Use Virtuoso triplestore as backend for WebProtégé? - protege

We have an OWL ontology on a Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint with different services running (reading) on top of it. We want to offer ontology editing with WebProtégé but as far as we could find out, it stores it's data in a binary format. Is there any way to use a Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint as a backend to WebProtégé?

From the horse's mouth --
There isn’t a way to do this.


Where to store an Ontology data for queries?

I have a Node.JS app that should perform some queries on my ontology. The ontology was created using protegé and there's some data on it.
The problem is I do not know where / how to create this triple store making it a SPARQL endpoint.
As I did not find anything, at least recent, by googling, I suppose I am completely lost.
Any suggestions?

Exasol and ESRI's ArcGIS - anyone managed to link them up?

I'm looking to utilise the speed of Exasolution with the mapping capabilities of ArcGIS.
Exasolution is an extremely fast database. It has spatial support, but I'd like to be able to render spatial features inside a map. So it could be via some kind of API from Esri, or maybe a third party mapping engine and use WMS/WFS etc.
Anyone had any joy with these products?
You will likely have some joy with EXASolution's JDBC driver - EXASolution's Geospatial libraries are built on OpenGIS using the libGEOS libraries, so everything you can do with Postgres should be possible on EXASolution.
I did an introductory Geospatial-on-EXASOL video a while back which may be of interest
I would say that your question would get a better response in EXASOL's community section where EXASOL customers and techies can answer specific EXASOL questions. Go to for more details.
Good luck - and do let me know how you get on
Graham Mossman
Solution Engineer
I just finished a short knowledge base article which shows you how to connect to ESRI's ArcGIS from within an EXASolution database:
The approach is different from what Graham suggested, as it uses Esri's REST API in combination with Python scripts called from SQL. So, the database connects directly and in parallel to the REST API service, not involving the client at all when it comes to data enrichment.
Hope that helps,

Using visualization tools similar to neo4j web interface in my own nodejs app

I am developing a simple web app to help visualize the relationship between different terms.
neo4j is a great tool for managing the database but I need some tools to help me visualize the relationships for the users.
I looked at popular choices like sigmajs and three.js. However, they are not good at showing the types of relationships.
I realized that the web interface provided by neo4j itself is a good tool for visualization except for the small font size. But I don't know any way to use it in my own app(looks like it uses SVG which is okay for me).
Any good suggestions on good tools for visualizing the relationships or ways to "grab" the neo4j web interface for my own project?
I believe your man is Max de Marzi, he's the one working on visualizing neo4j data. In his tutorials he used vivagraph.js, d3.js, processing.js, sigma.js ...
Check out his website and his github's
You could also have a look at the question Big data visualization using "search, show context, and expand on demand" concept.

Java ME Triple Store

I'm currently coding a Java ME program that has an internal OWL reasoning engine (Hermit & Pellet) and receives ontology data (sensor data) from a backend server. Sometimes this data is also composed of raw sensor data and already reasoned results from a reasoner on the backend server. The reasoning will only be performed on the mobile device in case of network failures.
At this moment I'm lacking a good method of storing the backend data for further processing.
I've already looked up Triple Stores, but I was wondering if there are any good ones for Java ME applications?
You're approaching this the wrong way. Do the reasoning on the server and send the results to your application.
Reasoning is computationally difficult. Trying to do it on a mobile device will either be a terrible user experience because it's slow, or just won't work on anything but toy data.
There are RDF databases that perform reasoning which are quite good, and if you really need DL reasoning, there are a number of dedicated OWL reasoners which it would not be hard to put a SPARQL endpoint in front of so you can query them remotely. Pick one that best suits your needs and go with it; do the reasoning in the backend, get the results via SPARQL protocol (HTTP).


I am developing a site using following technologies,
Ruby on Rails,(ruby 1.8.7,rails 2.3.5)
Cassandra 0.6.8,
I want to index the Cassandra Database using Lucandra,
How do I do this?
Is there any RESTful APIs or any web services available for this, so
that I can push the data to index database?
Please share if any ROR example using Lucandra, that really help us to
move forward.
Or Guide me some steps to achieve this.
I am googling for 3 days and I am not getting any examples using
Lucandra in ROR.
Your help will be appreciated in advance
The Solandra project which is replacing Lucandra no longer uses
thrift, only Solr.
This means you can use any of the Solr supported gems like
I'm recommending elasticsearch. It has rest api, ruby & rails clients.
Elasticsearch is the most advanced free search solution in the world today. It's based on lucene, has High Availability, fault tolerant, partitioned, high performance, scalable, state of art technologhy , open source, more simple than solr... It's success belongs to it's author Shay Banon. He has years of experience as an architect in this field. Solr (and solandra) is nowhere near of it. Simply investigate both, you'll see yourself.
my best
