Apache Cassandra - Listeners [duplicate] - cassandra

I wonder if it is possible to add a listener to Cassandra getting the table and the primary key for changed entries? It would be great to have such a mechanism.
Checking Cassandra documentation I only find adding StateListener(s) to the Cluster instance.
Does anyone know how to do this without hacking Cassandras data store or encapsulate the driver and do something on my own?

Check out this future jira --
If you like it vote for it : )
"In databases, change data capture (CDC) is a set of software design
patterns used to determine (and track) the data that has changed so
that action can be taken using the changed data. Also, Change data
capture (CDC) is an approach to data integration that is based on the
identification, capture and delivery of the changes made to enterprise
data sources."
As Cassandra is increasingly being used as the Source of Record (SoR)
for mission critical data in large enterprises, it is increasingly
being called upon to act as the central hub of traffic and data flow
to other systems. In order to try to address the general need, we,
propose implementing a simple data logging mechanism to enable
per-table CDC patterns.

If clients need to know about changes, the world has mostly gone to the message broker model-- a middleman which connects producers and consumers of arbitrary data. You can read about Kafka, RabbitMQ, and NATS here. There is an older DZone article here. In your case, the client writing to the database would also send out a change message. What's nice about this model is you can then pull whatever you need from the database.
Kafka is interesting because it can also store data. In some cases, you might be able to dispose of the database altogether.

Are you looking for something like triggers?
A database trigger is procedural code that is automatically executed
in response to certain events on a particular table or view in a
database. The trigger is mostly used for maintaining the integrity of
the information on the database. For example, when a new record
(representing a new worker) is added to the employees table, new
records should also be created in the tables of the taxes, vacations
and salaries.


Pagination in QLDB

I noticed QLDB does not support LIMIT or SKIP query parameters required to implement basic pagination.
Is this going to be supported in the future or is there some other way to implement pagination in QLDB?
LIMIT/SKIP is not currently supported. QLDB is purpose built for data ingestion. We recommend doing reporting and analytics in another purpose built database.
Let's consider a banking application with 2 use-cases:
Moving money between accounts
Providing monthly statements
The first is a very good fit for QLDB, where indexes are being used to read balances and then few documents are being updated or created. Under OCC, QLDB makes it easy to write these transactions correctly and performance should be very good. For example, if an account has $50 remaining and two competing transactions try to deduct $50, only 1 will succeed (the other will fail to commit). Meanwhile, other transactions will continue to succeed. Beyond being simple and performant, you also get integrity via the QLDB hash chain and proof system.
The second is not a good fit. To compute a statement, we would need to lookup transactions for an account. But, what happens if that account changes (maybe somebody just sent you some money!) while we're doing the lookup? Again, under OCC, we will fail the transaction and the statement generation will need to retry. For a small bank, that's probably fine, but I think you can see where this is going. QLDB is purpose built for data ingestion, and the further you stray from what it was built for, the poorer the performance will be.
This begs the question of how to actually do these queries in another database. You can use the S3 Export or Kinesis Data Streaming features to get data out. S3 Exports are better suited for bulk operations (which many analytic databases prefer, e.g. Redshift), while Streams are better for real-time analytics (e.g. using ElasticSearch).
Conversely, I would not recommend using Redshift or ElasticSearch for the first use-case as you will not get the performance, integrity or durability that databases designed for OLTP use-cases offer (e.g. QLDB, DynamoDb, Aurora).

In an Event-Driven Microservice, how to I update private database with older data

I'm working on a new project, and I am still learning about how to use Microservice/Domain Driven Design.
If the recommended architecture is to have a Database-Per-Service, and use Events to achieve eventual consistency, how does the service's database get initialized with all the data that it needs?
If the events indicating an update to the database occurred before the new service/db was ever designed, do I need to start with a copy of the previous database?
Or should I publish a 'New Service On The Block' event, and allow all the other services to vomit back everything back to me again? Which could be a LOT of chatty-ness, and cause performance issues.
how does the service's database get initialized with all the data that it needs?
It asks for it; which is to say that you design a protocol so that the service that is spinning up can get copies of all of the information that it needs. That often includes tracking checkpoints, and queries that allow you to ask what has happened since some checkpoint.
Think "pull", rather than "push".
Part of the point of "services": designing the right data boundaries. The need to copy a lot of data between services often indicates that the service boundaries need to be reconsidered.
There is a special streaming platform named Apache Kafka, that solves something similar.
With Kafka you would publish events for other services to consume. What makes Kafka special is the fact, that events never (depends on configuration) get deleted and can be consumed again by new services spinning up. This feature can be used for initially populating the database (by setting the offset for a Topic to 0 and therefore re-read the history of events).
There also is another feature, called GlobalKTable what is a TableView of all events for a particular Topic. The GlobalKTable holds the latest value for each key (like primary key) and can be turned into an state-store (RocksDB under the hood), what makes it queryable. This state-store initializes itself whenever the application starts up. So the application does not need to have a database itself, because the state-store would be kept up-to-date automatically (consistency still is a thing to keep in mind). Only for more complex queries that state-store would need to be accompanied with a database (with kafka you would try to pre-compute the results of those queries and make them accessible to a distinct state-store itself).
This would be a complex endeavor, but if it suits your needs it is a fun thing to do!

