Get current directory (not full path) with filename only when sub folder is present in Linux bash - linux

I have prepared a bash script to get only the directory (not full path) with file name where file is present. It has to be done only when file is located in sub directory.
For example:
if input is src/email/${sub_dir}/, output should be ${sub_dir}/
If input is src/layouts/Bank_Casefeed.layout, output should be Bank_Casefeed.layout. I can easily get this using basename command.
src/basefolder is always constant. In some cases (after src/email(basefolder) directory), sub_directories will be there.
This script will work. I can use this script (only if module is email) to get output. but script should work even if sub directory is present in other modules. Maybe should I count the directories? if there are more than two directories (src/basefolder), script should get sub directories. Is there any better way to handle both scenarios?
filename=`basename src/email/${sub_dir}/`
echo "filename is $filename"
fulldir=`dirname src/email/${sub_dir}/`
dir=`basename $fulldir`
echo "subdirectory name: $dir"
echo "concatenate $filename $dir"
echo $Entity

Using shell parameter expansion:
files=( "src/email/${sub_dir}/" "src/email/" )
for f in "${files[#]}"; do
if [[ $f == *"/$sub_dir/"* ]]; then
echo "${f/*\/$sub_dir\//$sub_dir\/}"
basename "$f"

I know there might be an easier way to do this. But I believe you can just manipulate the input string. For example:
echo $DIRNAME1 | cut -f3- -d'/'
echo $DIRNAME2 | cut -f3- -d'/'
This will remove the first two directories.


Moving files to subfolders based on prefix in bash

I currently have a long list of files, which look somewhat like this:
The naming pattern all follow the same order, where I'm mainly seeking to group the files based on the part with "Aue", "Homersdorf", "Peuschen", and so forth (there are many others down the list), with the position of these keywords being always the same (e.g. they are all followed by Dl; they are all after the fifth underscore...etc.).
All the files are in the same folder, and I am trying to move these files into subfolders based on these keywords in bash, but I'm not quite certain how. Any help on this would be appreciated, thanks!
I am guessing you want something like this:
$ find . -type f | awk -F_ '{system("mkdir -p "$5"/"$6";mv "$0" "$5"/"$6)}'
This will move say Gmc_W_GCtl_E_Erz_Aue_Dl_281_heart_xerton into /Erz/Aue/Gmc_W_GCtl_E_Erz_Aue_Dl_281_heart_xerton.
Using the bash shell with a for loop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nullglob
for file in Gmc*; do
[[ -d $file ]] && continue
IFS=_ read -ra dir <<< "$file"
echo mkdir -pv "${dir[4]}/${dir[5]}" || exit
echo mv -v "$file" "${dir[4]}/${dir[5]}" || exit
Place the script inside the directory in question make it executable and execute it.
Remove the echo's so it create the directories and move the files.

Echo to all files found from GREP

I'm having a trouble with my code.
grep looks for files that doesn't have a word 'code'
and I need to add 'doesn't have' as a last line in those files
By logic
echo 'doesnt have' >> grep -ril 'code' file/file
I'm using -ril to ignore the cases and get file names
Does anyone know how to append a text to each .txt files found from grep searches?
How's this for a novel alternative?
echo "doesn't have" |
tee -a $(grep -riL 'code' file/file)
I switched to the -L option to list the files which do not contain the search string.
This is unfortunately rather brittle in that it assumes your file names do not contain whitespace or other shell metacharacters. This can be fixed at the expense of some complexity (briefly, have grep output zero-terminated matches, and read them into an array with readarray -d ''. This requires a reasonably recent Bash, and probably GNU grep.)
The 'echo' command can append output to a single file, which must be specified by redirecting the standard output. To update multiple files, a loop is needed. The loop iterated over all the files found with 'grep'
for file in $(grep -ril 'code' file/file) ; do
echo 'doesnt have' >> $file
Using a while read loop and Process Substitution.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -r files; do
echo "doesn't have" >> "$files"
done < <(grep -ril 'code' file/file)
As mentioned by #dibery
grep -ril 'code' file/file | {
while IFS= read -r files; do
echo "doesn't have" >> "$files"

Create file with egrep matches and file names

I need some help...
I'm creating a script of unit tests using shellscripts. That script, stores all the beeline calls from all files inside a directory.
The script is doing it's purpose, but I don't wanna append the file name if grep does not return results.
That's my code:
for file in $(ls)
cat $file | egrep -on '^( +)?\bbeeline.*password=;"?' >>
echo $file >>
How can I do that?
grep returns a falsy exit status (1) if it doesn't find any matching lines, so you can put in an if statement to test if it matched anything. Inverted with ! here:
for file in ./*; do
if ! egrep -on '...' "$file" >> somefile; then
echo 'grep did not match anything'
(I don't think there's any need for the ls instead of just a shell glob here.)

