Exasol and ESRI's ArcGIS - anyone managed to link them up? - geospatial

I'm looking to utilise the speed of Exasolution with the mapping capabilities of ArcGIS.
Exasolution is an extremely fast database. It has spatial support, but I'd like to be able to render spatial features inside a map. So it could be via some kind of API from Esri, or maybe a third party mapping engine and use WMS/WFS etc.
Anyone had any joy with these products?

You will likely have some joy with EXASolution's JDBC driver - EXASolution's Geospatial libraries are built on OpenGIS using the libGEOS libraries, so everything you can do with Postgres should be possible on EXASolution.
I did an introductory Geospatial-on-EXASOL video a while back which may be of interest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6Erp1WWLHw
I would say that your question would get a better response in EXASOL's community section where EXASOL customers and techies can answer specific EXASOL questions. Go to exasol.com/community for more details.
Good luck - and do let me know how you get on
Graham Mossman
Solution Engineer

I just finished a short knowledge base article which shows you how to connect to ESRI's ArcGIS from within an EXASolution database:
The approach is different from what Graham suggested, as it uses Esri's REST API in combination with Python scripts called from SQL. So, the database connects directly and in parallel to the REST API service, not involving the client at all when it comes to data enrichment.
Hope that helps,


How do I add the moment.js library to Cloudant NoSQL Design Doc on Bluemix

Just learning Cloudant NOSQL on Bluemix. I have been successful adding my weather data to the database, simple queries, and even pulling it out to a mobile app using Kinetise. I am not a SW developer,but I am an engineer.
I need to access the moment.js date math capability as I believe this will help me sum weather station data over the last 24hours, 7days, and 30d relative to the current moment in time. I though this would be easy not knowing any better. Clearly you need to saddle up when doing anything beyond the basic with Javascript dates/time.
I am trying to create a map that uses moment.js math capabilities and can't figure out how to include that library. I saw bits and pieces of 'lib' and 'require' necessity and just need help very exactly on how to do it. Reviewed CouchdB site as well and I just don't get it.
you may want to review/follow the instructions here:
there are also multiple answers here:
How do I DRY up my CouchDB views?
which may be worth reviewing.

Node-Neo4j-Embedded limits (call for new benchmark)

Is there anybody out there using Node-Neo4j-embedded in production mode ?
What kind of limits are expectable ?
Because I think this module is pushing the Cypher queries directly to the node-java module, what uses them directly with Neo4j java libs, I belief there shouldn't be any limits.
I feel it is dangerous to decide to use a lib what isn't maintained for about 2 years (see: github) - and it shouldn't be on Neo4j docs if it isn't maintained (see: README.md dead link about API-Docs).
It looks like there could be a new trend to power up node.js support like first citizen languages by other distributor(s) for (in_memory) graph databases. Maybe Neo4j also should review this and the unmaintained node module (like OrentDB did). The trend had bin initiated by a benchmark-battle between ArangoDB and OrientDB.
I would love to see an Node-Neo4j-embedded benchmark answer to the open source benchmark of ArangoDB - done by professional Neo4j people like OrientDB people had done. But note: They hadn't been fair enough (read the last lines about enabling query caches...).
Or it has to be a new benchmark focused on most possible first citizens-like access by NodeJS. There are three possible solutions to test. I am not experienced enough to do such a test what would be really acceptable. But I would like to help by verifying this.
Please support this call for action with comments and (several types of) answers. A better (native like access) and wider range of supporting in_memory and graph solutions would help the node community very much. A new benchmark would force innovation
Short note about ArangoDBs benchmark: They've tested the REST-APIs. But if you think about performance, you don't like to use a REST-API - you like to use direct library access.
#editors: you are welcome
We (ArangoDB) think that the scalability of embedded databases is to limited. It also limits the number of databases which you may want to compare. Users prefer to implement their solutions in their Application stack of choice, so you would limit the number of people potentially interested in your comparison.
The better way of doing this is to compare the officialy supported interface of the database vendor into the client stack that is commonly supported amongst all players in the field. This is why we have chosen nodejs.
There is enough chatter about benchmarks and how to compare them on stackoverflow, so in doubt, start out to create a usecase and implement code for it, present your results in a reproducable way and request that for comment, instead of demanding others to do this for you.

