power (a, n) in PYTHON - python-3.x

POwer in Python. How to write code to display a ^ n using funсtion?
why doesn't this code working?
a = int(input())
n = int(input())
def power(a, n):
for i in range (n):
a *= n
print(power (a, n))

Few errors:
Changing a will lose your power parameter, use result (or something else).
Move setting result = 1 outside your loop to do so once.
Multiply by a not by n.
Use return to return a value from the function
def power(a, n):
result = 1 # 1 + 2
for _ in range (n):
result *= a # 3
return result # 4
Style notes:
Setting/mutating a parameter is considered bad practice (unless explicitly needed), even if it is immutable as is here.
If you're not going to use the loop variable, you can let the reader know by using the conventional _ to indicate it (_ is a legal variable name, but it is conventional to use it when not needing the variable).
Tip: you can simple use a**n

It doesn't work because your function doesn't return the end value. Add return a to the end of the function.
That is not how a to the power of n is is calculated.
A proper solution:
def power(a,n):
pow_a = a
if n is 0:
return 1
for _ in range(n-1): # Substracting 1 from the input variable n
pow_a *= a # because n==2 means a*a already.
return pow_a
and if you want to be really cool, recursion is the way:
def power_recursive(a,n):
if n is 0:
return 1
elif n is 1:
return a
a *= power_recursive(a,n-1)
return a


Number of sub sequences of length K having total sum S, given 2d array

I wish to find Number of sub sequences of length K having total sum S, given an array.
Sample Input:
a=[1,1,1,2,2] & K=2 & S=2
Sample Output:
3 {because a[0],a[1]; a[1]a[2]; a[0]a[2] are only three possible for the case}
I have tried to write a recursive loop in Python for starter but it isn't giving output as expected.Please can you help me find a loophole I might be missing on.
def rec(k, sum1, arr, i=0):
#print('k: '+str(k)+' '+'sum1: '+str(sum1)) #(1) BaseCase:
if(sum1==0 and k!=0): # Both sum(sum1) required and
return 0 # numbers from which sum is required(k)
if(k==0 and sum1 !=0): # should be simultaneously zero
return 0 # Then required subsequences are 1
if(k==0 and sum1==0 ): #
return 1 #
base_check = sum1!=0 or k!=0 #(2) if iterator i reaches final element
if(i==len(arr) and base_check): # in array we should return 0 if both k
return 0 # and sum1 aren't zero
# func rec for getting sum1 from k elements
if(sum1<arr[0]): # takes either first element or rejects it
ans=rec(k-1,sum1,arr[i+1:len(arr)],i+1) # so 2 cases in else loop
print(ans) # i is taken in as iterator to provide array
else: # input to rec func from 2nd element of array
ans=rec(k-1, sum1-arr[0], arr[i+1:len(arr)],i+1)+rec(k, sum1, arr[i+1:len(arr)],i+1)
#print('i: '+str(i)+' ans: '+str(ans))
I am still unable to process how to make changes. Once this normal recursive code is written I might go to DP approach accordinlgy.
Using itertools.combinations
Function itertools.combinations returns all the subsequences of a given lengths. Then we filter to keep only subsequences who sum up to the desired value.
import itertools
def countsubsum(a, k, s):
return sum(1 for c in itertools.combinations(a,k) if sum(c)==s)
Fixing your code
Your code looks pretty good, but there are two things that appear wrong about it.
What is this if for?
At first I was a bit confused about if(sum1<arr[0]):. I think you can (and should) always go to the else branch. After thinking about it some more, I understand you are trying to get rid of one of the two recursive calls if arr[0] is too large to be taken, which is smart, but this makes the assumption that all elements in the array are nonnegative. If the array is allowed to contain negative numbers, then you can include a large a[0] in the subsequence, and hope for a negative element to compensate. So if the array can contain negative numbers, you should get rid of this if/else and always execute the two recursive calls from the else branch.
You are slicing wrong
You maintain a variable i to remember where to start in the array; but you also slice the array. Pretty soon your indices become wrong. You should use slices, or use an index i, but not both.
ans=rec(k-1, sum1-arr[0], arr[i+1:len(arr)],i+1)+rec(k, sum1, arr[i+1:len(arr)],i+1)
ans = rec(k-1, sum1-arr[i], arr, i+1) + rec(k, sum1, arr, i+1)
ans = rec(k-1, sum1-arr[0], arr[1:]) + rec(k, sum1, arr[1:])
To understand why using both slicing and an index gives wrong results, run the following code:
def iter_array_wrong(a, i=0):
if (a):
print(i, a)
iter_array_wrong(a[i:], i+1)
def iter_array_index(a, i=0):
if i < len(a):
print(i, a)
iter_array_index(a, i+1)
def iter_array_slice(a):
if a:
Also note that a[i:len(a)] is exactly equivalent to a[i:] and a[0:j] is equivalent to a[:j].
Clean version of the recursion
Recursively count the subsequences who use the first element of the array, and the subsequences who don't use the first element of the array, and add the two counts. To avoid explicitly slicing the array repeatedly, which is an expensive operation, we keep a variable start to remember we are only working on subarray a[start:].
def countsubsum(a, k, s, start=0):
if k == 0:
return (1 if s == 0 else 0)
elif start == len(a):
return 0
using_first_element = countsubsum(a, k-1, s-a[start], start+1)
notusing_first_elem = countsubsum(a, k, s, start+1)
return using_first_element + notusing_first_elem

