Installing pyQt QWebKitWidget - python-3.x

Can someone please clarify what is QWebKit? I told it was just another widget from PyQt that allows to show webpages inside a gui.
Then I understood that with PyQt5 it doesn't come installed with PyQt anymore and I am not sure where to find it or how to install it on MAC.
I want a simple interface that changes the information shown in a page. I struggle to layout those information with the common PyQt widgets, so if I can relate all that to a simple HTML page to be shown inside a PyQt QWebView (with no CSS limitations) that would be great

Apparently QWebKit was deprecated on Qt5.6 or Qt5.7 (can't remember).
The continued version of that tool and API calls is QtWebEngine and I guess what you want is QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView()


Tool to identify items in Qt interface

I'm trying to automate Skype on Ubuntu using LDTP which has a GUI that is written with Qt. LDTP requires that I know the names of the frames I'm interacting with and their objects. I don't have the Skype source code, but I was hoping there was some tool that might exist for extracting information about a Qt window or that it might at least confirm for me that automation is impossible for the window I'm trying to play with.
The reason I think this exists in the first place is that AutoIT had a similar application on Windows.
To find out if a window is able to be automated using LDTP, you can use the getapplist() and getwindowlist() functions as shown in the tutorial which can be found under doc on the github. To list the objects of this window, you can use getobjectlist().

Getting started with Xcode 4.2

I have recently got a Mac and I have downloaded Xcode 4.2 from the store. I am trying to get to grips with iPhone development but I am having real troubles. All the tutorials I seem to find online, when they create a project, they had a resources folder, and inside that there is xib file which allows them to use an interface builder.
This does not appear on 4.2, so makes it kinda hard to follow majority of tutorials have the resources folder. How do I get this back? Or how do I access this file on 4.2?
Also, I could someone explain to me where the objects list is? I started following this tutorial
as it seemed to be using Xcode 4.2, but when I get down to the storyboard section, it says
"Of course, we really want another tab on there so we can see the switching between the two – so lets drag in another Navigation Controller from the Utilities (objects) list and plonk it down somewhere. "
Except I cannot find this objects list? How do I open this objects list? What am I missing?
Sorry if these questions seem very basic, I am new to both Macs and iPhones. Android development seems a HELL of a lot easier from what I can see so far.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Also would be grateful if anyone could point in direction of any good up to date tutorials
I have a post on it will give you a nice understanding of how most stuff fits together, I don't use Interface Builder at all since it only makes the app bigger. Have a look at my blog post, still need to do styling, and add more posts but it is a nice beginner guide.
Most posts you are finding still use XCode 3 that's why you can't find certain things.
Also have a look at
What they are referring to as the object list, in XCode 4 it is found in the bottom right corner of Interface Builder. In XCode 4 Interface Builder is part of XCode and no longer an external application. Therefore when ever you open a XIB file Interface Builder also automatically opens

Making Tk look like a native Linux app

Browsing the TkDocs website, it looks like Tk has come a long way in the "native look and feel" department. But looking at some of these screenshots, it seems to be let down in Linux. If you scroll down that page, you'll see a Mac screenshot that looks exactly like Mac, a Windows XP screenshot that looks exactly like Windows XP, and a Linux screenshot that looks like ... well Windows 98 (or Windows XP with classic style).
I know Linux doesn't really have a "native look and feel", since every toolkit does its own styling. But I'm wondering if there is any way to style Tk so it looks like either GTK or Qt (preferably Gtk), so it would blend in to most other apps on the Linux desktop.
What about Windows Vista/7? I haven't seen any Tk screenshots on those platforms.
Tk has basically two sets of widgets, the classic widgets and the themed widgets. The classic widgets are default because of the need to support old applications, but new code should use the themed widgets. (They can't be overloaded because they work in quite different ways, and there's a lot of code out there that depends on the old classic way. Alas.) With the right theme, the themed widgets (typically referred to as Ttk) look native and behave natively on Windows and OSX.
There are partial Ttk themes that delegate to Gtk and Qt available (this presentation from last year shows them in action) but they're partial, in large part because of the poor quality of the themes (Gtk/Qt themes, not Ttk themes; this is confusing!) in typical use with those toolkits. The major problem is apparently in the reporting of metrics, which often seems to be wrong (resulting in widgets getting the wrong size or visual elements being put in the wrong place); I understand from talking to the author of that paper that a significant fraction of themes only happen to work with Gtk/Qt, but cannot verify this from personal experience. (I'm on OSX so I use Ttk's direct native support.)
For the impatient users of a modern Linux distribution:
echo '*TkTheme: clam' >> ~/.Xresources
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
Then restart your Tk based app.
Here is what to expect (shown is git gui):
On the left is git gui started after the above command was issued. Notice how the bar changed, buttons did too.
PySolFC includes a nice, modern look and feel, which can also be used with other Tk apps.
Stephan Sokolow writes about this in his blog:
Making Tk applications a bit less ugly (how to change the Tk theme)
Installing a new Ttk/Tile theme (how to use PySolFC's theme)
Just from what I've heard in Python's main mailing list from time to time, Themed TK (TTK) widgets are themable and can either mimic native widgets or do their own thing and look good. See
From experience, Tk (at least through Python) looks like crap. I pulled up a test for you on windows 7: Not really a looker by default!

Embed Qt window into firefox, via plugin, on Linux

So this is a trivial example of what I'm trying to accomplish:
Using QX11EmbedContainer, and QX11EmbedWidget, I can create two separate apps that embed the widget from one into the window of the other (container <- widget). I would like to do the same in Firefox, and embed the widget into a plugin.
So I created a basic plugin that just contains the QX11EmbedContainer (starting from the 'trivial' example of qtbrowserplugin), and just for testing purposes, another generic widget.
The result is that the generic widget shows inside the plugin just fine, but the container widget 'pops' out to a separate window.
This occurs under Firefox, Chrome, and even Konqueror.
So the question is - Is it possible to embed external Qt widgets into a plugin?
The answer is yes, but the Qt code is buggy, which is why I'm not including it- you wouldn't want it anyway. Managed (with the help of Trolltech engineers) to insert a vanilla QTextEdit widget. Upon attempting to enter text, the plugin would crash, often taking Firefox with it. So clearly, embedding Qt objects directly into a plugin is a no-go.
I also tried launching it separately with mozplugger, but that had it's own issues - mainly focus was not tracked correctly, and would often be lost, requiring you to restart the plugin to get it back.

c# preloading modules in splashscreen

I am developing a software with 3 modules in it. I want a splashscreen to be created in my project, which i want to preload all the modules before it shows the first form. Although the project is not too big, but still for an experience i want to add splashscreen in the current project with preloading ability.
I would like something like adobe Photoshop splashscreen does.
Any good tutorials/suggestions/videos are welcome keeping in mind i am not a C# pro coder and dont know much about the functions.
I do not know how the Photoshop splashscreen works. However, to preload an assembly, it is enough to call the typeof(AnyTypeFromNonLoadedAssembly). Hope, this helps.
