Executing SSH with the Linux/Unix at command - linux

I place this ssh call in the following a shell script on our Linux box named "tstz" and then call it with the linux "at" command in order to schedule it for later execution.
tstz script:
#! /bin/ksh
/usr/bin/ssh -tt <remote windows server> pmcmds ${fl} ${wf} < /dev/null >/tmp/test1.log 2>&1
at command syntax:
at -f tstz now + 1 minute
The ssh call executes remote command as expected, but the ssh connection closes immediately before the remote command has completed. I need the connection to stay open until the remote command has completed and then return control to the tstz script with an exit status.
This is the error I get in the /tmp/test1.log:
tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device
^[[2JConnection to dc01nj2dwifdv02.nj.core.him closed.^M
NOTE: When using the "at" command to schedule tstz, if I don't use -tt, the ssh command will not execute the remoted command "pmcmds ${fl} ${wf}". I believe this is because a terminal is required. I can however run tstz from the Linux command prompt in the foreground without the -tt on the ssh command line and it runs as expected.
Any help would be greately appreciated. Thanks!

As I understand you need to specify a command to execute on the REMOTE machine after successfully connecting to the server, not on LOCAL machine.
I use following command
ssh -i "key.pem" ec2-user#ec2-XX-XX-XX-XX.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com -t 'command; bash -l -c "sudo su"'
where you should replace "sudo su" with your own command, I guess with "pmcmds DFD_ETIME wf_TESTa"
So, try to issue, maybe
/usr/bin/ssh -tt <remote windows server> 'command; bash -l -c "pmcmds DFD_ETIME wf_TESTa"'
P.S. I have discovered interesting service on google called "explainshell"
which helped me to understand that "command;" keyword is crucial inside quotes.


establish ssh connection and execute command remotely [duplicate]

I wish to run a script on the remote system and then wish to stay there.
Running following script:-
ssh user#remote logs.sh
This do run the script but after that I am back to my host system. i need to stay on remote one. I tried with..
ssh user#remote logs.sh;bash -l
somehow it solves the problem but still not working exactly as a fresh login as the command:-
ssh user#remote
Or it will be better if i could include something in my script that would open the bash terminal in the same directory where the script was running. Please suggest.
Try this:
ssh -t user#remote 'logs.sh; bash -l'
The quotes are needed to pass both commands to ssh. The -t option forces a pseudo-tty allocation.
ssh user#remote logs.sh;bash -l
When the shell parses this line, it splits it into two commands. The first is:
ssh user#remote logs.sh
This runs logs.sh on the remote machine. The second command is:
bash -l
This opens a login shell on the local machine.
The quotes were added above to prevent the shell from splitting up the commands this way.

remote wget command with & symbol doesn't behave as expected

Here are some test results:
I run command on my localhost, and try to execute some command on the remote host
Command 1:
ssh "wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mirror/wget/master/README -O wgetReadme"
File can be downloaded and be renamed to wgetReadme
work as expected
Command 2:
ssh "wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mirror/wget/master/README -O wgetReadme&"
I simply add the & at the end of command, because I want this command to run in background
the file wgetReadme is null on the remote server, I don't know why
Command 3:
To test if the Command 2 can be run on the remote server, I try to run the command directly on the server
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mirror/wget/master/README -O wgetReadme&"
There are some wget transport message print to stdout, and the file is downloaded to wgetReadme. Work corretly.
Command 4:
I want to figure out if it is the SIGHUP signal kill the subprocess, and I found two evidences to prove it is not.
I found this question, and I try to run this on remote server
$shopt|grep hup
huponexit off
So the subprocess will not receive SIGHUP when ssh exits
I try to run another command to prove it
ssh "wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mirror/wget/master/README -O - 2>&1 > wgetReadme&"
The file can be downloaded to the target file correctly.
My question is why Command 2 cannot work as expected?
Because backgrounded jobs in ssh can cause the shell to hang on logout due to a race condition that occurs when two or more threads can access shared data and they try to change it at the same time and you can also solve the problem by redirecting all three I/O streams such as > /dev/null 2>&1 & So Nohup command is useful in your case and it is a POSIX command to ignore the HUP (hangup) signal. The HUP signal is, by convention, the way a terminal warns dependent processes of logout. So I change your code as following way:
ssh -f "sh -c 'nohup wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mirror/wget/master/README -O - > wgetReadme 2>&1 &'"
You can read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nohup
& is a bash special characters which make process running in background. Then , ssh will not capture anymore output of command when you run this remotely.
You should escape it with \ to be able to run your command
in your example :
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mirror/wget/master/README -O wgetReadme\&"