saving the result of the recursion iterations

This is a standart permutation function. Im tring to return the list of the lists of the permutations)
Could you help me with storaging the result of the recursion iterations? for example this code returns nonsense. It would be perfect if there was no global variable and rezulting list was inside the func
def func(N,M=-1,pref=None):
global z
if M == -1:
M = N
pref = pref or []
if M==0:
for i in range(N):
if i not in pref:
You are passing a list (pref variable in for loop) reference to your function and you are removing a single item from that and that's why you are ending with an empty list z.
Create a new list or copy the list before passing it to the function to avoid this situation.
z = []
def func(N, M=-1, pref=None):
global z
if M == -1:
M = N
pref = pref or []
if M == 0:
for i in range(N):
if i not in pref:
func(N, M - 1, pref[:])
For better understand please read this one. List changes unexpectedly after assignment. How do I clone or copy it to prevent this?
If you want to have some kind of accumulator you must pass it to the recursion function, beware it could be a little nightmare.

Function does not give desired result

I am trying to define a function for Fibonacci series but the code is not working. I can't resolve the issues and need help to fix the problem. Whenever I am trying to call this function, last value of the series comes always greater than n, which I don't want
def fib(n):
Series = [0,1]
if n>1:
while Series[-1]<=n:
if Series[-1]>n:
return Series
Your code is really good, just the indentation of the return is wrong. Just align it properly.
def fib(n):
Series = [0,1]
if n>1:
while Series[-1]<=n:
return Series
do you need something like this:
def fibo(n):
l = [0,1]
for i in range(2,n+1):
l += [l[i-1] + l[i-2]]
return l
If you want to get the Fibonacci sequence up to n:
def fib(n):
series = [0,1]
if n > 1:
c = 1
while c <= n:
c = series[-2] + series[-1]
return series

Memory Error in Python Primality Testing program

def repeated(m, result, a, s, d):
check = True
r = 0
while r <= s - 1:
if result == m - 1:
check = False
return check
result = (result ** 2) % m
r = r + 1
return check
I need to write a primality testing python program to test very large numbers, like at least 100-digit numbers. The code above is part of the code for Miller Rabin deterministic primality test for repeated squaring. It works really slow for large numbers. How can I speed it up? It is for a project. Thanks!
your problem is probably the (result ** 2) % m, use the 3 argument version of pow that do the same but more efficiently because the algorithm use is the Modular exponentiation and that is much better than first doing x**n and then calculate its modulo. this way you are guaranty to never have a number bigger than m while if you do (x**n) % m you can have that x**n is very much bigger than m that may be the cause your problems
Also no need for the check variable and you don't use a.
Also as you go from 0 to s-1, better use range
def repeated(m, result, s, d):
for r in range(s):
if result == m - 1:
return False
result = pow(result, 2, m )
return True
Now for this part of the test
you need a, d, s, and n this is how I would do it
def mr_check(n,a,s,d):
result = pow(a,d,n)
if result == 1 :
return False
for r in range(s):
result = pow(result,2,n)
if result == n-1:
return False
return True

sum even integer in a list of integer (without loop)

I have a task: create a function that takes a integer list as parameter and returns the sum of all even integer in an integer list, without using any kinds of loop. All addition must be done by + operator only. Below is my solution
def sumTest(list_Of_Integers):
return sum(list(filter(lambda x: x%2 == 0, list_Of_Integers)))
I want to ask if there is any better solution, like without using the built-in sum() of python.
As stated above in the comments, a more pythonic way of doing this is to use a list comprehension:
def sumTest(list_Of_Integers):
return sum([x for x in list_Of_Integers where x % 2 == 0])
As #UloPe states, however, this sounds very much like a homework question, in which case a more recursive method may be expected (rather than using the sum() function):
def sumTest2(xs):
if len(xs) == 0:
return 0
total = xs[0] if xs[0] % 2 == 0 else 0
return total + sumTest2(xs[1:])
This will generate a function stack dependent on the size of the list.
If you want to generate a shallower stack, then you can do the following:
def sumTest3(xs):
if len(xs) == 0:
return 0
midpoint = len(xs) / 2
total = xs[midpoint] if xs[midpoint] % 2 == 0 else 0
return sumTest3(xs[:midpoint]) + total + sumTest3(xs[midpoint + 1:])
The stack depth of this version will be log(size of list)
