Rename failed in Xcode 9 - rename

I used "renamed" function to rename a variable named "DefaultRequestURL" in Xcode 9, it alert this:
alert image
I have checked the file "ComposeController.swift", there is no "DefaultRequestURL"。
I have restart Xcode and do "Product -> Clean", it still failed.
why this? What should I do?

Try again in few minutes. Maybe background indexing still running. Also, you must build your project in order to be able to use refactor->rename.
Actually, it must be a bug in Xcode 9. Try 9.1 beta, refactor is not ideal, but works better there.
this maybe helpful:
Close Xcode
Go to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and remove folder contents including "ModuleCache".
Open your project and build
Try rename functionality now. It should work!
Update 2:
For Xcode 10, it's enough just to restart it.
Update 3:
Still works for Xcode 12. Sometimes just restart helps, sometimes module cache needs to be removed. Sometimes even build->clean helps.

Thanks for Vlad E. Borovtsov, It's help me to resolve problem and I fonud there is a way not close xcode.
This is my way to fix it:
Go to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/ , remove DerivedData folder
command+r to run ,or command+b to build
Try rename , it work for me .
xocde reindex and rename can work

There is no need to remove DerivedData folder & rebuild.
close Xcode
remove DerivedData/ModuleCache.noindex folder
open Xcode
Working on 10.2.1
Working on Xcode 12 beta 4 but did need to wait for indexing to finish.

For me there was already a folder with the name I tried to rename to for some reason. Manually removing the folder helped.


Failed to run '/usr/local/go/bin/go env. The config change may not be applied correctly

Whenever i try save a go file inside vc code i get this pop up Failed to run '/usr/local/go/bin/go env. The config change may not be applied correctly. . Also there is any no go intelliSense, code navigation, and code editing support.
I guess, you are using go modules and have go.mod file inside project directory. In this case, inside VsCode, go to preferences. Under extensions, select Go. Untick checkbox labelled "Infer GOPATH from the workspace root." for both "User" and "Workspace".
Close all terminal and VsCode instance, and restart VsCode. It should no longer display the error, and prompt message to install Go Tools. Else you can manually install go tools from VsCode (pressing crtl/cmd + shift + P), which will bring back intellisense and linting.
In case you are using Mac OS and installed Go via homebrew add
"go.goroot": "/opt/homebrew/opt/go/libexec"
To your settings.json file. The path may be different. Check it via export GOROOT="$(brew --prefix golang)/libexec".
Also see install go on mac
I have solved this issue. The solution is that, create a new Golang project and move all the required logic files from older project to newer project and it will work. The problem is with .mod and .sum files. It is a older project that i have created on my other laptop that has Ubuntu based Feren OS. When I moved this project to my newer laptop that has Ubuntu based Zorin OS. It creates problem. So after trying lots of solution, I just created a new Golang project and moves all the required files and it works.

VSCode v1.62.2 on M1 11.6 not starting debugger on pre-saved workspaces

After November's Recovery Update 2, VSCode fails to start debugging on pre-saved workspaces.
It is MacOS specific. Don't know if it is M1 specific.
If I open the workspace's folders one by one and manually add them to a new workspace, debugger starts fine.
As soon as I save the workspace to a file, that's when debugger cannot start.
Has anyone experienced the same problem?
Temporary fix for anyone with the same problem: Open up your terminal and run
code /path/to/workspaceFile
Maybe is a permissions issue with the new update?
The problem is present if I do a fresh install of the

Package Control in Sublime3 not working?

