/bin/hoe head
compile error: <no location info>:
Could not find module ‘System.Random’
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
I believe that this is due to Hoe using Hint to interpret expressions at runtime, and as part of this, expecting to be able to load globally installed modules. However, since I'm using a cabal-sandbox, modules are only installed locally.
I've attempted to look for any environment variables I can use to specify the location of the random module as ./.cabal-sandbox/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-7.8.3/random-1.1, however nothing obvious has appeared.
22070308 suggested that HASKELL_PACKAGE_SANDBOX might help, but it doesn't seem to.
I actually just came across the solution
Setting GHC_PACKAGE_PATH to include the sandbox, and the default package location:
lyndon#endpin ~/Haskell-Sandboxes/hoe-1.0.1 find ~/ghc_versions/ghc-7.8.3/ | grep package.cache
lyndon#endpin ~/Haskell-Sandboxes/hoe-1.0.1 GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=~/ghc_versions/ghc-7.8.3//lib/ghc-7.8.3/package.conf.d:./.cabal-sandbox/x86_64-osx-ghc-7.8.3-packages.conf.d ./.cabal-sandbox/bin/hoe head

Node's Package Manager warning

I'm trying to install Hoodie
and after following the first steps in this tutorial
in the step:
$brew install node
it shows me
Warning: node-0.10.33 already installed, it's just not linked
what does it mean?
To the first part of the question, this error means that you already have node installed on your system. You can likely find that install by using the command:
which node
Failing that,
locate node
I don't find any specific reference to the "it's just not linked" error statement, but the homebrew wiki refers to linking with the
brew link
command if/when the system fails to link (
The error itself would come out of homebrew/install.rb line 46 (

Installing Cabal has missing modules

My ghc install was out of date so I decided to reinstall ghc and cabal to hopefully fix some problems. I started out following the steps here. GHC is now version 7.8.3.
I then removed ~/.cabal and tried to install using the steps but it fails. So I removed .cabal again and tried the steps here but when I run sh it runs into missing modules:
Using local tarball for parsec-3.1.6.
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Setup.hs, Setup.o )
Linking Setup ...
Configuring parsec-3.1.6...
Building parsec-3.1.6...
Preprocessing library parsec-3.1.6...
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.Trans’
There are files missing in the ‘mtl-2.2.1’ package,
try running 'ghc-pkg check'.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.Identity’
There are files missing in the ‘mtl-2.2.1’ package,
try running 'ghc-pkg check'.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.Reader.Class’
There are files missing in the ‘mtl-2.2.1’ package,
try running 'ghc-pkg check'.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.State.Class’
There are files missing in the ‘mtl-2.2.1’ package,
try running 'ghc-pkg check'.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.Cont.Class’
There are files missing in the ‘mtl-2.2.1’ package,
try running 'ghc-pkg check'.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.Error.Class’
There are files missing in the ‘mtl-2.2.1’ package,
try running 'ghc-pkg check'.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Data.Text’
There are files missing in the ‘text-’ package,
try running 'ghc-pkg check'.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Data.Text.Lazy’
There are files missing in the ‘text-’ package,
try running 'ghc-pkg check'.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Error during cabal-install bootstrap:
Building the parsec package failed.
When I run ghc-pkg check I get a WHOLE lot of stuff like this:
cannot find any of ["libHSOpenGLRaw-","libHSOpenGLRaw-","","libHSOpenGLRaw-","HSOpenGLRaw-"] on library path
Warning: haddock-interfaces: /usr/local/share/doc/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.8.3/Cabal- doesn't exist or isn't a file
Warning: haddock-html: /usr/local/share/doc/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.8.3/Cabal- doesn't exist or isn't a directory
and then this:
The following packages are broken, either because they have a problem
listed above, or because they depend on a broken package.
You can either use ghc-pkg unregister on each of the broken packages to clean them out properly, or possibly blow away the whole ~/.ghc folder and start again. You may need to use --force to avoid having to respect the dependency order of the packages.
Did you also remove ~/.ghc when you removed ~/.cabal? If not, I suggest you try that, since if I understand correctly, the first may contain references to packages installed in the second.

Cannot find out module Data.Colour

I cannot import module Data.Colour, and the error as follow:
Could not find module `Data.Colour'
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Am I missing anything?
A Hayoo! search reveals that this module lives in the colour package, which you presumably don't have installed. To install it, run cabal update followed by cabal install colour.
