Does DataStax OpsCenter support Cassandra 2.2.5? - cassandra

I've having some issues with my Cassandra cluster and I would like to install OpsCenter Community in order to debug what's going on.
I've found this and this pages talking about the compatibility between DataStax OpsCenter and Cassandra, but this don't list Cassandra 2.2.5 (actually I'm using DataStax Cassandra - dsc 22).
My question is: can I use DataStax OpsCenter (free / community version) within Cassandra 2.2.5? If not, there's an alternative?

No, the docs you cited indicate that OpsCenter doesn't support any cassandra greater than 2.1.x and the next version of opscenter (6.x) will only support Datastax Enterprise. I don't know of another visual front-end to cassandra at this time.


sstabloader compatibility between datastax cassandra and apache cassandra

Does sstabloader work between datastax cassandra and apache cassandra?
I'm trying to copy data from dse 5.0.7 to apache 3.11.1 cassandra version
It shouldn't be an issue to use it to export between Datastax Cassandra and the open source version, if they are the same versions.
Having said that, please note that DSE 5.0.7 uses Apache 3.0.11, as explained in the release notes. This means that you should import the data to a cluster with that version, and once that this is completed, upgrade to 3.11.1.
Disclosure: I'm not a DSE user, I don't have a way to test this.

Is it Opscenter configurable with Scylla?

For Scylla monitoring, we need to configure Grafana but is it possible to integrate Cassandra Opscenter to Scylla?
TL;DR: No.
OpsCenter is a closed source product, which was not tested with Scylla. Part of it that uses Apache Cassandra CQL and JMX will probably work, while others might not.
In addition to the open source, Scylla monitoring stack (base on Prometheus and Grafana), ScyllaDB has its own close version product for cluster management named Scylla Manager.
Tzach (Scylla Product Manager)

Migrating from Cassandra 2.2.0 to DSE 4.8.5 (Cassandra 2.1.3)

I have been building an application using Apache Cassandra 2.2.0 for sometime now. We plan to start using the DataStax Enterprise 4.8.5 (this is built on Apache Cassandra 2.1.3).
Problem is as this is a downgrade of Cassandra version, 2.2.0 -> 2.1.3, I am not able to read the SSTables created by Cassandra version 2.2.0.
What can I do to have my old data available with DSE 4.8.5?
This is not supported. You should consider contacting Datastax for advice (that's one of the advantages of paying for DSE, you get someone to talk to about topics like this).
You'd almost certainly have to export the data and re-import it (either using sstable2json or COPY TO+COPY FROM to export it to a CSV using CQLSH, or using something like Spark or CQLSSTableWriter to recreate 2.1 sstables.

Cassandra 3.x with Datastax Enterprise

I am new to Datastax so please forgive the newb question.
I would like to use Cassandra 3.x with Datastax Enterprise. Is this possible? Can you upgrade Cassandra that comes with Datastax Enterprise?
No, it is not possible to upgrade Cassandra inside of DataStax Enterprise. Realistically I wouldn't expect a version of DSE with a 3.x Cassandra core at least until summer (2016). And if you'd like to run Cassandra 3.x in production, you should join the user mailing list and pay attention to the bugs that come across.

Mixing Datastax Enterprise with Cassandra community

I'm experimenting with Datastax Enterprise and I'm trying to have a cluster that mixes Enterprise nodes and standard Cassandra community nodes. I would only need a few nodes with advanced features like Solr and it would be nice to have all the nodes in the same cluster.
I tried to bootstrap a community node to a test Enterprise cluster, and it couldn't join the ring properly, throwing exceptions like that:
Unable to find compaction strategy class
I assume that the Enterprise node tries to replicate CFs that have features from DSE, which are not recognized by the community node.
Is there a way to prevent that from happening? Am I trying to do something that's not possible/supported/allowed by DSE?
That is an unsupported configuration. The full cluster needs to be installed with DataStax enterprise binaries on all nodes. You can choose which nodes run as vanilla Cassandra, Hadoop or Solr by startup options on each node. DSE has a custom compaction strategy and snitch so that error is expected.