Note: I´ve searched for sublime here at the forum first, in order to post a question, because I wasn´t sure if this question was adequate for this specific forum and wanted to compare it with other posts. If it shouldn´t be here, please tell me so, and I´ll gladly close it here and open it in any other stackoverflow´s forum. Thanks.
I´ve just installed sublime3. After that I´ve installed package control.
But even when I try and install some packages using package control not all packages get installed, even when I get the "successfully installed" message at the bottom of the window.
To install a new package I go to preferences/package control/install package, and after getting the "successfully installed message" I go to /list packages and it´s not there.
I realised that maybe that´s because some packages are not compatible with sublime 3 (even there it shouldn´t be the successfully installed message there).
So, I´ve tried the latest sublime3 version of emmet, but it seems that´s not working (I´ve tried some shortcuts without any success). So I´ve watched Chris Coyer screencast to check out if I´ve missed something, but it still won´t work.
I´ve tried installing it manually: I´ve went to C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Packages (I´ve installed the x64 package, but for some reason it´s not installed into \Program Files (x86)).
And then I copy/paste the unzipped folders of /emmet-sublime-master and /PyV8 (I´ve tried naming the folder just emmet).
And still, it won´t work. This kinda happened to me with a lot of packages, I´ve installes several of them, and when I go to preferences/package control/list packages, I get only 3 of them.
I came across this issue as well. This thread ( directed me to delete the entry for Package Control under "Ignored Packages" in my User Settings File. Once that was deleted, I restarted, and it worked as expected.
In SublimeText go to Preferences -> Settings. In the opened file Preferences.sublime-settings remove Package Control from ignored_packages list (see below). Save the file and restart Sublime.
"font_size": 11,
"Package Control" <---- REMOVE
For me, Package Control was already removed from ignored_packages, so that didn’t help. But the Sublime Text console held messages which indicated the problem. (Press Ctrl+` to open the console.)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/myuser/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Package Control/merged-ca-bundle.crt'
And changing ownership on the Package Control directory allowed me to use Package Control again:
chown -R myuser:myuser '/home/myuser/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Package Control/'
For me, after try to remove and reinstall the Sublime and verified the ignored_packages, I installed python and restart the sublime. So it worked.
In Terminal:
sudo apt install python python3
I am using Ubuntu 20.04.

Adding blackberry10 platform in cordova(3.0.0) is showing "Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting"

I had installed blackberry 10 required software.
Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting.
I'm having the same problem. It works when I specify android but not when I specify blackberry10.
As pointed out by Ludivoc above, node is in my path. My command sequence is:
mydir>cordova create test com.example.test Test
mydir>cd test
mydir\test>cordova platform add android
mydir\test>cordova platform add blackberry10
[Error: node cannot be found in path. Aborting.
mydir\test>where node
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
I have also verified that the bbndk is in my path:
mydir\test>where blackberry-signer
FWIW, I'm running Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
It seems to me that this problem is specific to the cordova scripts for blackberry10 and not to the node installation.
SOLVED: I've had some luck with this problem and there is an answer posted on my thread at The thread actually discusses another problem, but I was able to get this one solved as well (I think:-)). Essentially, you have to make some edits to the init.bat file at C:\Users\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin
We had the same problem and managed to fix it.
The first problem "Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting." is related to a file called check_reqs.bat which can be found in the .cordova dir, normally situated in your users home eg. C:\Users\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin\check_reqs.bat
This script tries to check for some files using a variable called %CORDOVA_NODE% e.g.
if not exist "%CORDOVA_NODE%\node.exe" (
No matter what I do, this variable is NEVER set when I call cordova so I just set it by hand
SET %CORDOVA_NODE%=somepath_dont_use_quotes
You might also have to adjust %CORDOVA_BBTOOLS%, on one of our machines it worked, on one it didn't, I was NOT in the mood figuring out why.
The same CORDOVA_NODE issue has to be fixed in your build.bat situated at
Last but not least we had a problem in packager.js. There is a logger used in there which gives an error whenever the packager tries to call it so we just put it under comments.
I know this is a little bit of a hack us the %CORDOVA variables should be taken from your system but as those paths shouldn't change we are h appy with the solution.
Open the check_reqs.bat file under C:\Users.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin\check_reqs.bat and:
replace %CORDOVA_NODE% with your path to nodejs, mine is C:\Program Files\nodejs.
Then repalce %CORDOVA_BBTOOLS% with the path the blackberry sdk, mine is: C:\bbndk\host_10_2_0_15\win32\x86\usr\bin.
Finally replace the last line "%CORDOVA_NODE%\node" "%~dp0\check_reqs.js" %* by "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "%~dp0\check_reqs.js" %*
It works for me
I believe you would get this error if 1) you have not installed node.js or 2) you have installed node.js but not yet added it to your system path.
These two pages provide further detail that may be helpful:
If you install nodejs in the default location, it should be installed in a location that is already in the system path on MacOS
i have updated cordova to 3.2.0,now everything is working fine in win7.
Thank you all
Have u downloaded the Blackberry SDK. You have install the blackberry sdk manually from blackberry's website. only then u can use it in phonegap.
This error occurs in C:\Users\{username}\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\{version}\bin\init.bat
The fix for me was to add a new environment variable:
Value: C:\Program Files\BlackBerry\BB10 WebWorks SDK\cordova-blackberry\bin\dependencies\bb-tools\bin
Your path might not be the exact same. If you can't find it do a search for blackberry-nativepackager.bat and the folder that contains that is the directory you need to set as the value.