How to use gnome-terminal to log in a remote linux server(SSH) and executes commands on the server

The code is following:
gnome-terminal -x sh -c "ssh root#ip 'ls'"
And the 'ls' can executed well on the server, but after the execution it will log out the server and I want to stay in the server. So I want to know is there any way to solve this problem
Because you are supplying a command (the 'ls' part of your code) ssh will execute it on the remote server then log out of it, just as you experienced.
It you leave out the command, ssh should stay logged into the server,
gnome-terminal -x sh -c "ssh root#ip"

Is it possible to run multiple command with remote command option in putty?

I want to run multiple commands automatically like sudo bash, ssh server01, ls , cd /tmp etc at server login..
I am using Remote command option under SSH in putty.
I tried multiple commands with delimiter && but not working.
There is a some information lacking in your question.
You say you want to run sudo bash, then ssh server01.
Will sudo prompt for a password in your remote server?
Assuming there is no password in sudo, running bash will open another shell waiting for user input. The command ssh server01 will not be run until that bash shell is exited.
If you want to run 2 commands, try first simpler ones like:
ls -l /tmp ; echo "hi there"
or if you prefer:
ls -l /tmp && echo "hi there"
Does this work?
If what you want is to run ssh after running bash, you can try :
sudo bash -c "ssh server01"
That is probably because the command is expected to be a program name followed by parameters, which will be passed directly to the program. In order to get && and other functionality that is provided by a command line interpreter such as bash, try this:
/bin/bash -c "command1 && command2"
I tried what I suggested in my previous answer.
It is possible to run 2 simple commands in putty separated by a semicolon. As in my example I tried with ls and echo. The remote server runs them and then the session closes.
I also tried to ssh to a remote server that is configured for not asking for a password. In that case, it also works, I get connected to the 2nd server and I can run commands on it. Upon exit, the 2 connections are closed.
So please, let us know what you actually need / want.
You can execute two consecutive commands in PuTTY using a regular shell syntax. E.g. using ; or &&.
But you want to execute ssh server01 in sudo bash shell, right?
These are not two consecutive commands, it's ssh server01 command executed within sudo bash.
So you have to use a sudo command-line syntax to execute the ssh server01, like
sudo bash ssh server01

node.js unavailable via ssh

I am trying to call an installation of node.js on a remote server running Ubuntu via SSH. Node has been installed via nvm.
SSHing in and calling node works just fine:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver
(Server welcome text)
user#remoteserver:~$ which node
However if I combine it into one line:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "which ls"
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "which node"
No sign of node, so I tried sourcing .bashrc and waiting 10 seconds:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "source ~/.bashrc; sleep 10; which node"
Only node seems affected by this. One thing I did notice was that if I ssh in and then check which shell I'm in it says -bash whilst if I ssh direct it gives me /bin/bash. I tried running the commands inside a bash login shell:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver 'bash --login -c "which node"'
Still nothing.
Basically my question is: Why isn't bash finding my node.js installation when I call it non-interactively from SSH?
Another approach is to run bash in interactive mode with the -i flag:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "bash -i -c 'which node'"
$ ssh user#remoteserver "which node"
When you run ssh and specify a command to be run on the remote system, ssh by default doesn't allocate a PTY (pseudo-TTY) for the session. Not having a TTY causes your remote shell process (ie, bash) to initialize as a non-interactive session instead of an interactive session. This can alter how it interprets your initialization files--.bashrc, .bash_profile, and so on.
The actual problem is probably that the line which adds /home/user/.nvm/v0.10.00/bin to your command PATH isn't executing for non-interactive sessions. There are two ways to resolve this:
Find the command in your initialization file(s) which adds /home/user/.nvm/v0.10.00/bin to your command path, figure out why it's not running for non-interactive sessions, and correct it.
Run ssh with the -t option. This tells it to allocate a PTY for the remote session. Or add the line RequestTTY yes to your .ssh/config file on the local host.
