Is that safe to pass JWT in urls to authenticate users? - security

My current architecture is based on a LDAP + JSON Web Token authentication, and my passing Token via the URL this way :
Is that safe to proceed this way, or I should pass another way the Tokens?
Assuming also, that SSL is enabled.

I disagree with the accepted anwser.
It is right to say that the use of HTTPS will prevent data leaks. However there are lot of attacks that are achievable if tokens are set in the query string. For example:
Using the browser history
Using a transparent proxy
Furthermore, every web servers log the access requests thus, if an attacker get access on your server, all tokens will be available.
Even the RFC6750 (OAuth2 Bearer Token Usage) DO NOT recommend the use of this transport mode.
Don't pass bearer tokens in page URLs: Bearer tokens SHOULD NOT be
passed in page URLs (for example, as query string parameters).
Instead, bearer tokens SHOULD be passed in HTTP message headers or
message bodies for which confidentiality measures are taken.
Browsers, web servers, and other software may not adequately
secure URLs in the browser history, web server logs, and other
data structures. If bearer tokens are passed in page URLs,
attackers might be able to steal them from the history data, logs,
or other unsecured locations.
Please note that the RFC6750 refers to the OAuth2 Framework protocol but is not limited to it and should be considered for every token transmission in a Web context.

you should pass token in header in every request.


Demystifying CSRF?

I've read through a lot of long explanations of CSRF and IIUC the core thing that enables the attack is cookie based identification of server sessions.
So in other words if the browser (And note I'm specifically narrowing the scope to web browsers here) does not use a cookie based session key to identify the session on the server, then a CSRF attack cannot happen. Did I understand this correctly?
So for example suppose someone creates a link like:
href=";=$100">Read more!
You are tricked into clicking on this link while logged into, however does not use cookies to track your login session, and therefore the link does not do any harm since the request cannot be authenticated and just gets thrown in the garbage?
The OpenID Connect Server / OAuth Authorization server has been implemented correctly and will not send authentication redirects to any URL that you ask it to.
The attacker does not know the client id and client secret
The scenario I'm targeting in this question is the CSRF scenario most commonly talked about. There are other scenarios that fit the CSRF tag. These scenarios are highly unlikely, yet good to be aware of, and prepared for. One of them has the following components:
1) The attacker is able to direct you to a bad client
2) The attacker owns that client
3) The attacker has the secret for that client registered with the OAuth Authorization Server
4) The attacker is able to tell the Authorization Server that authenticates you to redirect back to the bad client after you have been authenticated with the proper server.
So setting this up is a little bit like breaking into Fort Knox, but certainly good to be aware of. For example OpenID Connect or OAuth Authorization Providers should most likely flag clients that register redirect URLs pointing to redirect URLs that other clients have also registered.
The most common / usually discussed CSRF Cross Site Request Forgery scenario can only happen when the browser stores credentials (as a cookie or as basic authentication credentials).
OAuth2 implementations (client and authorization server) must be careful about CSRF attacks. CSRF attacks can happens on the client's redirection URI and on the authorization server. According to the specification (RFC 6749):
A CSRF attack against the client's redirection URI allows an attacker
to inject its own authorization code or access token, which can
result in the client using an access token associated with the
attacker's protected resources rather than the victim's (e.g., save
the victim's bank account information to a protected resource
controlled by the attacker).
The client MUST implement CSRF protection for its redirection URI.
This is typically accomplished by requiring any request sent to the
redirection URI endpoint to include a value that binds the request to
the user-agent's authenticated state (e.g., a hash of the session
cookie used to authenticate the user-agent). The client SHOULD
utilize the "state" request parameter to deliver this value to the
authorization server when making an authorization request.
A CSRF attack against the authorization server's authorization
endpoint can result in an attacker obtaining end-user authorization
for a malicious client without involving or alerting the end-user.
The authorization server MUST implement CSRF protection for its
authorization endpoint and ensure that a malicious client cannot
obtain authorization without the awareness and explicit consent of
the resource owner
Theory is, CSRF is not related to the authentication method. If an adversary can have a victim user perform actions in another application that the victim didn't want, then that application is vulnerable to CSRF.
This can manifest in several ways, the most common being that a victim user visits a malicious website which in turn makes requests from the victim's browser to another application, thus performing actions the user didn't want. This way it is possible if credentials are sent by the victim browser automatically. By far the most common scenario is a session cookie, but there can be others as well, for example HTTP Basic auth (the browser remembers that as well), or Windows authentication in a domain (Kerberos/SPNEGO), or client certificates, or even some kind of an SSO under certain circumstances.
Also sometimes application authentication is cookie-based, and all non-GET (POST, PUT, etc.) requests are protected against CSRF, but GETs are not for obvious reasons. In languages like PHP, it is easy to make calls intended to be POST requests also work as GETs (think of using $_REQUEST in PHP). In that case, any other website can include something like <img src='> to have actions performed silently.
There are also less obvious CSRF attacks in complex systems or flows, like for example the CSRF attacks against oauth.
So if a web application uses say tokens (sent as request headers, instead of session cookies) for authentication, meaning a client will have to add the token to each request, that is probably not vulnerable to CSRF, but as always, the devil is in the details.