Spring Cloud DataFlow http polling and deduplication

I have been reading much Spring Cloud DataFlow and related documentation in order to produce a data ingest solution that will run in my organization's Cloud Foundry deployment. The goal is to poll an HTTP service for data, perhaps three times per day for the sake of discussion, and insert/update that data in a PostgreSQL database. The HTTP service seems to provide 10s of thousands of records per day.
One point of confusion thus far is a best practice in the context of a DataFlow pipeline for deduplicating polled records. The source data do not have a timestamp field to aid in tracking polling, only a coarse day-level date field. I also have no guarantee that records are not ever updated retroactively. The records appear to have a unique ID, so I can dedup the records that way, but I am just not sure based on the documentation how best to implement that logic in DataFlow. As far as I can tell, the Spring Cloud Stream starters do not provide for this out-of-the-box. I was reading about Spring Integration's smart polling, but I'm not sure that's meant to address my concern either.
My intuition is to create a custom Processor Java component in a DataFlow Stream that performs a database query to determine whether polled records have already been inserted, then inserts the appropriate records into the target database, or passes them on down the stream. Is querying the target database in an intermediate step acceptable in a Stream app? Alternatively, I could implement this all in a Spring Cloud Task as a batch operation which triggers based on some schedule.
What is the best way to proceed with respect to a DataFlow app? What are common/best practices for achieving deduplication as I described above in a DataFlow/Stream/Task/Integration app? Should I copy the setup of a starter app or just start from scratch, because I am fairly certain I'll need to write custom code? Do I even need Spring Cloud DataFlow, because I'm not sure I'll be using its DSL at all? Apologies for all the questions, but being new to Cloud Foundry and all these Spring projects, it's daunting to piece it all together.
Thanks in advance for any help.
You are on the right track, given your requirements you will most likely need to create a custom processor. You need to keep track of what has been inserted in order to avoid duplication.
There's nothing preventing you from writing such processor in a stream app, however performance may take a hit, since for each record you will issue a DB query.
If order is not important, you could parallelize the query so you could process several concurrent messages, but in the end your DB would still pay the price.
Another approach would to use a bloomfilter that can help quite a lot on speeding up your checking for inserted records.
You can start by cloning the starter apps, you could have a poller trigger an http client processor that fetches your data and then go through your custom code processor and finally to a jdbc-sink. Something like stream create time --triger.cron=<CRON_EXPRESSION> | httpclient --httpclient.url-expression=<remote_endpoint> | customProcessor | jdbc
One of the advantages of using SCDF is that you could independently scale your custom processor via deployment properties such as deployer.customProcessor.count=8
Spring Cloud Data Flow builds integration streams for data based on the Spring Cloud Stream, which, in turn, is fully based on the Spring Integration. And all the principles exist in Spring Integration can be applied everywhere there on the SCDF level.
That really might be a case that you won't be able to avoid some codding, but what you need is called in EIP Idempotent Receiver. And Spring Integration provides one for us:
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "processChannel")
public void handle(Message<?> message)