Azure Mobile Services - complex processing

I am fairly new to Azure and mobile services, and all the examples and tutorials I can find for the table and API scripts are fairly simplistic.
If I have some processes that are fairly complex and rely on pulling information from many different tables and processing contingent on that data, should I be doing that somewhere other than the API scripts? I am new to node.js as well so maybe that's the problem but I was wondering if there is a more appropriate place for business logic, such as some bridge I need to add to my stack?
There are a lot of examples of how to use MSSql object which is used to query tables and Node in general available. A healthy search will reveal just about anything you need. Since you said you are new to Node.js consider using the .NET backend instead. It is based on Entity Framework and there are lots of Entity framework examples out there for you too. Finally, there are some really good examples of complex logic being used in the back ends in the sample code available: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/develop/mobile/ios-samples/ (pick your client OS) and here: http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/topics/mobile/ and here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/azuremobile/
Let us know if you have specific questions!

What skill set is needed to set up Solr or ElasticSearch?

Two clients of mine are evaluating setting up a search server, either Solr or ElasticSearch. We're wondering what programming languages (if any) and development environments are necessary to get the search servers running. Can it be done by people mostly familiar with front end technologies (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) or is more serious coding skill needed (e.g. understanding of multithreading/ advanced debugging/ other "pro-level" concepts)?
If only light programming skills are needed I'm playing with the thought of suggesting to set it up myself. I have very little Java knowledge but have basic understanding of C, ActionScript, Pascal and even Simula in addition to aforementioned front end technologies. I know basic search architecture from my time in FAST (an enterprise search vendor).
Best, Bjørn
Bit of a broad question but i'll try to give it a shot:
You don't need any programming language in particular. They're both stand alone servers which have API's which are addressable from any programming language.
ElasticSearch has a really nice API that's JSON/REST based.
SOLR's API is a lot more clunky, but also supports XML.
(If I have a choice I tend to go for ElasticSearch, unless there's a really specialized feature I need that's only in SOLR).
Getting up and running doesn't really require any knowledge of any programming language in particular.
The only time you NEED java is when you decide you end up needing custom plugins to SOLR/ElasticSearch itself.
You don't need any specific IDE's beyond those matching your programming language of choice.
When trying to figure out what's going on inside my elasitc search server I do like elastic search HEAD:
Hope this helps.
As pointed out already, this is quite a broad question, most likely get closed. But I'll give it a go too.
Both ElasticSearch and Solr are quite easy to get started with. They come as a zip/tar.gz archive that you can extract.
Both require JVM, so you need Java setup.
Once setup, playing with either is quite easy, you do not need any advanced programming skills to play around with it. Solr comes with an Admin UI page, that allows you to execute queries.
Elastic Search has clients as #Constantijin has pointed out. Elastic-head is an excellent choice.
You will need quite a detailed understanding of the Lucene ecosystem, its architecture, plugins etc. Given you have an understanding of another Search Engine, the concepts around indexing and text processing should be easy enough for you.
If you want to write something more advanced than the Admin UI, and you can use Javascript.
You can use AjaxSolr for making ajax requests to your Solr instance
For ElasticSearch, you can try using Elastic.js.
Elasticsearch is an open-source search engine built on top of Apache Lucene™, a full-text search-engine library. Lucene is arguably the most advanced, high-performance, and fully featured search engine library in existence today—both open source and proprietary.
However, Elasticsearch is much more than just Lucene and much more than “just” full-text search. It can also be described as follows:
A distributed real-time document store where every field is indexed and searchable
A distributed search engine with real-time analytics
Capable of scaling to hundreds of servers and petabytes of structured and
unstructured data
I would like add more details regarding how to used ElasticSearch in php language check out - http://www.multidots.com/what-is-elasticsearch
[How to integrate ElasticSearch with PHP?][1]
By using curl, you can use ElasticSearch with your favorite programming language. Here is the example of simple curl request with ElasticSearch.
- PHP Sample Script:
You can find PHP client api on github:
Check out Best Article on Elasticsearch - http://www.multidots.com/what-is-elasticsearch


I am developing a site using following technologies,
Ruby on Rails,(ruby 1.8.7,rails 2.3.5)
Cassandra 0.6.8,
I want to index the Cassandra Database using Lucandra,
How do I do this?
Is there any RESTful APIs or any web services available for this, so
that I can push the data to index database?
Please share if any ROR example using Lucandra, that really help us to
move forward.
Or Guide me some steps to achieve this.
I am googling for 3 days and I am not getting any examples using
Lucandra in ROR.
Your help will be appreciated in advance
The Solandra project which is replacing Lucandra no longer uses
thrift, only Solr. http://github.com/tjake/Lucandra
This means you can use any of the Solr supported gems like
I'm recommending elasticsearch. It has rest api, ruby & rails clients.
Elasticsearch is the most advanced free search solution in the world today. It's based on lucene, has High Availability, fault tolerant, partitioned, high performance, scalable, state of art technologhy , open source, more simple than solr... It's success belongs to it's author Shay Banon. He has years of experience as an architect in this field. Solr (and solandra) is nowhere near of it. Simply investigate both, you'll see yourself.
my best
