If elif one liner - python-3.x

if i == len(a):
elif j == len(b):
I am using this in a mergesort-program in Python. Is there any way to put this into a oneliner?

Maybe, but let's give a dedicated non-answer: don't even try.
You don't write your code to be short. You write it so that:
it gets the job done in a straight forward manner
it clearly communicates its meaning to human readers
The above code does that already.
In other words: of course being precise is a valuable property of source code. So, when you have to equally readable pieces of code doing the same thing, and one version is a one-liner, and the other is way more lengthy - then you go for the short version.
But I very much doubt that the above can be expressed as readable as above - with less code.

You can use and and or boolean operations to make a pretty readable one-liner:
l = []
a = [1,2,3,4]
b = [8,9,10]
i = 4
j = 2
l.extend(i == len(a) and b[j:] or j == len(b) and a[i:] or [])
l == [10]
i = 0
j = 3
l.extend(i == len(a) and b[j:] or j == len(b) and a[i:] or [])
l == [10, 1, 2, 3, 4]
This example uses next properties:
The expression x and y first evaluates x; if x is false, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.
The expression x or y first evaluates x; if x is true, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.
We have to add or [] to mitigate TypeError: 'bool' object is not iterable exception raised when i == len(a) and j > len(b) (e.g. i == 4 and j == 5).
I'd still prefer an expanded version though.


how to check if a given list of numbers are odd or even?

I want to check the numbers in a list are even or odd in order and if not tell me which one.
for example :
1,2,3,4,5 IS OK
1,2,8,3,4,5 number 8 IS NOT OK
I tried to make the list into 2 different lists and then check if the are all odd or all even but I can't
figure out how to check both of them.
lst = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
m = lst[::2]
w = lst[1::2]
for i, j in(m,w):
if i % 2 == 0 and j % 2 == 0:
Try with
list(map(lambda el: 'odd' if el%2 else 'even', lst))

Python 3 index is len(l) conditional evaluation error

I have the following merge sort code. When the line if ib is len(b) or ... is changed to use double equal ==: if ib == len(b) or ..., the code does not raise an IndexError exception.
This is very unexpected because:
len(b) is evaluated to a number and is is equivalent to == for integers. You can test it out: a python expression
(1 is len([0]) )
is evaluated to be True.
the input to the function is range(1500, -1, -1), and range objects are handled differently in python3. I was suspecting that since the input was handled as a range instance, the length evaluation might have been an instance instead of a integer primitive. This is again strange because
1 is len(range(1))
also gives you True as the result.
Is this a bug with the conditional evaluation in Python3?
Tom Caswell supplied this following useful express in our discussion, I'm copy pasting it here for your notice:
tt = [j is int(str(j)) for j in range(15000)]
only the first 256 items are True. The rest are False hahahaha.
The original script:
def merge_sort(arr):
if len(arr) >= 2:
s = int(len(arr)/2)
a = merge_sort(arr[:s])
b = merge_sort(arr[s:])
ia = 0
ib = 0
new_arr = []
while len(new_arr) < len(arr):
if ib is len(b) or a[ia] <= b[ib]:
ia += 1
ib += 1
except IndexError:
print(len(a), len(b), ia, ib)
raise IndexError
return new_arr
return arr
print(merge_sort(range(1500, -1, -1)))
Python does not guarantee that two integer instances with equal value are the same instance. In the example below, the reason the first 256 comparisons return equal is because Python caches -5 to 256 in Long.
This behavior is described here: https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/long.html#c.PyLong_FromLong
tt = [j is int(str(j)) for j in range(500)]
IIRC that any of them pass the is test is an implementation-specific optimization detail.
is checks whether 2 arguments refer to the same object, == checks whether 2 arguments have the same value. You cannot assume they mean the same thing, they have different uses, and you'll get an error thrown if you attempt to use them interchangeably.