Can I securely store an OpenID Connect id_token and access_token in a cookie if it's marked as HTTP only?

I am integrating a legacy application (an ASP.NET MVC 4 app) with OpenID Connect. Once I obtain the id_token and access_token from my OIDC provider I need to store them. In typical fashion they have to be sent 'over the wire' from the client side to the server side because the server side must process the id_token to determine which user made the request. The access_token is not processed by my application. It's just stored in my application until I need to make a request to an API that requires JWT Bearer authentication.
The way I see it is that the id_token and access_token are sent from client and server either way - whether it's an a header or a cookie. Can I store the id_token and access_token securely in a cookie if it's marked as HTTP only?
I should add a little more information about my scenario.
1) My application always uses HTTPS, and all cookies are marked as secure. This removes MITM (Man In The Middle) vulnerabilities
2) Every PUT, POST and DELETE request uses ASP.NET's anti forgery token classes. This protects against XSRF.
3) All input is escaped and sanitized using ASP.NET libraries which removes XSS vulnerabilities.
4) The cookie that would contain the id_token would be marked as http only, removing the ability to read and access the cookie from the client side.
You should probably not store the tokens in cookies. Ideally the access token would be stored in memory on the client. This way they aren't sent automatically with requests to the server which is why there are risks involved with cookies. Anywhere else could open you up to potential vulnerabilities.
The RFC 6819 specification, titled "OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations" touches on the risks and vulnerabilities around OAuth tokens. Specifically, I would recommend reading the following sections:
4.1.3. Threat: Obtaining Access Tokens Threat: Access Token Leak in Browser History
5.1.6. Access Tokens
In applications I have written the tokens have been stored in local storage and in memory.
I'd recommend reading through the OAuth 2.0 specification so you know the risks involved when using OAuth 2.0.
Please don't count on that, HttpOnly is a flag that tells the browser that this cookie should not be accessed by client side scripts and it is true only if the browser supports it.
You can find more info here:
Also I suggest to dive a little in the OWASP web site as they have documents regarding best practices for problems like the one you listed.
You can see if your browsers support HttpOnly here:
As of 2021, 95% of browsers support it.

Is there any difference if I pass a user credentials as a payload, in the header, a parameter, or a query?

I am making an API for my app and I want to know if there is any difference security wise whether I pass a user's credentials as a payload, in the header, as a parameter, or as a query? Besides security, are there any differences at all such as performance, is one faster that the other?
This is for authenticating a user via username and password, from the client to the server in a GET request.
There is lot of difference when you send the credentials as payload or header or param or query. But it depends if you are using http or https. If its http then it is not at all recommended that you send the credentials at any cost over these mediums, as the request and the data can easily be traced. In case of https, you can do it but the most respected way of doing it would be to use Basic Authentication mechanism thats why its build or use OAUTH.
GET method is intended to be used to get some information from server, POST - to send data or request an action, so GET shouldn't be used for that.
You shouldn't pass authentication credentials as request parameters since they may easily leak at proxy servers, interim routers or insecure networks.
Passing them in a POST payload or request headers would minimize the probability of leaks, but anyway secure browser-to-server channel (https) must be used anyway.
While handling the authentication request on server make sure it has come from your own and not some other server. That can be implemented by using some server-generated key/token with limited lifetime and checking that token for validity when handling the POST request with credentials sent from browser.
If you issue some kind of authentication token or session id from server and keep it in a cookie, you should set HttpOnly flag to prevent access to them from JavaScript.
If you develop stateless single-page application, consider using JSON Web Token (JWT) to handle authentication/authorization claims, that would minimize the need to request permanent storage (database) on a backend and help with authentication procedures for multiple distributed resources.