Rollback on node.js install on Windows 7 x64 PC

I've been trying to get node.js installed on my home PC for a while now with no luck. I've tried different versions for the past couple months and no matter what I try it starts rolling back the install at "Creating shortcuts" and it fails to install. I created an install log for anyone who wants to look at it and take a stab at helping me solve the problem. Thanks!
I have faced the same problem, I have resolved my issue. I just mark performance counter to Install when required during installation of node.js
Windows Installer is reporting that it's installed even though it's been rolled back.
Run msiexec /x {29552F29-7FE9-441F-BC56-E6B591587A59}
Where the above guid is the ProductCode value from your log.
If that doesn't work and you have access to Orca.exe from the Windows SDK, you may be able to modify WixSchedInternetShortcuts to a false condition and install successfully. To do that, install Orca, then right click on the node.js msi file and choose 'Edit with Orca' then:
Highlight InstallExecuteSequence under "Tables" on the left.
Find WixSchedInternetShortcuts in the right
Double-click the Condition cell and change VersionNT > 400 to 0
Go to File -> Save
Run the installer again
After installing this version, you should be able to cleanly remove it via Add/remove programs and install another version without modifying the msi file.
I had the same problem with v0.10.35. (23 Jan 2015)
All I had to do was disable the shortcuts in the custom install pane and it worked fine:
My solution
You must install each item separately.
Npm package manager
Add to path
Online documentation ...
Nodejs runtime / Performans counter
(İmportant) nodejs runtime / Event tracing(etw) (select"feature will be installed be required"
restart computer
Last install view
All above methods do not work.
-running msiexec as admin
-msiexec /x ...
-modifying WixSchedInternetShortcuts
-dropping the row WixSchedInternetShortcuts
-even this: removing the option of creating shortcut to online documentation during the installation
Might manually fix it, you can read this help to install product and then add C:\Program Files\nodejs Path to Windows Environment variables.
Open the command promt and paste the below comman
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib_V2Providers{793c9b44-3d6b-4f57-b5d7-4ff80adcf9a2}" /s
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib_V2Providers{1e2e15d7-3760-470e-8699-b9db5248edd5}" /s
If you get a result for the command , go to the registry key and delete that key. Now try to install it again. You should be able to install it now.
msiexec /i node.msi /qn+ ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=NodePerfCtrSupport,NodeEtwSupport
This might help
Had the same problem. Solution 1 provided by Jim Schubert did not fix it. I then used Orca to edit the installation file. Changing the VersionNT condition also did not fix it for me. I then just dropped the rows from WixSchedInternetShortcuts and it installed successfully. I guess it had some problem with writing the shortcuts. I had also previously tried running msiexec as admin ("/a" option), but this didn't fix it...
One point to be aware of (I learn it the hard way): even after having edited the installer with Orca, don't try to uncheck the checkboxes for shortcuts creation in the installer, leave them checked or it will fail with the same error message.
It happened to me as well, I removed almost everything from the installation and completed the installation. After that I ran the installation again and added one by one until I installed all.
You can always use chocolately install:
choco install nodejs.install --version 8.11.1
Check if Avast Antivirus is installed in your machine.
If it is turn off the shields and try installing nodejs
Now it works completely fine...