power (a, n) in PYTHON

POwer in Python. How to write code to display a ^ n using funсtion?
why doesn't this code working?
a = int(input())
n = int(input())
def power(a, n):
for i in range (n):
a *= n
print(power (a, n))
Few errors:
Changing a will lose your power parameter, use result (or something else).
Move setting result = 1 outside your loop to do so once.
Multiply by a not by n.
Use return to return a value from the function
def power(a, n):
result = 1 # 1 + 2
for _ in range (n):
result *= a # 3
return result # 4
Style notes:
Setting/mutating a parameter is considered bad practice (unless explicitly needed), even if it is immutable as is here.
If you're not going to use the loop variable, you can let the reader know by using the conventional _ to indicate it (_ is a legal variable name, but it is conventional to use it when not needing the variable).
Tip: you can simple use a**n
It doesn't work because your function doesn't return the end value. Add return a to the end of the function.
That is not how a to the power of n is is calculated.
A proper solution:
def power(a,n):
pow_a = a
if n is 0:
return 1
for _ in range(n-1): # Substracting 1 from the input variable n
pow_a *= a # because n==2 means a*a already.
return pow_a
and if you want to be really cool, recursion is the way:
def power_recursive(a,n):
if n is 0:
return 1
elif n is 1:
return a
a *= power_recursive(a,n-1)
return a

Why am i getting a list index out of range error in my code?

The error occurs in line if data[l][0] == value:
def binary_pairs(data, value):
l = 0
h = len(data) - 1
while l < h and data[l]!= value:
m = (h + l) // 2
if data[m][0] == value:
l = m
elif data[m][0] < value:
l = m + 1
h = m - 1
if data[l][0] == value:
return l
return -1
example input:
[ [ "dead", ["brian.txt","grail.txt"] ],
[ "eunt", ["brian.txt"] ],
[ "spank", ["grail.txt"] ]
I can see two potential issues with your code:
It seems odd that you use both data[l] and data[l][0] in comparisons.
If, for example, l==0 and h==1 and you end up taking the else (h = m - 1), you'd end up with h==-1, which is out of bounds. There could be other similar issues.
I can't run your code right now but here are a few ideas.
If you are trying to solve a problem, rather than trying to learn to write a binary search, consider using Python's bisect module.
It is best practice in Python to comply with the coding standard called PEP 8; this recommends not using lower-case L as a variable name, or upper-case I.
It would be cleaner to have the loop immediately return the index when it finds the value, rather than having the loop test at the top to make sure the value hasn't been found yet, causing the loop to end and then the value to be returned from the bottom of the function. If the loop ends, you can return -1 at the end of the function.
Your loop checks that the index is < h but does not check that the index is I >= 0. I suspect that this could be your problem.
When debugging a loop like this, it is often helpful to add print statements that log what is going on. You should print the value of the index, and print enough other lines to know whether it is being increased or decreased, and by how much.

Trying to understand this simple python code

I was reading Jeff Knupp's blog and I came across this easy little script:
import math
def is_prime(n):
if n > 1:
if n == 2:
return True
if n % 2 == 0:
return False
for current in range(3, int(math.sqrt(n) + 1), 2):
if n % current == 0:
return False
return True
return False
(note: I added the import math at the beginning. You can see the original here:
This is all pretty straightforward and I get the majority of it, but I'm not sure what's going on with his use of the range function. I haven't ever used it this way or seen anyone else use it this way, but then I'm a beginner. What does it mean for the range function to have three parameters, and how does this accomplish testing for primeness?
Also (and apologies if this is a stupid question), but the very last 'return False' statement. That is there so that if a number is passed to the function that is less than one (and thus not able to be prime), the function won't even waste its time evaluating that number, right?
The third is the step. It iterates through every odd number less than or equal to the square root of the input (3, 5, 7, etc.).
import math #import math module
def is_prime(n): #define is_prime function and assign variable n to its argument (n = 17 in this example).
if n > 1: #check if n (its argument) is greater than one, if so, continue; else return False (this is the last return in the function).
if n == 2: #check if n equals 2, it so return True and exit.
return True
if n % 2 == 0: #check if the remainder of n divided by two equas 0, if so, return False (is not prime) and exit.
return False
for current in range(3, int(math.sqrt(n) + 1), 2): #use range function to generate a sequence starting with value 3 up to, but not including, the truncated value of the square root of n, plus 1. Once you have this secuence give me every other number ( 3, 5, 7, etc)
if n % current == 0: #Check every value from the above secuence and if the remainder of n divided by that value is 0, return False (it's not prime)
return False
return True #if not number in the secuence divided n with a zero remainder then n is prime, return True and exit.
return False
