How to implement RTSP Push for my source stream to push to Wowza Cloud? - rtsp

I have written software that captures RTP packets from my an external camera and is able to forward them on. I created a SDP file and loaded it into VLC and then streamed the RTP packets to VLC and confirmed it plays correctly.
Now I would like to stream to Wowza Cloud. It seems like the way to do that is with an RTSP Push stream which I have configured. Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation regarding what the protocol is for RTSP Push.
I understand RTSP (Pull) and how to implement that, but not RTSP Push. It seems like cameras support this, so this must be an established protocol, but push is not mentioned anywhere in the RTSP spec. Wowza Cloud gives me an endpoint, port, stream name, and authentication, but I don't know what to do with them. It seems like SDP Announce is involved, but there is no clear guide on how to implement it.
Can anyone explain how to implement this RTSP Push protocol?

The RTSP Push protocol to stream to Wowza consists of the following RTSP commands:
SETUP (for each RTP stream, i.e. Audio and Video)
TEARDOWN (after the streaming is complete)
The ANNOUNCE is the same as DESCRIBE, only you are pushing the SDP information as the body of the command.
During the SETUP, the server will respond with the IP and Port to send the RTP packets over UDP (via the Transport header).
The details of the process can be inspected by using FFMPEG and Wireshark. The ffmpeg command is the following:
ffmpeg -re -i inputfile.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 1 -vcodec libx264 -r 23.976 -threads 0 -b:v: 1024k -bufsize 1024k -preset veryfast -profile:v baseline -tune film -g 48 -x264opts no-scenecut -acodec aac -b:a 192k -ac 2 -ar 48000 -af "aresample=async=1:min_hard_comp=0.100000:first_pts=0" -rtsp_transport tcp -f rtsp rtsp://username:password#
Finally, it is critical to keep the Socket open during the entire session, or the streaming session will be closed.


How can i send multiple camera to one server

How can i send all webcams to collect from one server.
For example:
there is pc_1, pc2, ..., pc_n they are sending camera view to some ubuntu server where i can connect with
ssh name#ip_adress
and all pc have a windows on them
i looked Sending live video frame over network in python opencv this but this worked only on localhost
and secondly i looked this Forward RTSP stream to remote socket (RTSP Proxy?) but couldnt figure out how to do it on my situation
Each IPC is a RTSP server, it allows you to pull/play RTSP stream from it:
IPC ---RTSP--> Client(Player/FFmpeg/OBS/VLC etc.)
And because it's a internal IPC and its IP is intranet, so the client should in the same intranet, that's why it works only on localhost like.
Rather than pulling from the internet client which does not work, you could forward the stream to internet server, just like this:
IPC ---RTSP--> Client --RTMP--> Internet Server(SRS/Nginx etc.)
For example, use FFmpeg as a Client to do this, please replace the xxx by your internet server:
ffmpeg -i "rtsp://user:password#ip" -c:v libx264 -f flv rtmp://xxx/live/stream
Note: You could fastly deploy a internet server by srs-droplet-template in 3 minutes, without any cli or knowledge about media server.
Then you could play the stream by any client and any protocol, like PC/H5 by HTTP-FLV/HLS/WebRTC, mobile iOS/Android by HTTP-FLV/HLS, please read this post

Re-streaming RTMP to RTSP

I have some trouble with RTMP and RTSP protocol.
I have a Gopro action cam with RTMP output stream. But input of my algorithm compressor need RTSP stream.
I found Wowza solution can transcode from RTMP to RTSP but it very expensive.
How can I convert RTMP to RTSP?

Can I make media server using RTSP, MPEG2-TS over RTP?

Using RTSP Protocol, Can I send MPEG2-TS RTP Packet?
In VLC Player, I can use MPEG-2 TS over RTP.
But It is only supporting RTP, not using RTSP
(requesting url => rtp://{server ip}:{port}/{path})
in the tutorial,
you should use rtsp as your source

RTSP Server for MJPEG

I am working on a simple RTSP server to emulate an IP Camera but instead stream a jpeg image from a file. I have been working through the rtsp protocol and cant find any specific data on what payload I should set in my DESCRIBE response. Any good documentation would be appreciated
Here you go. It's the complete, official definition of RTSP:
Alternative, look at ffmpeg and/or VLC source code for a reference impl.
Btw, all this information can be obtained here:
...which is the first link on google when you search RTSP.
The IANA the lists RTP payload type 26 for JPEG. You'll want to specify this in your media attribute of the SDP message in your response. See Appendix C.1.2 of the RTSP RFC for information on media streams. For additional information, see section 8.1 of the SDP RFC.
An example would be:
m=video 0 RTP/AVP 26
Be sure to reference RFC 2435 for the RTP payload format that should be used for your RTP packets.

