Migrating data between DSE 4.6.7 and DSE 5.1.3 - cassandra

Currently I have DSE 4.6.7 with Cassandra 2.0.14. I am building another cluster with DSE 5.1.3 and cassandra 3.11. I would like to migrate the tables from DSE 4.6.7 to DSE 5.1.3. Will that work.
Instead of upgrade of existing cluster. I am creating a new one and would like to migrate the data. Will that work.


sstabloader compatibility between datastax cassandra and apache cassandra

Does sstabloader work between datastax cassandra and apache cassandra?
I'm trying to copy data from dse 5.0.7 to apache 3.11.1 cassandra version
It shouldn't be an issue to use it to export between Datastax Cassandra and the open source version, if they are the same versions.
Having said that, please note that DSE 5.0.7 uses Apache 3.0.11, as explained in the release notes. This means that you should import the data to a cluster with that version, and once that this is completed, upgrade to 3.11.1.
Disclosure: I'm not a DSE user, I don't have a way to test this.

Migrate Datastax Enterprise Cassandra to Apache Cassandra

We have currently using DSE 4.8 and 5.12. we want to migrate to apache cassandra .since we don't use spark or search thought save some bucks moving to apache. can this be achieved without down time. i see sstableloader works other way. can any one share me the steps to follow to migrate from dse to apache cassandra. something like this from dse to apache.
Figure out what version of Apache Cassandra is being run by DSE. Based on the DSE documentation DSE 4.8.14 is using Apache Cassandra 2.1 and DSE 5.1 is using Apache Cassandra 3.11
Simplest way to do this is to build another DC (Logical DC per Cassandra) and add it to the existing cluster.
As usual, with a "Nodetool Rebuild {from-old-DC}" on to the new DC nodes, let Cassandra take care of streaming data to the new Apache Cassandra nodes naturally.
Once data streaming is completed, based on the LoadBalancingPolicy being used by applications, switch their local_dc to DC2 (the new DC). Once the new DC starts taking traffic, shutdown nodes in old DC say DC1 one by one.
alter keyspace dse_system and dse_security not using everywhere
on non-seed nodes, cleanup cassandra data directory
turn on replace in cassandra-env.sh
start instance
monitoring streaming process using command 'nodetool netstats|grep Receiving'
change seeds node definition and rolling restart before finally migrate previous seeds nodes.

OpsCenter unable to connect to existing cassandra cluster

I have a cassandra cluster on two nodes. On a 3rd node, I install OpsCenter and I try to connect to the existing cassandra cluster, the problem is that when I try to connect from OpsCenter it throws the next:
node3(not in the cassandra cluster):
Error creating cluster: Unable to connect to cluster. Error is: Unable to connect to any seed nodes, tried [u'', u'']
I have try to connect using cqls from the node3 to the cluster:
cqlsh 9042
And it works fine, I connect successfully, so I think the problem will be in OpsCenter, maybe is a incompatible versio?
Cassandra version: 3.0.9
OpsCenter 5.2.x only supports up to Cassandra 2.1. OpsCenter 6.0 only supports DataStax Enterprise. So there is no way to use OpsCenter with Apache Cassandra 2.2+. More info in our compatibility table and not on OpsCenter policy changes.

Does DataStax OpsCenter support Cassandra 2.2.5?

I've having some issues with my Cassandra cluster and I would like to install OpsCenter Community in order to debug what's going on.
I've found this and this pages talking about the compatibility between DataStax OpsCenter and Cassandra, but this don't list Cassandra 2.2.5 (actually I'm using DataStax Cassandra - dsc 22).
My question is: can I use DataStax OpsCenter (free / community version) within Cassandra 2.2.5? If not, there's an alternative?
No, the docs you cited indicate that OpsCenter doesn't support any cassandra greater than 2.1.x and the next version of opscenter (6.x) will only support Datastax Enterprise. I don't know of another visual front-end to cassandra at this time.

Migrating from Cassandra 2.2.0 to DSE 4.8.5 (Cassandra 2.1.3)

I have been building an application using Apache Cassandra 2.2.0 for sometime now. We plan to start using the DataStax Enterprise 4.8.5 (this is built on Apache Cassandra 2.1.3).
Problem is as this is a downgrade of Cassandra version, 2.2.0 -> 2.1.3, I am not able to read the SSTables created by Cassandra version 2.2.0.
What can I do to have my old data available with DSE 4.8.5?
This is not supported. You should consider contacting Datastax for advice (that's one of the advantages of paying for DSE, you get someone to talk to about topics like this).
You'd almost certainly have to export the data and re-import it (either using sstable2json or COPY TO+COPY FROM to export it to a CSV using CQLSH, or using something like Spark or CQLSSTableWriter to recreate 2.1 sstables.
