About the local variable in Node.js promise - node.js

I am a newer of Node.js.I defined a array as a local variable,and want to use it in the following then,I save some useful data in it.But in the end, the array is empty.Can somebody tell me why?Thanks for your support.
const Device = require("./mongo.js").Device;
const Video = require("./mongo.js").Video;
var videoIds = data.videoIds.split(",");
var videoId2URL = [];
return Video.findOne({id:one}).exec()
return videoId2URL;

The problem is that you are displaying videoId2URL too early.
Device.findOne returns a promise executed asynchronously. But Video.findOne also returns a promise executed asynchronously.
So when you do console.log(videoId2URL);, the promises created by Video.findOne are not executed yet. So your array is empty.
You must wait the end of all your promises. You can use Promise.all for that.
return Video.findOne({id:one}).exec()
return videoId2URL;
.then(function() {

You could use Promise.all to resolve your problem. You forEach code contains async code. Your last line does not wait for all promises to get resolved.
Try with:
var arr = [];
return arr.push(Video.findOne({id:one}).exec());
Promise.all(arr) // here we are waiting for all async tasks to get resolved
// parse your data here and find array of videoId2URL

When you do console.log(videoId2URL), you're still in the main stack for the script, while none of the push callbacks have been executed.
You can use an array to collect the promises returned by Video.findOne, and at the end use Promise.all to drain all the promises and do the log then.
BTW, none of the 2 return are necessary, you can safely remove them.
The 1st one is not used because it's in a synchronous callback for forEach.
The 2nd one is not used because you're relying on the side effect, rather than use the resolved value.
const Device = require("./mongo.js").Device;
const Video = require("./mongo.js").Video;
var videoIds = data.videoIds.split(",");
var videoId2URL = [];
var promiseArr = [];
var p = Video.findOne({id:one}).exec()
Promise.all(promiseArr).then(function() {


i need access all axios data after for loop

I'm making a simple word combinatiion website.
and as a final step, I need all possible word in one string
so I write code like this
const fs=require('fs');
const axios=require('axios')
function test(want){
const res=axios.get("http://api.dictionaryapi.dev/api/v2/entries/en/"+want);
const datapromise=res.then((res)=>res.data);
return datapromise
//console.log("console log")
var array=data.toString().split("\n");
var res=""
for(i in array){
But this code isn't work. console.log(res); is executed first and followed by for loop.
How can I fix it?
Without knowing much about Axios I can tell that axios.get and therefore the test function is going to be async. This means console.log here will always run first here as a result. Test ends up returning a promise that will resolve at a later time.
I'd do something like this (assuming you don't have async/await available):
var res= "";
var promises = [];
for(i in array) {
test(array[i]).then((data) => res+=data[0].word + "<br>")
Promise.all(promises).finally(() => {
Other notes:
The catch here is being called but nothing is being passed in - this may result in an error
The then has a nested function that I imagine wouldn't ever be called (data) => (data) => this is basically creating a 2nd nested function. I don't think it'd get called.

Dialogflow - Reading from database using async/await

it's the first time for me using async/await. I've got problems to use it in the context of a database request inside a dialogflow intent. How can I fix my code?
What happens?
When I try to run use my backend - this is what I get: "Webhook call failed. Error: Request timeout."
What do I suspect?
My helper function getTextResponse() waits for a return value of airtable, but never get's one.
What do I want to do?
"GetDatabaseField-Intent" gets triggered
Inside it sends a request to my airtable database via getTextResponse()
Because I use"await" the function will wait for the result before continuing
getTextResponse() will return the "returnData"; so the var result will be filled with "returnData"
getTextResponse() has finished; so the response will be created with it's return value
'use strict';
const {
} = require('actions-on-google');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const app = dialogflow({debug: true});
const Airtable = require('airtable');
const base = new Airtable({apiKey: 'MyKey'}).base('MyBaseID');
/// Helper function - reading Airtable fields.
const getTextResponse = (mySheet, myRecord) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Function for airtable
base(mySheet).find(myRecord, (err, returnData) => {
if (err) {
return returnData;
// Handle the Dialogflow intent.
app.intent('GetDatabaseField-Intent', async (conv) => {
const sheetTrans = "NameOfSheet";
const recordFirst = "ID_OF_RECORD";
var result = await getTextResponse(sheetTrans, recordFirst, (callback) => {
// parse the record => here in the callback
myResponse = callback.fields.en;
// Set the DialogflowApp object to handle the HTTPS POST request.
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(app);
As #Kolban pointed out, you are not accepting or rejecting the Promise you create in getTextResponse().
It also looks like the var result = await getTextResponse(...) call is incorrect. You have defined getTextResponse() to accept two parameters, but you are passing it three (the first two, plus an anonymous arrow function). But this extra function is never used/referenced.
I would generally avoid mixing explicit promises with async/await and definitely avoid mixing async/await with passing callbacks.
I don't know the details of the API you are using, but if the API already supports promises, then you should be able to do something like this:
const getTextResponse = async (mySheet, myRecord) => {
try {
return await base(mySheet).find(myRecord)
catch(err) {
app.intent('GetDatabaseField-Intent', async (conv) => {
const sheetTrans = "NameOfSheet";
const recordFirst = "ID_OF_RECORD";
var result = await getTextResponse(sheetTrans, recordFirst)
myResponse = result.fields.en;
Almost all promised based libraries or APIs can be used with async/await, as they simply use Promises under the hood. Everything after the await becomes a callback that is called when the awaitted method resolves successfully. Any unsuccessful resolution throws a PromiseRejected error, which you handle by use of a try/catch block.
Looking at the code, it appears that you may have a misunderstanding of JavaScript Promises. When you create a Promise, you are passed two functions called resolve and reject. Within the body of your promise code (i.e. the code that will complete sometime in the future). You must invoke either resolve(returnData) or reject(returnData). If you don't invoke either, your Promise will never be fulfilled. Looking at your logic, you appear to be performing simple returns without invoking resolve or reject.
Let me ask you to Google again on JavaScript Promises and study them again with respect to the previous comments just made and see if that clears up the puzzle.

