Display SharePoint Documents Sub Grid on the MS Dynamics 365 form - sharepoint

I have a requirement to display SharePoint Documents Sub Grid on the MS crm Dynamics 365 Custom Entity Form.
Can anyone let me know, how to achieve this using Supported or unsupported way?

You can find solution here:
You may use the below line of code to set the Iframe url to display the subgrid in iframe:
Xrm.Page.getControl("IFRAME_Documents").setSrc(Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/userdefined/areas.aspx?formid=" + CurrentFormId + "&inlineEdit=1&navItemName=Documents&oId=%7b" + recordId + "%7d&oType=" + oTypeCode + "&pagemode=iframe&rof=true&security=852023&tabSet=areaSPDocuments&theme=Outlook15White");
“IFRAME_Documents” is the Iframe name.
“CurrentFormId”= Is the Current selected form id which you can get using Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem().getId().replace("{", "").replace("}", "");
“recordId” = Record’s GUID
“oTypeCode” = Entity Type Code which you can get using Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters().etc;

This is how I did in D365. (Using Chrome made it easier)
Enable document management for the entity
When Documents tab shows
for the entity record open it.
Then open Chrome dev console (F12)
Grab the panel (which is actually an iframe) source. The URL is of format:
Replace the dotted values in the source URL with appropriate values
and make the URL fully qualified prefixing with the root.
Just ensure not using any hardcoded GUIDs or IDs in the values. In this way this can be reused easily wherever needed.

Latest: Recent version has direct OOB customization to achieve this.
Dynamics 365: Related Documents Now Display on Record’s Main Form
Add or remove the SharePoint documents tab to the main form for any table
In short: Server to Server integration approach shows physical documents in crm grid. No need of iframe solution.
Old school List component integration has a limitation, it shows document location crm records in crm grid, so you need iframe solution to show physical docs from Sharepoint.
[Applicable to Server based Integration] - It will show Documents in the grid.
Open an Entity Web form where you want to display SharePoint document library.
Click on the Insert-tab, click on Sub-Grid, specify a name to sub-grid
In “Data Source” section select “Only related Records” from Records dropdown
Select “Document Location (Regarding)” in Entity dropdown
Select “Active Document Location” from Default View section [shown in Below Image]
Click on Set. Click on save then publish the customization
Update: [Applicable to List component Integration]
Associated view will show what we want but subgrid is not working as expected. Upon research, this is product limitation. Read more
sometimes it is desirable to have an “at a glance” view of documents associated with a record. In order to view the documents in SharePoint that are related to a record, the user must navigate to a related entities area outside of the form. (Similar to Connection, or other related entities)
For most related entities, a sub-grid can be used in the form to display the relationships immediately on the form, but there is no simple workaround for the Documents.
Another alternative is showing Associated view in IFRAME.
In latest Dynamics 365, CRM + Sharepoint integration using List component is deprecated. Only way is Server to Server (S2S) based CRM + Sharepoint integration is possible. This S2S approach shows documents in the associated grid & subgrid, not the doc location like in List component. CRM - Sharepoint wrapper taking care of conversion from CRM FetchXML to SP CAML query & give us the result we want.
The great thing about having the documents queried by CRM is that you
can create custom views of documents in the same way you would with
any other entity in CRM. When using the list component the default
view in SharePoint was rendered in the IFRAME meaning that to get new
columns you had to have list customisation privileges on SharePoint
such that all users would see the changes. With the new server to
server integration you can select SharePoint columns to include in
your own views and even add in your own filters using the CRM advance
find interface.
Read more.


Ssrs sql report - dynamics crm record sharepoint document location

I have a field in my ssrs dynamics crm report using sql which runs against a case, I need it to display the URL for the sharepoint location for documents related to that case.
Has anyone got any experience and can help on using the correct tables in order to create a expressions which displays the correct URL related for that case for its document location.
sharepointdocumentlocation is the entity which will store document URL in relativeurl attribute. You have to look for case guid in regardingobjectid
Check absoluteurl for fully qualified navigation link. These are totally up to your project for values.
From this forum & thread, Its clear that CRM does not have OOB way to store this. Need to write custom code to update a field on record or custom code/query to retrieve absolute URL.
For sharepoint site details, query the sharepointsite entity for absoluteurl or relativeurl.

Set field via URL

Is it possible to have a field in the current item be changed by clicking a URL? The field would be a choice field with predefined choices.
Such as if the item field is currently:
Status: 2
If a user clicks the link, the field would now be:
Status: 3
If not, is there any other way for a user to easily change a field in the current item without actually haveing to visit the item?
Not Out Of The Box (OOTB) - but you've a few options.
Write an ASPX page to do what you want
Use something like SPServices and javascript to update the list item via the web services.
Use the Client Object Model (2010 only)
By the way - changing stuff on a 'get' can be dangerous as you can do malicious things - for example imagine you have a page that deletes the users account without any prompting (exact example doesn't matter) - what if someone clicks on that link by mistake or even worse what about an email sent with an image with that page as source URL - simply viewing the email could delete the users account.
It's not possible by using a GET request, but SharePoint 2010 is offering a RESTful API to manage ListItems from any client
The REST API is located within the virtual WebServices folgder under each SharePoint Site.
To perform an update on SharePoint ListItems you have to create a PUT Request. For more information on SharePoints REST API you should have a look at this MSDN site, there are also a lot of samples linked from this article.

