Client / Server syncing with Azure Table Storage - azure

There must be a solution to this already but i'm having an issue finding it.
We have data stored in table storage and we are syncing it with an offline capable client web app over a restful api (Web API).
We are using a high watermark(currently a date time) to make sure we only download the data which has changed/added.
e.g. clients/get?watermark=2013-12-16 10:00
The problem we are facing with this approach is what happens in the edge case where multiple servers are inserting data whilst a get happens. There is a possibility that data could be inserted with a timestamp lower than the client's timestamp.
Should we worry about this or can someone recommend a better way of doing this?
I believe our main issue is inserting the data into the store. At this point there is no way to guarantee the timestamp used or the Azure box has the correct time against the other azure boxes.

Are you able to insert data into queues when inserting data into table storage? If you are able to do so, you can build off a sync that monitors the queue and inserts data based upon what's in the queue. This will allow you to not worry about timestamps and date-sync issues.
Will also make your table storage scanning faster, as you'll be able to go direct to table storage by Partition/Row keys that would presumably be in the queue messages
Edited to provide further information:
I re-read your question and realized you're looking to sync with many client applications and not necessary with a single premise-sync system which I assumed originally.
In this case, I'm slightly tweaking my suggestion:
Consider using Service Bus and publishing messages to a Service Bus Topic, everytime you change/insert Azure Table Story (ATS) entity. This message could contain an individual PartitionKey/RowKey or perhaps some other meta information as to which ATS entities have been changed.
Your individual disconnectable clients would subscribe to the Service Bus Topic through an individual Service Bus Topic Subscription and be able to pull and handle individual service bus messages and sync whatever ATS entities described in those messages.
This way you'll not really care about last-modified timestamps of your entities and only care about handling pulling messages from the service bus topic. If your client pulls all of the messages from a topic and synchronizes all of the entities that those messages describe, it has synchronized itself, regardless of the number of workers that are inserting data into ATS and timestamps with which they insert those entities.

When you're working in a disconnected/distributed environment is hard to keep things in sync based on actual time (for this to work correctly the time needs to be in sync between all actors).
Instead you should try looking at logical clocks (like a vector clock). You'll find plenty of Java examples but if you're planning to do this in .NET the examples are pretty limited.
On the other hand you might want to take a look at how the Sync Framework handles synchronization.


How to process current and previous IoT Hub event from an azure function?

I have a simple scenario where I want to take the diff between current value of a parameter and previous value from IoT hub telemetry messages and attach this result and send to Time Series Insights environment (via an event hub if required so).
How can I achieve this? I am studying about Azure functions but not able to figure out how to exactly go about it.
The minimum timestamp difference between messages is 1 second and only edge devices (at max perhaps 3) will send the telemetry data. Each edge device might be collecting data from around 500 devices.
I am looking for a guidance on logical steps involved and a few critical pieces of Python code
Are these telemetry messages or property changes? Also what's the scale (number of devices)? To do this effectively you need to ensure you have both the current and previous values, which means storing the last reported value and timestamp externally as it could be a long time between. The Event Hub is not guaranteed to have all past messages (default is 24h), so if there's a long lag between messages it's not the right store to rely on.
Durable Entities can be used to store state (using something similar to the Actor Model). These are persisted in Azure Storage so at extremely high throughput a memory-only calculation option might make sense with delayed persistence, but you can build a memory-caching layer into your function to help if needed. This is likely going to be the best bet for what you want to do.
For most people the performance hit of going to Azure storage and back is minimal and Durable Entities will be the easiest path forward.
If you are doing it in a near-real time stream, the best solution is to use Azsure Streaming Analytics using the LAG operator. ASA has a bunch of useful features that you will need such as the PARTITION BY and event ordering policies. Beware, ASA can be expensive to run and hard to work with, but is a good service for commercial solutions.
If you don't need near-real time, a plain 'ol python script that queries (blob) persisted data is a good option, and can be wrapped up in an Azure function if it doesn't take too long to run.
Azure functions are not recommended for stateful message processing. You simply have insufficient control of the number of function instances running, the size of the batch, etc. So it is impossible to consistently and confidently know what the 'previous' timeseries value is. With Azure functions, you have to develop assuming that concurrency is never going to be an issue, which you cannot do with streaming IoT data.

Event Sourcing - Event Store

I am trying to understand the DDD / Event-sourcing / CQRS etc.
Lets consider an e-comm application with below Microservices.
Can you clarify these questions?
We can relate domain as a large application and bounded-context as an individual microservice, rt?
Will each bounded-context/Microservice maintain its own event-store? (Basically 1 domain can have multiple event-sotre?)
If it is going to be 1 event-store per domain, who takes the ownership of event-store?
Typically, a (logical) service will have exclusive authority to modify one or more streams.
Whether those streams are all together in a single durable store, or distributed across multiple stores, isn't particularly important so long as the service knows how to find the streams.
Similarly, it's not typically all that important that each service has its own store. Functionally, the important thing is that the different services not write to streams that are outside of their jurisdiction. So long as you can be confident that two services won't be trying to use the same stream identifier, it should be fine.
Note that both of these guides are the same that you would use if your services were writing rows into tables in an RDBMS. Tables don't have to be in the same database, so long as the service knows which database holds which tables. Similarly, two different services can share the same database so long as they don't write into each other's tables.
There are, of course, non functional reasons that you might want the storage for different services to be isolated. For instance, if one service wants to upgrade to a new version of storage, while another needs to lag behind, then it will be a lot more convenient if the services are not sharing a database. Similarly, certain kinds of audits will be more easily satisfied by isolating data storage.
If I go with CQRS for order-service, My question is - who is supposed to consume payment events. command side or read side of order-service?
If your ordering domain dynamics need information from payments, then the command side of ordering will need a copy of the information from payments.
The payments information is an unlocked copy of the data - the authoritative copy of that information in payments may be changing even as we are updating orders.
Assuming you don't want to tightly couple ordering to the domain dynamics of payments, the copy of the payments information used by ordering will normally be a report (aka a "read model") rather than a copy of the entire history.

