How do I add non-NuGet packages to ASP.NET MVC application? -

This is possibly the dumbest question ever, but I've downloaded the jsPDF library from here: jsPDF. It's not offered through the NuGet packages, so how do I then use it in my .NET MVC project solution? Do I need to move the downloaded folder to the "Packages" folder in my project's directory? Do something else?
Obviously, I'm a total newbie to this, so please keep your answers uncomplicated if possible. Thanks!

A Nuget package is literally just a zip file of a compiled project. If it's C# code, it's a collection of DLLs, but depending on the project, it could have static resources like CSS, JS, etc. It could also have views or other resources. The long and short, is that all of this is just pretty much dumped into your project when you include a Nuget package, much as if you had simply added it yourself.
The slight exception is with DLLs, which are placed in packages simply to keep them organized, and then simply referenced by the project they were added to. Therefore, in order to add something not available as a Nuget, you simply just add all the stuff to your project. If there's JS/CSS and such, then just drop that somewhere in your project. If there's DLLs, create some place to house those on your filesystem, and then add a reference to them in your project. I would not recommend sticking them in the packages directory, because that's managed by Nuget, and it could clobber your DLLs if you put them there.


Project too large

I'm just starting to learn Angular, I installed in my Ubuntu Linux:
Angular CLI: 7.1.4. and
Node: 10.14.2.
My question is, why one project is too large? I mean a simple "helloworld" is 334MB, I don't know why, Is it possible resize it? or delete any folder that is unnecessary? Or Is there something wrong with my installation? (how can I detect that?)
The bigger folder is node_modules, and when I create my projects, generates a lot of folders.
I was reading about "angular lazy loading", but I'm new.. It is not totally clear for me.
this is the folder spaces:
Please... I hope somebody can help me...
best regards
You might be using big bundles which are not needed, so you can break them up:
In modern JavaScript, projects require modules that themselves require modules that require modules... resulting in node_modules directory with hundreds of dependencies. A 100Kb library might be included because someone needed one function from it. JavaScript is not compiled, so all that source tends to be rather big. This is an unfortunate, but unavoidable truth; your Angular project directories will be big, and there's nothing you can do about it. It is perfectly normal.
The good part: modern JavaScript deployment typically includes packing up those libraries with Webpack or Parcel or similar code bundlers. Most of them implement "tree shaking", which analyses the code to find only the functions that are potentially utilised starting from the entry point, and only bundle those, ignoring the rest. This means that 100Kb library whose one function is used is transformed into just that one function in the final distribution bundle.
Not all of the bundlers are equally good at it at this point. For example, Webpack cannot tree-shake the CommonJS modules, only ES6 ones.
You can remove node_modules folder when you are not going to use the app.
And, when you need work on the application, you can re-generate node_modules using the command: npm install
Those are just node-modules, they are needed for building the project, but not necessarily everything inside of them will be deployed to production. As Amadan said, there is a process of tree-shaking (filtering only used modules) and also in production you use the minified version of the same JS code (where for example whitespace is missing and variable-names are shortened), among other optimizations. A production-optimized Angular project should not be more than a 100KB for a hello-world application.
In the provided image I see packages like
Those belong to dev-dependencies (see your package.json file) because they are used for testing. When building for production, no code from dev-dependencies should be included. The typescript package (which is nr.2 in size in your screenshot) will also not be present in production because types like string are only used for writing Typescript code, but the browser receives Javascript, which it is compiled to.

How to automatically create and push Nuget Package after building

We want to create nuget packages for our all products (dll) but there are several developers and want to find out the easiest way to do that.
It is possible to use console manager to do that but I am looking for a general solution. Because the projects can have dependencies or files and also the important thing is versioning. So I am looking for a tool which can create a package and push for us considering dependencies, versioning etc.
I solved the problem using TFS Build that has Nuget packager and publisher..