Wait for the nested loops to finish in nodejs

I am very new to node.js and here is my problem
I have a nested set of maps here(I have tried using for-each as well).
All the "get..." methods nested are returning a promise defined by me. I have to loop over the data returned by the methods continuously and use it to call the next "get.." method(there is a dependency). After completing the entire nested loops, the "allobj" array should have my final result and I am trying to return it once all the looping is done. I have not had any luck so far, as an empty array gets returned.
var allobj = new Array();
var catcount = 0;
var p = categories.map(function(category,index,array){
return gettests(runid,category).then(function(tests){
//console.log(tests.sort().reverse()); //this is sync
var t = tests.map(function(test,index,array){
return getmetriccategories(runid,category,test).then(function(data){
var d = data.map(function(mc,index,array){
return getmetrics(runid,category,test,mc).then(function(data1){
var x = data1.map(function(metric,index,array){
return metric;
//return when all nested loops are done
Your functions getmetriccategories and getmetrics return Promises, at least, their return values seem to have a then method which is an indicator for that. This means, they work asynchronously. So, the map calls don't return the results directly, but an array of Promises. To wait for all of these Promises to be fulfilled (which means, the asynchronous functions are completed), you can use Promise.all function:
.then(function (result) {
As you see, Promise.all returns a new Promise, so you can use then to receive the result and send it with res.send.

execute commands sequentially in Promose/bluebird

I have an array that need to append to a database, the condition is, element has to be appended one after another to make it work, following is my code, seems commands are not executed sequentially, what's wrong with my code:thanks.
var B = require('bluebird')
var appends = []
recs.forEach(function (item) {
B.all(appends).then(function () {
console.log('all done')
When you call dao.append_rec_cartAsync(item) you're executing the asynchronous operation. Once it's started you can't really do anything about it running. Also note that Promise.all does not do things sequentially but rather parallely.
var B = require('bluebird');
B.each(recs, function(item){ // note we use B.each and not forEach here
// we return the promise so it knows it's done
return dao.append_recs_cartAsync(item);
console.log("all done!")
Or in short: B.each(recs, dao.append_recs_cartAsync)

Returning an Array using Firebase

Trying to find the best-use example of returning an array of data in Node.js with Q library (or any similar library, I'm not partial) when using Firebase .on("child_added");
I've tried using Q.all() but it never seems to wait for the promises to fill before returning. This is my current example:
function getIndex()
var deferred = q.defer();
deferred.resolve(new FirebaseIndex( Firebase.child('users').child(user.app_user_id).child('posts'), Firebase.child('posts') ) );
return deferred.promise;
function getPost( post )
var deferred = q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
function getPosts()
var promises = [];
getIndex().then( function (posts) {
posts.on( 'child_added', function (_post) {
promises.push( getPost(_post) );
return q.all(promises);
The problem occurs in getPosts(). It pushes a promise into your array inside an async function--that won't work since q.all is called before the promise objects have been added.
Also, child_added is a real-time event notification. You can't use that as a way to grab "all of the data" because there is no such thing as "all"; the data is constantly changing in real-time environments. FirebaseIndex is also using child_added callbacks internally, so that's not going to work with this use case either.
You can grab all of the posts using the 'value' callback (but not a specific subset of records) as follows:
function getPosts() {
var def = q.defer();
Firebase.child('users').once('value', function(snap) {
var records = [];
snap.forEach(function(ss) {
records.push( ss.val() );
return def.promise;
But at this point, it's time to consider things in terms of real-time environments. Most likely, there is no reason "all" data needs to be present before getting to work.
Consider just grabbing each record as they come in and appending them to whatever DOM or Array where they need to be stored, and working from an event driven model instead of a GET/POST centered approach.
With luck, you can bypass this use case entirely.
