How to reflect event that happened on the server, in the browser - node.js

I am a beginner with NodeJS. Now I am wondering how to signify/visualize an event that happened in the server.
For example the event might happen once in every 20sec, and I want to give a signal in the browser that the have happened.
I was thinking about the approach to request/poll the server every 10mSec, but it doesn't seem to be very efficient.
Any better ideas?

There is two way to propagate an event that happen into the server to the front.
Front polling. Every X sec the front is gonna ask the server about news.
Front : "did something happen?"
Back : "yes ..."
Websocket communication. The front open a websocket connection to the server and then wait for news. As soon as something happen on the back, the server send a message to the front. No polling, no useless messages.
A famous websocket is What's used to create chats for example.
Schema representation of the difference of treatment :


How to use properly with express app

I wonder how do I use properly with my express app.
I have a REST API written in express/node.js and I want to use to add real-time feature for my app. Consider that I want to do something I can do just by sending a request to my REST API. What should I do with Should I send request to the REST API and send client the result of the process or handle the whole process within emitter and then send the result to client?
Thanks in advance.
Question is not that clear but from what I'm getting from it, is that you want to know what you would use it for that you cant already do with your current API?
The short answer is, well nothing really.. Websockets are just the natural progression of API's and the need for a more 'real-time' interface between systems.
Old methods (and still used and relevant for the right use case) is long polling where you keep checking back to the server for updated items and if so grab them.. This works but it can be expensive in terms of establishing a connection, performing a lookup, then closing a connection.
websockets keep that connection open, allowing both the client and server to communicate real time. So for example, lets say you make an update to your backend data and want users to get that update, using long polling you would rely on each client to ping back to the server, check if there is an update and if so grab it. This can cause lags between updates, some users have updated data while other do not etc.
Now, take the same scenario with websockets, you make an update to the backend data, hit submit, this then emits to your socket server. Socket server takes the call, performs the task ( grabs updated data ) and emits it to the users, each connected user instantly gets that update.
Socket servers are typically used for things like real time chats or polling where packets are smaller but they are also used for web games etc. Depending on the size of your payloads will determine how best to send data back and forth because the larger the payload the more resources / bandwidth it will take on the socket server so its something to consider.

4 or 5 Polling requests before WebSocket protocol is activated

I'm working with (the 1.0 version) and something weird happens. The server is very basic and without any message handling (which means only the connection signal is used and the disconnection one). Though it seems that the client sends multiple polling requests before trying to use websockets. For example here is a screenshot of the requests.
As you can see, it's really messy. There are some requests to my nodejs server, first some polling requests, then the websocket (switching protocol, indicated by the blue dot on the left) and then other requests for polling. Though I know it uses Websockets after that because there are no other polling requests once the Websocket is set. It makes my server to send some messages twice on the page load.
Does anyone ever experienced something like that ? Maybe it will just work fine. But I don't want to have this kind of behaviour. If you need additionnal information, just ask in the comments and I'll edit the main post.
Take a look at the last paragraph of New engine section. Socket.IO 1.0 first connects via XHR or JSONP, and then, if it's possible, switches transport to WebSocket on the fly. This explains why you have such messy network activity.

Pure socket logic

I have a nodejs app, and every client has an open socket connection, the reason i am using sockets because I need to update the data on the client whenever the data in the database changes by an external process.
However every other operation in my app doesn't require a socket connection and mostly initiated by the client (CRUD operations), But i am confused about one thing since I always have an open socket connection, wouldn't it be better to use that socket connection for every operation and make the app with pure socket logic?
When using websockets maybe it's fine. But if switches to XHR (AJAX) transport it might be irrational.
Take a look at the differencies of these two approaches:
In case of simple AJAX (without when you want to get some info from server, or change something on a server, you send GET or POST request,
and server responses. Everything's fine.
But in case of (XHR transport) there is one request to send data, and another to get the response.
(You can make your own experiment - write io.set('transports', ['xhr-polling']); and try to send data to the server and make server respond -
you will see 2 AJAX requests in the Network tab)
So instead of one AJAX request makes two requests.
This is not because is bad. This is a feature of sockets approach. This approach is good if you want one side (client or server) to send messages independenly from the other. This is what does very good.
But if you want to do "request-response" stuff it's the best to use simple AJAX because of traffic economy (note that I compare simple AJAX to AJAX. Websockets - is another story).
But since this question is about approaches and can't have 100% "yes" or "no" answer, there are might be different opinions.
Sorry for English. I tried to write as clearly as I could :)

How can I store/preserve the socket connections when the node server restarts

I am using to create the socket connections for my audio, video chat application. I want to preserve all the socket connection so that I can send updates to all the end users when the node.js server is restarted.
I am using Mongodb as the database for this application. Is there any way to store in the database and retrieve it back when the server is restarted?
I'm going to give you a common life situation to explain this.
Suppose you have a mobile phone that you cannot make calls from and you can only receive calls.
Someone calls you and you can talk to them, messages pass backwards and forwards on a constant connection. This was better than SMS because you could only respond to an SMS that was sent to you as well but now you have this constant connection to talk freely on.
Now in those statements I just described what Websockets are and the difference between that an Http. Next I'll apply this to what you are asking.
Now suppose on this phone where you can only keep talking on calls you receive from someone else, your battery runs out. You find a power source to plug into and get your phone working again. So do you expect your phone to just suddenly re-establish the call that dropped when your battery ran out?
You do not initiate the connection you are talking about. So you cannot "make the call back" or "re-establish the call". This is a strictly "the customer calls you" scenario.
The best you can do is maintain the session state to the subsequent re-connection "picks up where you left off". But on a hang-up the client has to call you back.
For better availabilty you need to proxy the connection and share over multiple application server nodes, all with access to the same session state.

Does emit sometimes fail?

I have a web based multiplayer game. It happens from time to time that someone is kicked out because server did not get expected message from client. It seems from my logs that client did not disconnect, just did not send message or server did not receive it. My question here is "Does this things happen normally from time to time?" Should i use some kind of callback mechanism to ensure message is delivered and if not send it again or is there some issue that i am not aware? already provides ACKs and message ID tracking, on top of TCP.
Also, uses pings to check the connection. So, if you say that the client is not disconnected, and the server tells that the client is not disconnected, then the connection is still there.
The problem must be situated elsewhere.
Are you sure there is not a bug in either part of the implementation? Showing some code snippets could help, as well as the environment you are using.