Modify file name using Python Script

I have many files in my folder with names 1.jpg-xyz, 1.jpg-abc, 2.jpg-qwe etc. I particularly want to move .jpg to the end of each image's name. I can't do it manually since these are thousands in number. I can't get rid of xyz etc after .jpg in the current name since they have important information. So only option I have is to shift .jpg to end. Can somebody tell me what command or script should I use to do that?
This should work:
find *jpg* | while read f ; do g=$(echo "$f" | sed s/\.jpg//) ; echo "mv $f ${g}.jpg" ; done
If the mv commands echoed look like what you want then remove the echo "" around it and re-run.
The below bash code will list all files with .jpg- and move them to -.jpg
for file in *.jpg-*
if [[ $file =~ $re ]]
mv $file "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[2]}.jpg"

Delete files in one directory that do not exist in another directory or its child directories

I am still a newbie in shell scripting and trying to come up with a simple code. Could anyone give me some direction here. Here is what I need.
Files in path 1: /tmp
Files in path2: /home/storage
Now I need to delete file 300ijkl in /tmp as the corresponding backup file is not present in /home/storage. The /tmp file contains more than 300 files. I need to delete the files in /tmp for which the corresponding backup files are not present and the file names in /tmp will match file names in /home/storage or directories under /home/storage.
Appreciate your time and response.
You can also approach the deletion using grep as well. You can loop though the files in /tmp checking with ls piped to grep, and deleting if there is not a match:
[ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] && { ## validate input
printf "error: insufficient input. Usage: %s tmpfiles storage\n" ${0//*\//}
exit 1
for i in "$1"/*; do
fn=${i##*/} ## strip path, leaving filename only
## if file in backup matches filename, skip rest of loop
ls "${2}"* | grep -q "$fn" &>/dev/null && continue
printf "removing %s\n" "$i"
# rm "$i" ## remove file
Note: the actual removal is commented out above, test and insure there are no unintended consequences before preforming the actual delete. Call it passing the path to tmp (without trailing /) as the first argument and with /home/storage as the second argument:
$ bash scriptname /path/to/tmp /home/storage
You can solve this by
making a list of the files in /home/storage
testing each filename in /tmp to see if it is in the list from /home/storage
Given the linux+shell tags, one might use bash:
make the list of files from /home/storage an associative array
make the subscript of the array the filename
Here is a sample script to illustrate ($1 and $2 are the parameters to pass to the script, i.e., /home/storage and /tmp):
declare -A InTarget
while read path
done < <(find $1 -type f)
while read path
[[ -z ${InTarget[$name]} ]] && rm -f $path
done < <(find $2 -type f)
It uses two interesting shell features:
name=${path##*/} is a POSIX shell feature which allows the script to perform the basename function without an extra process (per filename). That makes the script faster.
done < <(find $2 -type f) is a bash feature which lets the script read the list of filenames from find without making the assignments to the array run in a subprocess. Here the reason for using the feature is that if the array is updated in a subprocess, it would have no effect on the array value in the script which is passed to the second loop.
For related discussion:
Extract File Basename Without Path and Extension in Bash
Bash Script: While-Loop Subshell Dilemma
I spent some really nice time on this today because I needed to delete files which have same name but different extensions, so if anyone is looking for a quick implementation, here you go:
# We need some reference to files which we want to keep and not delete,
 # let's assume you want to keep files in first folder with jpeg, so you
# need to map it into the desired file extension first.
FILES_TO_KEEP=`ls -1 ${2} | sed 's/\.pdf$/.jpeg/g'`
#iterate through files in first argument path
for file in ${1}/*; do
# In my case, I did not want to do anything with directories, so let's continue cycle when hitting one.
if [[ -d $file ]]; then
# let's omit path from the iterated file with baseline so we can compare it to the files we want to keep
NAME_WITHOUT_PATH=`basename $file`
 # I use mac which is equal to having poor quality clts
# when it comes to operating with strings,
# this should be safe check to see if FILES_TO_KEEP contain NAME_WITHOUT_PATH
if [[ $FILES_TO_KEEP == *"$NAME_WITHOUT_PATH"* ]];then
echo "Not deleting: $NAME_WITHOUT_PATH"
# If it does not contain file from the other directory, remove it.
echo "deleting: $NAME_WITHOUT_PATH"
rm -rf $file
Usage: sh path/from/where path/source/of/truth
