Error installation: error writing to file : - stimulsoft

I have to install stimulsoft reports.ultimate 2010.1. during installation i have this error:error writing to file : Verify that you have access to that directory.
I try to reinstall and i search a lot.but i did not find any solution.

Delete every in your system.Then Install the software.It works!


Rhizovision Image- Trying to find missing .dll files that prohibit my program from starting up

I am trying to run my Rhizovision Imager software, but when I hit the app to execute, I am prompted with the errors that says I am missing .dll files. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem? For example, an error pops up that I am missing "gcbase_md_vc120_v3_0_v5_0.dll"
I found this occurs if you have a different version of Pylon installed. Download and install the following "pylon_5_Runtime_5.0.12.11830". If you also wish to install the Pylon Viewer, download and install that first, then re-install the 5_Runtime above. Hope that helps!

Can not install nodejs

my computer can not install Nodejs.
Pic below
Have you googled for the error you're getting? says you should try either clearing your temp directory, running the installer as an admin, or disabling antivirus says you might need to modify the privileges on your temp folder (if running as administrator doesn't help)
More solutions here:

Installing JQt IDE for the J language, getting error

I've been following the instructions here:
to install J on an Ubuntu, new computer with everything updated. I have managed to follow all of the instructions up to the point where I install a JQt IDE
When I search the various file paths listed at the first like, like /usr/bin, I don't see any nor do I know which one is "the J install directory" since I only downloaded the .deb file to my downloads folder and then it installed other files in other places.
When I try to run
sudo jqt
I get
"could not resolve: state_run:
Cannot load library /usr/bin/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
Install the package , sudo apt-get install libqt5websockets5
mv /usr/bin/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
did solve this issue for me.

Ltib Installation Woes

I'm trying to get ltib installed , for installation of some packages that I need.
I've gotten to the point of installation where I do
and it gives me this error in the host_config.log
Build path taken because:no prebuilt rpm
Can't get: rpm-4.0.4.tar.gz at ./ltib line 851
Died at ./ltib line 2557
and then it says :
These packages failed to build:
Build failed
I have rpm on this installation of debian linux. I even downloaded rpm-4.0.4.tar.gz and placed it in the same directory as ./ltib
Has anyone encountered this error before?
Another question: Do I need internet connection for installation of ltib? (I downloaded the tar from the website)
this issue has been solved, you need to change line 12 in rpm.spec file which is located /dist/lfs-5.1/rpm.
Source : %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz"
Source :
i think some files are missing on server. You can apply same solution for other missing files.

Drush on Cygwin setup

I followed the instructions here to install pear and download drush in usr/local/src folder and create the symlink in usr/bin/drush
At the end of the instructions is says you can test by running drush. I get this output:
-bash: /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/drush: No such file or directory
Not the bash root of xampp/php. Does that need to be changed?
So, then I tried running /usr/bin/drush and got this output:
Unable to untar C:\cygwin\usr\local\src\drush\lib\dru6B61.tmp.
Does anyone know where I'm going wrong here?
I had the same issue. I reinstalled the cygwin packages above in the tutorial you mentioned above(I had them already from other installs, I thought). I think it may have been the 'bsdtar' package.
Good luck!