Sharepoint: Custom view permissions

I created a custom list to be used as a form on our Sharepoint 2007 Standard Server. When I click on “New Item” I can fill out the form but it goes back to the list with all the entered forms. I notice that there is NO permissions on the VIEW, but how can limit so that the user views only his created forms?
You can do this by using the "Only their own" option for item level permissions.
Start here: http://sharepoint.microsoft.com/Blogs/GetThePoint/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=58
The view can use a filter where Created By = [Me].

How can I validate within an InfoPath form whether a user exists within a SharePoint Portal?

I am creating a form within InfoPath which is to be integrated into a SharePoint 2007 Portal. Within this form there will be a textfield into which a user can enter the Name of a Person.
How can I validate whether this Person exists or not?
Instead of validating the user, is there a way to fill a dropdown List with all usernames of the portal? (which of cause would be users from the Active Directory)
I haven't done this specifically, so there may be a better way, but I've been pulling a lot of data out of SharePoint and into an InfoPath Form (deployed to a SharePoint forms library and accessible through SharePoint Forms Service with MOSS Enterprise) and also going the other way using the SharePoint web services - very quick to use, and the person web service is right there.
Have you tried looking at the Contact Selector (an ActiveX control). Here is a MSDN-article describing how to add it as a control in InfoPath and this one describes how to make it work.
I have been using it in the majority of my infopath projects and it works flawlessly - also for browser-enabled forms.
When doing something similar in an ASP.NET application, I've used the Sharepoint search and searched the "People" Scope for the specific user. You can also search across profile information so you can pull back everyone with a certain Job Title, or in a specific Department.
I don't validate a person's existance, but I do determine a person's full name using their login and SharePoint. You should be able to modify this code for your purposes, it is below. For it to function you need a data connection in your InfoPath document called GetUsersFromSP. Configured as follows:
Location is - http://njintranet2/_vti_bin/usergroup.asmx?WSDL
Operation is – GetUserColectionFromSite (last one on list)
Automatically retrieve data when form is opened should be checked.
string ADName = System.Environment.UserName;
IXMLDOMDocument3 UserQuery = (IXMLDOMDocument3)thisXDocument.GetDOM("GetUsersFromSP");
"xmlns:dfs=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/infopath/2003/dataFormSolution\" " +
IXMLDOMNode Users = UserQuery.selectSingleNode("//dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/tns:GetUserCollectionFromSiteResponse/tns:GetUserCollectionFromSiteResult/tns:GetUserCollectionFromSite/tns:Users");
foreach (IXMLDOMNode current in Users.selectNodes("tns:User"))
string Login = current.attributes.getNamedItem("LoginName").text;
Login = Login.ToUpper();
if (Login.EndsWith(ADName.ToUpper()))
thisXDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("my:root/my:config/my:User").text = current.attributes.getNamedItem("Name").text;
Use this control:
Or if you want to build your own validator, you'll need to query the SharePoint profile database. I'd recommend this over querying AD directly. There's lots of articles online about working with the profile database.
Have a look at this Link, it explains how to populate a dropdown with the SharePoint Users
I you want to validate,
- Make a textbox
- Add a Button, name it ValidateUser
- Create a Receive Connection to the ......
- Att Rules to the ValidateUser
- Add the textbox to the field AccountName in the Secondary Datasource
- Execute the receive connection
- Get the value of the field Value with filter Name="PreferredName"
This work for Infopath Form Services
Test it and enter the UserLogin into the textbox and click on the Validate Button

connecting web parts in sharepoint

I am trying to connect to simple webparts in my sharepoint team site, i need one of the webparts to filter its information based on what it recieves from another webpart
I am using the query string filter webpart and the a list view webpart but no matter how i connect them always i am getting this error
"Web Part Error: This page has exceeded its data fetch limit for connected Web Parts. Try disconnecting one or more Web Parts to correct the problem."
What should I do and what am I doing wrong
i can connect to web parts on some other pgae, but getting this error on the DispForm.aspx page of a certain item , is webpart connections not allowed there ??!!
There is an issue with creating QueryString filter webparts in sharepoint, when you're not using the Web UI (I'm making an assumption that you aren't).
This fella here has a post about it and how he hacked around the issue.
Another option is not using the QueryString filter web part at all, and just passing querystrings to a regular web part.
Me too,you look this url
I have fixed this issue.
In the sharepoint list, filtered column name in query strng fitlter has been deleted and added new column with same name.
Solution: Remove filter and Set current view again in webpart properties. It works fine.
With Regards,
The page 'DispForm.aspx' usually is a form of a SharePoint list and different rules apply to list-form pages than on pages that do not belong to a Sharepoint list (and the differences are hardly documented). I solved the problem by workarounds; you could use not a ListViewWebPart, but a DataViewWebPart (Using Query String and Data view WebPart), or you could avoid the QueryStringFilterWebPart by using URL parameters that the ListViewWebPart understands (ListViewWebPart Filter Param).
