Event Hub - Invalid Token error Azure Stream Analytics Input - azure

I am trying to to follow the tutorial below
Azure Tutorial
As noted at the bottom there appear to have been changes since this was created
When I get to the part where I create an input for my stream analytics job, I cannot select an event hub even though there is one in my subscription
So I went to provide the information manually and I get an error stating invalid token
Has anyone got any ideas how to resolve this or can point me to a better/more recent tutorial?
I am looking to stream data in real time

Thanks for the help here I ended up using the secondary key and that worked fine!

Change to use Secondary connection string or use a different shared policy altogether.
You can use the primary of the new shared access policy.
PS : It is a weird error, sometimes removing the last ";" worked.


Sudden forbidden access

Since this morning, all our ChatBot using DialogFlow get denied with a response code 403 and the following JSON :
{"status":{"code":401,"errorType":"unauthorized","errorDetails":"You are not authorized for this operation. Invalid access token"}}
We tried to update the client access token for one of them but without any change.
Note that the responseCode is different that the one specified in the JSON.
Any idea?
Could be an issue with the service itself. There is already a thread in the official community forum:
You are not alone...
I tried what Andrey Kotkovets said in this thread: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/dialogflow/CEZE6HS4C4o;context-place=forum/dialogflow
and it worked. You need to export your bots and import them as v1 for now.
edit: I created new agents and imported the old ones, I didn't overwrite the old ones.

Pushing documents(blobs) for indexing - Azure Search

I've been working in Azure Search + Azure Blob Storage for while, and I'm getting trouble indexing the incremental changes for new files uploaded.
How can I refresh the index after upload a new file into my blob container? Following my steps after upload file(I'm using rest service to perform these actions): I'm using the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer [link].
Through this App I've uploaded my new file to a folder already created before. After that, I used the Http REST to perform a 'Run' indexer command, you can see in this [link].
The indexer shows me that my new file was successfully added, but when I go to search the content in this new file is not found.
Please, anybody knows how to add this new file in Index and also how to find this new file by searching for his content?
I'm following Microsoft tutorials, but for this issue, I couldn't find a solution.
Thanks, guys!
Assuming everything is set up correctly, you don't need to do anything special - new blobs will be picked up and indexed the next time indexer runs according to its schedule, or you run the indexer on demand.
However, when you run the indexer on demand, successful completion of the Run Indexer API means that the request to run the indexer has been submitted; it does not mean that the indexer has finished running. To determine when the indexer has actually finished running (and observe the errors, if any), you should use Indexer Status API.
If you still have questions, please let us know your service name and indexer name and we can take a closer look at the telemetry.
I'll try to describe how can I figured out this issue.
Firstly, I've created a DataSource through this command:
POST https://[service name].search.windows.net/datasources?api-version=[api-version]
Secondly, I created the Index:
POST https://[servicename].search.windows.net/indexes?api-version=[api-version]
Finally, I created the Indexer. The problem happened at this moment because it is where all configurations are setted.
POST https://[service name].search.windows.net/indexers?api-version=[api-version]
After all these things done. The Index starts indexing all contents automatically (once we have contents into blob storage).
The crucial thing comes now. while your index is trying to extract all 'text' into your files, could occur some issue when the type of file is not 'indexable'. For example, there are two properties that you must pay attention excluded extensions, indexed extensions.
If you don't write the types properly, the Index throws an exception. Then, The Feedback Message(in my opinion is not good, was like a 'miss lead') says to avoid this error you should set the Indexer to '"dataToExtract" : "storageMetadata"'.
This command means that you are trying just index the metadata and no more the content of your files, then you cannot search by this and retrieve.
After that, the same message at the bottom says to avoid these issue you should set two properties (who solved the problem)
"failOnUnprocessableDocument" : false,"failOnUnsupportedContentType" : false
In addition, now everything is working properly. I appreciate your help #Eugene Shvets, and I hope this could be useful for someone else.

SubCode=40000. DataLakeFolderPath

when trying to configure Event Hubs Capture with Datalake Store, I get the following error in the Azure portal.
SubCode=40000. DataLakeFolderPath. + some tracking number guid and correlation guid.
Anyone know what this error means?
I assume it's got something to do with the DataLakeFolderPath, but no clue what SubCode of 40000 means.
After redoing all the steps contained in this article it seems to work.
If I retrace my steps it appears the error is likely due to me not setting the correct permissions at the ADLS root level, or the correct permissions at the specific Folder level.
I don't know which one, yet.

Syncing Problems with Xamarin Forms and Azure Easy Tables

I've been working on a Xamarin.Forms application in Visual Studio using Azure for the backend for a while now, and I've come across a really strange issue.
Please note, that I am following the methods mentioned in this blog
For some strange reason the PullAsync() method seems to have some bizarre problems. Any data that I create and sync will only be pulled by PullAsync() from that solution. What I mean by that is that if I create another solution that accesses the exact same backend, it can perform it's own create/sync data, but will not bring over the data generated by the other solution, even though they both seem to have the exact same access. This appears to be some kind of a security feature/issue, but I can't quite make sense of it.
Has anyone else encountered this at all? Was there a work-around at all? This could potentially cause problems down the road if I were to ever want to create another solution that accesses the same system/data for whatever reason.
For some strange reason the PullAsync() method seems to have some bizarre problems. Any data that I create and sync will only be pulled by PullAsync() from that solution.
According to your provided tutorial, I found that the related PullAsync is using Incremental Sync.
await coffeeTable.PullAsync("allCoffees", coffeeTable.CreateQuery());
Incremental Sync:
the first parameter to the pull operation is a query name that is used only on the client. If you use a non-null query name, the Azure Mobile SDK performs an incremental sync. Each time a pull operation returns a set of results, the latest updatedAt timestamp from that result set is stored in the SDK local system tables. Subsequent pull operations retrieve only records after that timestamp.
Here is my test, you could refer to it for a better understanding of Incremental Sync:
Client : await todoTable.PullAsync("todoItems-02", todoTable.CreateQuery());
The client SDK would check if there has a record with the id equals deltaToken|{table-name}|{query-id} from the __config table of your SQLite local store.
If there has no record, then the SDK would send a request as following for pulling your records:
Note: the $filter would be set as (updatedAt ge datetimeoffset'1970-01-01T00:00:00.0000000+00:00')
While there has a record, then the SDK would pick up the value as the latest updatedAt timestamp and send the request as follows:
Per my understanding, if you handle the same logical query with the same query id (non-null) in different mobile client, you need to make sure the local db is newly created by each client. Also, if you want to opt out of incremental sync, pass null as the query ID. In this case, all records are retrieved on every call to PullAsync, which is potentially inefficient. For more details, you could refer to How offline synchronization works.
Additionally, you could leverage fiddler for capturing the network traces when you invoke the PullAsync, in order to troubleshoot your issue.

Azure Mobile Service Custom API not updating

Has anyone using ZUMO experienced the following?
Calling a Custom API gives you x set of logs according to what ever is in your code.
I've updated the code and I still get those log entries but they don't even exist in code..
Deleted the API, I can still call it? and get the same log entries, it's like it's cached or something has broke...
Any ideas how I can do a platform reset or something?