Authenticating users with tokens useless after HTTPS?

I am building a mobile application that include users doing various things in the app and I started off with authenticating all user actions inside the app using a token that is stored locally on the device. My biggest concern was that anyone can sniff the network and look at the http requests I make inside the app and thus send false requests on behalf of a real user. Something like this:
Now, I am using HTTPS though and no one can see my domain name nor the data being sent. So I'm inclined to get rid of tokens all together and do just this:
Am I correct in assuming I don't need tokens anymore? The whole purpose of them for me was making sure that no one can make an action on behalf of another user without authorization and now it seems pointless that I still use tokens. Am I missing something else?
Firstly, you were correct that having the token in the URL (or anywhere else) was a security risk over HTTP. However, now that you are on HTTPS, it should not matter whether you have the API token in the URL or you are transmitting it in some other way. The URL should be as secure as any other part of the transaction. I say "should" because in practice your internal infrastructure may do logging, metrics collection or reporting that reveals the URL slightly more easily than you intend. And the client may submit the visited URL (but not other info) to its own logging system or to a smart search service like Google, etc. But for most use cases and in most configurations this is not a major issue.
But it sounds from your question like you are talking about not removing the token from the URL and adding it to the HTTP headers or some other fashion, but actually removing the token concept entirely.
So what you should ask is, what is special about HTTPS that makes the token unnecessary? HTTPS secures the communication but it does not authenticate the client. Except in very unusual configurations, anyone can connect via HTTPS and issue commands, and unless you have some method of authentication the HTTPS will not protect you from unauthorized access. If you are using cookies for authentication, or if you are passing the token via HTTP headers (which is actually how I prefer to handle tokens when possible) then your need for authentication is satisfied and you do not need the token. If you do not have any other form of authentication, and you need authentication for security on your website, then you do need the token.
HTTPS is basically used to ensure that you are communicating with a webstie that you intended to and to encrypt communication data so that even if someone intercepts your data, it makes no sense to them.
For e.g. if you are placing an order on Amazon and making a payment,
HTTPS will ensure that:
you are actually submitting payment details to Amazon
your payment data is encrypted when flowing from your browser to Amazon webserver.
When communicating over HTTPS, browsers validates servers digital certiifcate to confirm their identity , then a key is exchanged between server and browser to encrypt data flow between browser and server.
By default HTTPS does not authenticate client. So if you have some actions specific to particular user, you still needs authentication token from client.
But if the token is passed as query parameter in URL itself, then it is still exposed to attackers, so send the token in cookie over HTTPS.
It is also recommended to mark your cookies as secure, to ensure that cookies are sent only over a secure (https) connection and not over http as it can reveal user details.
Hope it helps.

How secure is Oauth 2.0 Implicit Grant?

In Implicit Grant, the access token is sent back in the callback URL. Is this not a security risk because, if this callback URL is cached in the hop. In general it is advised, not to send sensitive data in URL params, and this access token will be a token to access all secured user resources. So why is it getting passed as fragment in URL
Hmmm, I am afraid there are some misunderstandings in the answers above. While URL query strings are secured when using TLS, and thus the access token is protected in flight, it is exposed in the users browser (part of their history) and also in the destination web browser logs. Most web browsers will log the entire URL of the incoming request. Their is an additional issue known as the "referer" leak problem wherein the query string will be passed to third-party sites. A good overview may be found at:
Elaborating on #vlatko's response...
To mitigate the risk of sending the token in the fragment (or via any other OAuth2 grant):
ensure that the OAuth endpoint and the callback endpoint are TLS (https) (See countermeasures)
send a state parameter to prevent cross-site forgery (Also see:
Issuing short-lived access token (as #vlatko said) will reduce the impact of a leaked token, but is not a preventative measure.
Like you pointed out, the token is passed the URI fragment. Since browsers don't send fragments of URLs to HTTP servers, the chances that someone will eavesdrop and pick up the access token are drastically reduced.
There are also additional security measures, like only issuing short lived access tokens in the implicit grant flow.
More info in the OAuth2 threat models document.