Project references v NuGet dependencies

I am in the process of introducing NuGet into our software dev process, both for external binaries (eg Moq, NUnit) and for internal library projects containing shared functionality.
TeamCity is producing NuGet packages from our internal library projects, and publishing them to a local repository. My modified solution files use the local repository for accessing the NuGet packages.
Consider the following source code solutions:
Company.Interfaces.sln builds Company.Interfaces.
Company.Common.sln contains a reference to Company.Interfaces via its NuGet package, and builds Company.Common., with Company.Interfaces. included as a dependency.
The Company.DataAccess.sln uses the Company.Common nupkg to add
Company.Interfaces and Company.Common as references. It builds
Company.DataAccess., including Company.Common. as a dependent component.
Company.Product.A is a website solution that contains references to all three library projects (added by selecting the
Company.DataAccess NuGet package).
If there is a source code change to Company.Interfaces, do I always need to renumber and rebuild the intermediate packages (Company.Common and Company.DataAccess) and update the packages in Company.Product.A?
Or does that depend on whether the source code change was
a bug fix, or
a new feature, or
a breaking change?
In reality, I have 8 levels of dependent library packages. Is there tooling support for updating an entire tree of packages, should that be necessary?
I know about Semantic Versioning.
We are using VS2012, C#4.0, TeamCity 7.1.5.
It is a good idea to update everything on each check-in, in order to test it early.
What you're describing can be easily managed using artifact dependencies ( and "Finish Build" build triggers (or even solely "Nuget Dependency Trigger").
We wrote our own build configuration on the base project (would be Company.Interfaces.sln in this case) which builds and updates the whole tree in one go. It checks in updated packages.config files and .nuspec files along the way. I can't say how much of a time-saver this ended up being for us, even if it might sound like overkill at the beginning.
One thing to watch out for: the script we wrote checks in the files even if the chain fails somewhere in between, to give us the chance of fixing it on our local machine, check in the fix and restart the publishing.

Hot Towel: Why is Durandal and Require in the App folder rather than the Script folder?

This is coming from the idea of 3rd party libraries being in Script to discourage developers from customizing them. It would encourage them to write extensions to make it easier to take in a new version of either library.
You make a good point about other developers mistaking the durandal libraries for customizable files.
But, you are not required to keep durandal anywhere. The folder structure can be whatever your heart desires. Because durandal does not impose any folder structure.. it only has a recommeneded default setup. There are benifits to following its pattern.
By keeping durandal as part of your application root folder. It keeps all your amd javascript files together in one root folder. This way when you run the durandal optimizer it can scan every subfolder to compress/minify/uglify all your html/css/js into 1 file. This is a nice benifit because its a 1 click build of your entire application.
Also, its a nice seperation because its a good idea to keep your 3rd party non-amd JavaScript libraries in a separate folder structure this way if you use a bundler to compress all your third party libraries into a separate file. The browser can cache your application separate from the third-party libraries. Because the third-party libraries don't change very often, whereas your application will probably be changing frequently.
But durandal's conventions are all completely configurable and you can put durandal in any location you like.
This is a convention that Durandal has decided to use to help keep your customer client code organized in an App folder and away from the 3rd party scripts folder, which gets pretty messy pretty quickly. It does put require.js in the App folder because of the way it relies on require.js and its AMD pattern. require.js is used to help locate all modules and load them as needed (in your App folder).
Is there something specific that you need that this is preventing?

Should third-party static libraries be included as an item in VC++ 2010 project?

I use third party static library (provided as a .LIB file without source code) in my project. For linking purposes it is enough to add it via "Properties/Linker/Input->Additional Dependencies"
This library is not used in any other project in the solution.
I wonder if I should add it as an item to project file itself. The advantages that I see: it will be immediately obvious that this project uses it and one wouldn't have to add it to version control system manually (anything that is a part of the project/solution is added automatically if you use something like AnkSVN).
The project in VCS must be buildable. It is impossible without the lib. So you should add it.
