rpy2 access R named list items by name, low-level interface - rpy2

How do I access elements of a named list by name?
I have 3 functions, all of which return a ListSexpVector of class htest. One of them has 5 elements, ['method', 'parameter', 'statistic', 'p.value', 'data.name'], others have a different number, and order. I am interested in extracting the p.value, statistic and parameter from this list. In R I can use $, like so:
p.value <- fit$p.value
statistic <- fit$statistic
param <- fit$parameter
The best equivalent I found in rpy2 goes like:
p_val = fit[list(fit.do_slot('names')).index('p.value')]
stat = fit[list(fit.do_slot('names')).index('statistic')]
param = fit[list(fit.do_slot('names')).index('parameter')]
Which is quite long-winded. Is there a better (shorter, sweeter, Pythonic) way?
There is the good-old-fashioned integer based indexing:
p_val = fit[3]
stat = fit[2]
param = fit[1]
But it doesn't work when the positions are changed, and therefore is a serious limitation because I am fitting 3 different functions, and each return a different order.

The high-level interface is meant to provide a friendlier interface as the low-level interface is quite close to R's C-API. With it one can do:
p_val = fit.rx2('p.value')
p_val = fit[fit.names.index('p.value')]
If working with the low-level interface, you will essentially have to implement your own convenience wrapper to reproduce these functionalities. For example:
def dollar(obj, name):
"""R's "$"."""
return obj[fit.do_slot('names').index(name)]


Dictionary of Constraints Python SciPy.Optimize

I'm working on creating a dictionary of constraints for a large SCED power problem for minimization. However, I'm being given a ValueError saying an unknown type is passed despite only using Optimize.LinearConstraints at present. When I change to NonlinearConstraints (shown below), indicating that 'NonlinearConstraint' object has no attribute 'A'.
I have a feeling it's due to recursive elements, as even using a single constraint as I've defined them returns the same error
Any idea how I can create the recursive linear constraints?
I've been told to copy the code and provide a bit more context. "gen_supply_seg" is a three dimensional array that, depending on different points in time, has different constraints
def con2a():
for t in range(len(LOAD)):
for g in range(len(GEN)):
nlc2a = optimize.NonlinearConstraint(gen_supply_seg[t,g,1],lb=0,ub=P2Max[g])
def con2b():
for t in range(len(LOAD)):
for g in range(len(GEN)):
nlc2b = optimize.NonlinearConstraint(gen_supply_seg[t,g,2],lb=0,ub=P3Max[g])
return (nlc2b)
def con2c():
for t in range(len(LOAD)):
for g in range(len(GEN)):
nlc2c = optimize.NonlinearConstraint(gen_supply_seg[t,g,3],lb=0,ub=P4Max[g])
return (nlc2c)
con2a = con2a()
con2b = con2b()
con2c = con2c()
These constraints are then added to a set like shown
cons = (con2a,

Running same function for different arguments in a loop in python

I have large 3D same-sized array of data like density, temperature, pressure, entropy, … . I want to run a same function (like divergence()) for each of these arrays. The easy way is as follows:
div_density = divergence(density)
div_temperature = divergence(temperature)
div_pressure = divergence(pressure)
div_entropy = divergence(entropy)
Considering the fact that I have several arrays (about 100), I'd like to use a loop as follows:
var_list = ['density', 'temperature', 'pressure', 'entropy']
div = np.zeros((len(var_list)))
for counter, variable in enumerate(var_list):
div[Counter] = divergence(STV(variable))
I'm looking for a function like STV() which simply changes "string" to the "variable name". Is there a function like that in python? If yes, what is that function (by using such function, data should not be removed from the variable)?
These 3D arrays are large and because of the RAM limitation cannot be saved in another list like:
main_data=[density, temperature, pressure, entropy]
So I cannot have a loop on main_data.
One workaround is to use exec as follows
var_list = ['density', 'temperature', 'pressure', 'entropy']
div = np.zeros((len(var_list)))
for counter, variable in enumerate(var_list):
s = "div[counter] = divergence("+variable+")"
exec basically executes the string given as the argument in the python interpreter.
how about using a dictionary? that links the variable content to names.
Instead of using variable names density = ... use dict entries data['density'] for the data:
data = {}
# load ur variables like:
data['density'] = ...
divs = {}
for key, val in data.items():
divs[key] = divergence(val)
Since the data you use is large and the operations you try to do are computational expensive I would have a look at some of the libraries that provide methods to handle such data structures. Some of them also use c/c++ bindings for the expensive calculations (such as numpy does). Just to name some: numpy, pandas, xarray, iris (especially for earth data)

How to use extract the hidden layer features in H2ODeepLearningEstimator?

