Eclipse config locations on linux - linux

I'm using eclipse Mars.1 JEE with CDT on CentOS 7 Gnome Classic and I'm wondering where eclipse saves configs and plugins. The reason is that I had the following problem and I'd like to understand.
I installed a plugin to apply external themes (Eclipse Colo Theme) and I changed the colors. I didn't like the plugin and removed it but I didn't set the colors back. After some time I found code snippets which where not readable because of the colors. But I forgot about the plugin and the changes I applied. I tried to solve the problem and looked for a solution but I found no solution. I downloaded eclipse, extracted it in the downloads folder and started it. The problem was there, too. And also my proxy configs. So I installed the plugin, reverted my changes and checked both eclipse folders. Both versions were fixed. So both versions check a central location on my system for configs, themes and plugins.
I found ~/.eclipse but it doesn't seem like there is a config. Are there other places were eclipse saves a config, even when I use a portable eclipse version?

Most preferences like theme, color and fonts, etc. are stored in the subfolder .metadata of the workspace.
If you switch to another workspace (File > Switch Workspace > ...) you will see, which preferences are workspace specific and which are not.
In some cases, the Restore Defaults button in the Preferences dialog (e. g. in Window > Preferences: General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts) can be used to restore the default preferences.


Uninstall eclipse plugin - linux

I'm developing an eclipse plugin and in order to test it I have to install it into my eclipse application regularly. However as I dont't want to change the version of my plugin every time I want to test a new feature I always uninstalled the plugin from within eclipse and afterwards I'd go to the eclipse folder and delete my plugin out of the plugins folder (and delete the respective entries in the eclipse XML-files).
That worked great in windows but I have recently switched to Linux (Mint) and I just found out that my plugin is no longer located in the plugins folder inside the eclipse program directory. Therefore I can't really delete the old plugin whcih then prevents the new version of the plugin from installing properly.
Does anyone have an idea about where eclipse copies the installed plugin or a differerent approch to actually completely uninstall (delete) an installed eclipse plugin?
Okay after searching through my whole filesystem I found it out myself.
Eclipse has a hidden folder in the home directory named .eclipse in which each installed eclipse version has it's sub-directory and in there there is also a plugins and a features folder that then contain the externally installed plugins and features.
It also contains the corresponding artifacts.xml.
I'm not sure whether this behaviour is specific to the Linux Mint OS or rather a new "feature" of Eclipse Neon but if anyone is having the same problem that's were I found it.
Help -> Installation Detail.
Then click the plugin you want removed then press "Uninstall...".
Note: there is a "Plug-ins" tab in the Installation Detail dialog. This is misleading; you are not to click it.
Ps. It might be easier to test the plugin, during development, on a run-time workbench.

Vim-LaTeX Installation using Pathogen

I am trying to install Vim-LaTeX in Gvim using Pathogen. I am an intermediate user of Vim and have installed many many plugins but this plugin is giving me much grief. I have spent enough time for me not to quit!!
I got the folder from this website. Vim-Latex installation. And I copied the folder in my ~/vimfiles/bundle/ folder. I also have added the specified settings in my _vimrc file. (vim-latex settings).
But when I am relaunching Gvim, it does not show all the new menus as shown below.
Please help. I can see all other default menus (like File, Edit, Tools, Syntax, Buffers etc). Is this plugin not supposed to work with Pathogen (by simply copying it in bundle folder)?

Set up cocos2d-x-3.6 with eclipse on linux

I installed cocos2d-x-v3.6 and want to use it with an kubuntu repository version of eclipse (v3.8).
Although I added the path to cocos to the project's 'Path and Libraries > Includes' settings, I get a lot of errors of the sort:
Method '...' could not be resolved.
Function '...' could not be resolved.
Type '...' could not be resolved.
This is already true for the example code, see pictures.
This seems to be the case for mostly functions/variables in cocos namespaces, because basic classes, like 'Scene' are recognized.
What do I have to change in my settings so that also the members for this third-party framework are recognized?
Got it.
I started from scratch, installing cocos and all dependencies following these instructions - including android setup. (Before that, I followed the linux instructions and tried eclipse on that.)
I then used the cocos command line tool to build a new app skeleton, as described here.
Afterwards, I imported the subfolder into eclipse as an android project, as is described here for the cpp-tests example project shipped with cocos2d-x. (Importing libcocos2dx seemed not to be necessary at this point.)
All symbols, functions, methods where resolved by eclipse.
I had a look at the C++ Path and Libraries > Includes settings and there was a lot going on, many cocos subfolder are referenced.
However, autocompletion was still not working. I checked all checkboxes in the preferences at C++ or Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced and this did the trick, see screenshots.

Eclipse in Linux doesn't see new package

In an existing Eclipse project, I created a new package (using Eclipse in Linux) and checked it into source control (we use Subversion).
Another user got the new files and can see them in Eclipse on Windows, but not in Linux. The new files are there, just not visible in Eclipse.
I was thinking it might be an Eclipse setting that only lets him see some file types - there are .feature and .java files - but there are pre-existing .java files that he does see in Eclipse.
Any clue what might be causing this?

How do I configure file associations for IntelliJ on Linux?

I'm trying to use the Play framework with IntelliJ community edition, which doesn't know what to do with YAML files. It asked me how to open them, and I chose to use the "associated application". But now whenever I double-click on a YAML file in IntelliJ, nothing happens.
The file associations for YAML files are set correctly in my desktop environment, KDE, and opening a YAML file from xdg-open works, but IntelliJ is not using xdg-open.
I suppose this could be related to the fact that I initially installed plain Ubuntu and then switched it to Kubuntu by installing the KDE packages. I'm using Oracle JDK 6.
To edit them as plain text files in IDEA, I can go to Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S), search for File Types and choose "Files opened in associated applications", then remove .yml from the list. Then double-click a YAML file and choose to edit it as a text file. But this is not ideal - I'd like to be able to use associated external applications.