Use an IP-camera with webRTC

I want to use an IP camera with webrtc. However webrtc seems to support only webcams. So I try to convert the IP camera's stream to a virtual webcam.
I found software like IP Camera Adapter, but they don't work well (2-3 frames per second and delay of 2 seconds) and they work only on Windows, I prefer use Linux (if possible).
I try ffmpeg/avconv:
firstly, I created a virtual device with v4l2loopback (the command was: sudo modprobe v4l2loopback). The virtual device is detected and can be feed with a video (.avi) with a command like: ffmpeg -re -i testsrc.avi -f v4l2 /dev/video1
the stream from the IP camera is available with: rtsp://IP/play2.sdp for a Dlink DCS-5222L camera. This stream can be captured by ffmpeg.
My problem is to make the link between these two steps (receive the rstp stream and write it to the virtual webcam). I tried ffmpeg -re -i rtsp:// -f video4linux2 -input_format mjpeg -i /dev/video0 but there is an error with v4l2 (v4l2 not found).
Does anyones has an idea how to use an IP camera with webRTC?
Short answer is, no. RTSP is not mentioned in the IETF standard for WebRTC and no browser currently has plans to support it. Link to Chrome discussion.
Longer answer is that if you are truly sold out on this idea, you will have to build a webrtc gateway/breaker utilizing the native WebRTC API.
Start a WebRTC session between you browser and your breaker
Grab the IP Camera feed with your gateway/breaker
Encrypt and push the rtp stream to your WebRTC session from your RTSP stream gathered by the breaker through the WebRTC API.
This is how others have done it and how it will have to be done.
UPDATE 7/30/2014:
I have experimented with the janus-gateway and I believe the streaming plugin does EXACTLY this as it can grab an rtp stream and push it to an webrtc peer. For RTSP, you could probably create RTSP client(possibly using a library like gstreamer), then push the RTP and RTCP from the connection to the WebRTC peer.
Janus-gateway recently added a simple RTSP support (based on libcurl) to its streaming plugins since this commit
Then it is possible to configure the gateway to negotiate RTSP with the camera and relay the RTP thought WebRTC adding in the streaming plugins configuration <prefix>/etc/janus/janus.plugin.streaming.cfg
type = rtsp
id = 99
description = Dlink DCS-5222L camera
audio = no
video = yes
Next you will be able to access to the WebRTC stream using the streaming demo page http://..../demos/streamingtest.html
I have created a simple example transforming a RTSP or HTTP video feed into a WebRTC stream. This example is based on Kurento Media Server (KMS) and requires having it installed for the example to work.
Install KMS and enjoy ...
UPDATE 22-09-2015.
Check this post for a technical explanation on why transcoding is just part of the solution to this problem.
If you have video4linux installed, the following command will create a virtual webcam from an rtsp stream:
gst-launch rtspsrc location=rtsp:// ! decodebin ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video1
You were on the right track, the "decodebin" was the missing link.
For those who would like to get their hands dirty with some native-WebRTC, read on...
You could try streaming an IP camera’s RTSP stream through a simple ffmpeg-webrtc wrapper: .
It uses the VideoCaptureModule and AudioDeviceModule abstract classes to inject raw media. Under the hood, these abstract classes are extended for all platform-specific hardware like video4linux or alsa-audio.
The wrapper uses the ffmpeg CLI tools, but I don’t feel it should be too difficult to use the ffmpeg C-libraries themself. (The wrapper relies on transcoding, or decoding the source media, and then letting WebRTC re-encode with respect to the ICE connections’ requirements. Still working out pre-encoded media pass-through.)
Actually our camera can support webrtc. It uses ip camera with h5, from P2P tramsmitting, and two way talk for ip camera with web browser! The delay is only 300ms!