I found H2O has the function h2o.deepfeatures in R to pull the hidden layer features
train_features <- h2o.deepfeatures(model_nn, train, layer=3)
But I didn't find any example in Python? Can anyone provide some sample code?
Most Python/R API functions are wrappers around REST calls. See http://docs.h2o.ai/h2o/latest-stable/h2o-py/docs/_modules/h2o/model/model_base.html#ModelBase.deepfeatures
So, to convert an R example to a Python one, move the model to be the this, and all other args should shuffle along. I.e. the example from the manual becomes (with dots in variable names changed to underlines):
prostate_hex = ...
prostate_dl = ...
prostate_deepfeatures_layer1 = prostate_dl.deepfeatures(prostate_hex, 1)
prostate_deepfeatures_layer2 = prostate_dl.deepfeatures(prostate_hex, 2)
Sometimes the function name will change slightly (e.g. h2o.importFile() vs. h2o.import_file() so you need to hunt for it at http://docs.h2o.ai/h2o/latest-stable/h2o-py/docs/index.html

Python3 access previously created object

Im new to programming in general and I need some help for accessing a previously created instance of Class. I did some search on SO but I could not find anything... Maybe it's just because I should not try to do that.
for s in servers:
c = rconprotocol.Rcon(s[0], s[2],s[1])
t = threading.Thread(target=c.connect)
c.messengers(allmessages, 10)
Now, what can I do if I want to call a function on "c" ?
Thanks, Hugo
You're creating several different objects that you briefly name c as you go through the loop. If you want to be able to access more than the last of them, you'll need to save them somewhere that won't be overwritten. Probably the best approach is to use a list to hold the successive values, but depending on your specific needs another data structure might make sense too (for instance, using a dictionary you could look up each value by a specific key).
Here's a trivial adjustment to your current code that will save the c values in a list:
c_list = []
for s in servers:
c = rconprotocol.Rcon(s[0], s[2],s[1])
t = threading.Thread(target=c.connect)
c.messengers(allmessages, 10)
Later you can access any of the c values with c_list[index], or by iterating with for c in c_list.
A slightly more Pythonic version might use a list comprehension rather than append to create the list (this also shows what a loop over c_list later one might look like):
c_list = [rconprotocol.Rcon(s[0], s[2],s[1]) for s in servers]
for c in c_list:
t = threading.Thread(target=c.connect)
c.messengers(allmessages, 10)

Generate a list from another list transforming each element on Groovy

I've got the following code on a Controller
def db = new Sql(dataSource)
def rawLines = db.rows("SELECT name FROM LINES")
def lines = []
/*(db.rows returns the values as [NAME:value] */
rawLines.each {
/*Then, use lines */
I can't keep away the impression that there is probably some way to do this in a more elegant way, something similar to a list comprehension in Python:
lines = [ l.name for l in db.rows("SELECT name FROM LINES") ]
Having to declare an empty list and then populate it doesn't seem the best way of doing things...
Is it possible to do something like this, or Groovy doesn't allow it?
Can't you just use the spread operator, and do:
lines = rawLines*.name
(see http://docs.groovy-lang.org/latest/html/documentation/index.html#_spread_operator)
tim_yates' answer is a clean solution when you want to call a method (or property) on each element of list in order to transform it e.g.:
but if you want to call a method from another object or do something more complex you can use collect:
[1, 2, 3].collect {Math.cos(it * Math.PI)}
Well, If you are using grails, why aren't you simply using the a model class together with the findAll method?
Using plain raw SQL should be done on exceptional cases.