Need architecture hint: Data replication into the cloud + data cleansing

I need to sync customer data from several on-premise databases into the cloud. In a second step, the customer data there needs some cleanup in order to remove duplicates (of different types). Based on that cleansed data I need to do some data analytics.
To achieve this goal, I'm searching for an open source framework or cloud solution I can use for. I took a look into Apache Apex and Apache Kafka, but I'm not sure whether these are the right solutions.
Can you give me a hint which frameworks you would use for such an task?
From my quick read on APEX it requires Hadoop underneath coupling to more dependencies than you probably want early on.
Kafka on the other hand is used for transmitting messages (it has other APIs such as streams and connect which im not as familiar with).
Im currently using Kafka to stream log files in real time from a client system. Out of the box Kafka really only provides fire and forget semantics. I have had to add a bit to make it an exactly once delivery semantic (Kafka 0.11.0 should solve this).
Overall, think of KAFKA being a more low level solution with logical message domains with queues and from what I skimmed over APEX being a more heavy packaged library with alot more things to explore.
Kafka would allow you to switch out the underlying analytical system of your choosing with their consumer api.
The question is very generic, but I'll try to outline a few different scenarios, as there are many parameters in play here. One of them is cost, which on the cloud it can quickly build up. Of course, the size of data is also important.
These are a few things you should consider:
batch vs streaming: do the updates flow continuously, or the process is run on demand/periodically (sounds the latter rather than the former)
what's the latency required ? That is, what's the maximum time that it would take an update to propagate through the system ? Answer to this question influences question 1)
how much data are we talking about ? If you're up the Gbyte size, Tbyte or Pbyte ? Different tools have different 'maximum altitude'
and what format ? Do you have text files, or are you pulling from relational DBs ?
Cleaning and deduping can be tricky in plain SQL. What language/tools are you planning on using to do that part ? Depending on question 3), data size, deduping usually requires a join by ID, which is done in constant time in a key value store, but requires a sort (generally O(nlogn)) in most other data systems (spark, hadoop, etc)
So, while you ponder all this questions, if you're not sure, I'd recommend you start your cloud work with an elastic solution, that is, pay as you go vs setting up entire clusters on the cloud, which could quickly become expensive.
One cloud solution that you could quickly fire up is amazon athena (https://aws.amazon.com/athena/). You can dump your data in S3, where it's read by Athena, and you just pay per query, so you don't pay when you're not using it. It is based on Apache Presto, so you could write the whole system using basically SQL.
Otherwise you could use Elastic Mapreduce with Hive (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ReleaseGuide/emr-hive.html). Or Spark (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ReleaseGuide/emr-spark.html). It depends on what language/technology you're most comfortable with. Also, there are similar products from Google (BigData, etc) and Microsoft (Azure).
Yes, you can use Apache Apex for your use case. Apache Apex is supported with Apache Malhar which can help you build application quickly to load data using JDBC input operator and then either store it to your cloud storage ( may be S3 ) or you can do de-duplication before storing it to any sink. It also supports Dedup operator for such kind of operations. But as mentioned in previous reply, Apex do need Hadoop underneath to function.

Client / Server syncing with Azure Table Storage

There must be a solution to this already but i'm having an issue finding it.
We have data stored in table storage and we are syncing it with an offline capable client web app over a restful api (Web API).
We are using a high watermark(currently a date time) to make sure we only download the data which has changed/added.
e.g. clients/get?watermark=2013-12-16 10:00
The problem we are facing with this approach is what happens in the edge case where multiple servers are inserting data whilst a get happens. There is a possibility that data could be inserted with a timestamp lower than the client's timestamp.
Should we worry about this or can someone recommend a better way of doing this?
I believe our main issue is inserting the data into the store. At this point there is no way to guarantee the timestamp used or the Azure box has the correct time against the other azure boxes.
Are you able to insert data into queues when inserting data into table storage? If you are able to do so, you can build off a sync that monitors the queue and inserts data based upon what's in the queue. This will allow you to not worry about timestamps and date-sync issues.
Will also make your table storage scanning faster, as you'll be able to go direct to table storage by Partition/Row keys that would presumably be in the queue messages
Edited to provide further information:
I re-read your question and realized you're looking to sync with many client applications and not necessary with a single premise-sync system which I assumed originally.
In this case, I'm slightly tweaking my suggestion:
Consider using Service Bus and publishing messages to a Service Bus Topic, everytime you change/insert Azure Table Story (ATS) entity. This message could contain an individual PartitionKey/RowKey or perhaps some other meta information as to which ATS entities have been changed.
Your individual disconnectable clients would subscribe to the Service Bus Topic through an individual Service Bus Topic Subscription and be able to pull and handle individual service bus messages and sync whatever ATS entities described in those messages.
This way you'll not really care about last-modified timestamps of your entities and only care about handling pulling messages from the service bus topic. If your client pulls all of the messages from a topic and synchronizes all of the entities that those messages describe, it has synchronized itself, regardless of the number of workers that are inserting data into ATS and timestamps with which they insert those entities.
When you're working in a disconnected/distributed environment is hard to keep things in sync based on actual time (for this to work correctly the time needs to be in sync between all actors).
Instead you should try looking at logical clocks (like a vector clock). You'll find plenty of Java examples but if you're planning to do this in .NET the examples are pretty limited.
On the other hand you might want to take a look at how the Sync Framework handles synchronization.