In an Event-Driven Microservice, how to I update private database with older data

I'm working on a new project, and I am still learning about how to use Microservice/Domain Driven Design.
If the recommended architecture is to have a Database-Per-Service, and use Events to achieve eventual consistency, how does the service's database get initialized with all the data that it needs?
If the events indicating an update to the database occurred before the new service/db was ever designed, do I need to start with a copy of the previous database?
Or should I publish a 'New Service On The Block' event, and allow all the other services to vomit back everything back to me again? Which could be a LOT of chatty-ness, and cause performance issues.
how does the service's database get initialized with all the data that it needs?
It asks for it; which is to say that you design a protocol so that the service that is spinning up can get copies of all of the information that it needs. That often includes tracking checkpoints, and queries that allow you to ask what has happened since some checkpoint.
Think "pull", rather than "push".
Part of the point of "services": designing the right data boundaries. The need to copy a lot of data between services often indicates that the service boundaries need to be reconsidered.
There is a special streaming platform named Apache Kafka, that solves something similar.
With Kafka you would publish events for other services to consume. What makes Kafka special is the fact, that events never (depends on configuration) get deleted and can be consumed again by new services spinning up. This feature can be used for initially populating the database (by setting the offset for a Topic to 0 and therefore re-read the history of events).
There also is another feature, called GlobalKTable what is a TableView of all events for a particular Topic. The GlobalKTable holds the latest value for each key (like primary key) and can be turned into an state-store (RocksDB under the hood), what makes it queryable. This state-store initializes itself whenever the application starts up. So the application does not need to have a database itself, because the state-store would be kept up-to-date automatically (consistency still is a thing to keep in mind). Only for more complex queries that state-store would need to be accompanied with a database (with kafka you would try to pre-compute the results of those queries and make them accessible to a distinct state-store itself).
This would be a complex endeavor, but if it suits your needs it is a fun thing to do!

Apache Cassandra - Listeners [duplicate]

I wonder if it is possible to add a listener to Cassandra getting the table and the primary key for changed entries? It would be great to have such a mechanism.
Checking Cassandra documentation I only find adding StateListener(s) to the Cluster instance.
Does anyone know how to do this without hacking Cassandras data store or encapsulate the driver and do something on my own?
Check out this future jira --
If you like it vote for it : )
"In databases, change data capture (CDC) is a set of software design
patterns used to determine (and track) the data that has changed so
that action can be taken using the changed data. Also, Change data
capture (CDC) is an approach to data integration that is based on the
identification, capture and delivery of the changes made to enterprise
data sources."
As Cassandra is increasingly being used as the Source of Record (SoR)
for mission critical data in large enterprises, it is increasingly
being called upon to act as the central hub of traffic and data flow
to other systems. In order to try to address the general need, we,
propose implementing a simple data logging mechanism to enable
per-table CDC patterns.
If clients need to know about changes, the world has mostly gone to the message broker model-- a middleman which connects producers and consumers of arbitrary data. You can read about Kafka, RabbitMQ, and NATS here. There is an older DZone article here. In your case, the client writing to the database would also send out a change message. What's nice about this model is you can then pull whatever you need from the database.
Kafka is interesting because it can also store data. In some cases, you might be able to dispose of the database altogether.
Are you looking for something like triggers?
A database trigger is procedural code that is automatically executed
in response to certain events on a particular table or view in a
database. The trigger is mostly used for maintaining the integrity of
the information on the database. For example, when a new record
(representing a new worker) is added to the employees table, new
records should also be created in the tables of the taxes, vacations
and salaries.

what would be the best way to migration data from SQL Azure to Azure Table

For a project, I am using both SQL Azure and Azure table. A requirement here is that for the first 7 days, all data are stored in SQL Azure. After the first 7 days, the data are migrated into Azure table.
Is there any reliable project to achieve this goal? Or any idea to implement this?
I think your best best is to have a set of SQL queries (or sprocs) that return data older than 7 days. Then have table-insertion code that writes this data to one or more tables, with appropriate partition/row key based on your query needs. Then, just build some type of background operation to perform the read+write+delete. There's no tool to do this (that I know of), since one is a relational database and the other is a NoSQL variant with no specific schema.
To optimize your writes, see if you can write batches of rows at the same time (this is called an Entity Group Transaction). It optimizes # of transactions, plus the rows in a group will be written atomically. See more info on entity group transactions, here.
You also may want to consider using a queue for workload assignment. That is, maybe once a day (or hour, whenever), push a queue message telling some background process to transfer data from SQL to Table Storage. This way, in case something fails during the operation, you can process it again later, since the queue message will still be there (you'd only delete the message if the operation succeeded).
If you're looking for a tool to do so, take a look at Cloud Storage Studio ( which has a feature to import data from SQL Server to Azure Table Storage. I haven't checked for a long time but I believe ClumsyLeaf's TableXplorer ( also has this feature. Long time back, we also built an open source tool to do the same. You can find it here:
As David mentioned, you could basically write some views in your database to fetch data older than 7 days. The idea is simple: You fetch the data, map the SQL Server data types to Azure data types, choose appropriate PartitionKey/RowKey values, convert the data into entities and then upload entities in batches.
