Re-streaming RTMP to RTSP - rtsp

I have some trouble with RTMP and RTSP protocol.
I have a Gopro action cam with RTMP output stream. But input of my algorithm compressor need RTSP stream.
I found Wowza solution can transcode from RTMP to RTSP but it very expensive.
How can I convert RTMP to RTSP?


Can Kurento act as RTSP Server?

I have currently configured VLS as RTSP server and streaming to webbrowser using Kurento media server.
Can I configure Kurento as RTSP server instead of VLC?

Is there a rtsp delivery server?

I want to make a rtsp delivery server.
rtsp publisher --> [rtsp delivery server] --> rtsp player
I know that the wowza server can achieve.
But I want to make it like a nginx without wowza.
If you have an information, let me know.
Your subject mentions RTSP but contents only RTMP.
For RTSP to RTMP, Wowza SE is required to input RTSP and re-stream as RTMP or directly HTML5 HLS to web pages.
You can license Wowza SE and install on own dedicated server or get a turnkey plan for lower costs and hassle from $50/month:
For RTMP to RTMP, an option is Red5, free open source RTMP server, if you have a VPS or dedicated server.
If you don't have your own dedicated server to install, you can get a turnkey RTMP service. There are providers from as low as $9/month:

Can I make media server using RTSP, MPEG2-TS over RTP?

Using RTSP Protocol, Can I send MPEG2-TS RTP Packet?
In VLC Player, I can use MPEG-2 TS over RTP.
But It is only supporting RTP, not using RTSP
(requesting url => rtp://{server ip}:{port}/{path})
in the tutorial,
you should use rtsp as your source

How to implement RTSP Push for my source stream to push to Wowza Cloud?

I have written software that captures RTP packets from my an external camera and is able to forward them on. I created a SDP file and loaded it into VLC and then streamed the RTP packets to VLC and confirmed it plays correctly.
Now I would like to stream to Wowza Cloud. It seems like the way to do that is with an RTSP Push stream which I have configured. Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation regarding what the protocol is for RTSP Push.
I understand RTSP (Pull) and how to implement that, but not RTSP Push. It seems like cameras support this, so this must be an established protocol, but push is not mentioned anywhere in the RTSP spec. Wowza Cloud gives me an endpoint, port, stream name, and authentication, but I don't know what to do with them. It seems like SDP Announce is involved, but there is no clear guide on how to implement it.
Can anyone explain how to implement this RTSP Push protocol?
The RTSP Push protocol to stream to Wowza consists of the following RTSP commands:
SETUP (for each RTP stream, i.e. Audio and Video)
TEARDOWN (after the streaming is complete)
The ANNOUNCE is the same as DESCRIBE, only you are pushing the SDP information as the body of the command.
During the SETUP, the server will respond with the IP and Port to send the RTP packets over UDP (via the Transport header).
The details of the process can be inspected by using FFMPEG and Wireshark. The ffmpeg command is the following:
ffmpeg -re -i inputfile.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 1 -vcodec libx264 -r 23.976 -threads 0 -b:v: 1024k -bufsize 1024k -preset veryfast -profile:v baseline -tune film -g 48 -x264opts no-scenecut -acodec aac -b:a 192k -ac 2 -ar 48000 -af "aresample=async=1:min_hard_comp=0.100000:first_pts=0" -rtsp_transport tcp -f rtsp rtsp://username:password#
Finally, it is critical to keep the Socket open during the entire session, or the streaming session will be closed.

How to Stream rtsp video which getting using live555 library to Wowza server which is running in local cloud

I have cross compiled live555 library for my android board and using that I can able to stream video board to any other device using rtsp protocol.
I have used "live555MediaServer" program for stream board to other devices. I got "rtsp" url and using that I am able to stream.
But now I want to push this video to wowza server which is running in our local cloud. while reading wowza document I found that you can use any supported encoder to stream video to wowza by registering wowza steaming engine in your encoder. I found following lines
In your encoder, enter the following information, and then click Publish or Start:
Server URL: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]:1935/live
Stream Name: myStream
User: publisherName
password: [password]
so I want to know how can i register wowza ip with live555. In live555 is there any way we can register this wowza ip and stream video in wowza streaming engine ?
I found one application in "live555/testProgs/registerRTSPStream" while running this application with out any command line option it is showing below usage
usage: registerRTSPStream [-t] [-u <username> <password>] <remote-client-or-proxy-server-name-or-address> <remote-client-or-proxy-server-port-number> <rtsp-URL-to-register> [proxy-URL-suffix]
So Is it possible to register wowza server using this application and If yes then how to do it ?
