Bash script creates symlink inside directory aswell - linux

I have a bash script:
for file in `find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1`
ln -s -f $newfile $link
cd $old
This is meant to create a symlink in the user's home directory with '.' prepended to all the files and directories in the current working directory. This works fine, however, it also creates a symlink inside any sub directories to the same directory. E.G. foo will now have a link at ~/.foo and foo/foo.
Is there any way I can fix this?
EDIT: Thanks to Sameer Naik and dave_thompson_085 I have changed it up a bit, but the problem still persists even when a alternate directory is given as an argument. It isn't a problem with sub directories it is that two links are being made, one to ~/.foo123 and one to foo123/foo123 not a link is being made to ~/ for foo1 and foo1/foo2.
for file in `ls -l | grep -v total | awk '{print $NF;}'`
wd=`cd $1 && pwd`
ln -s -f $newfile $link
cd $old

Since you don't want recurse into sub-directories, try using
for file in `ls -l | grep -v ^d | awk '{print $NF;}'`
or use -type f in find to exclude subdirectories


Rename files that have consecutive numbers for extensions

I have a directory with a few hundred files in the following format:
I need to rename these all to this format:
Use mmv, install sudo apt-get install mmv.
$ mmv -n '*.*.*' '#1.#3.#2'
file.txt.1 -> file.1.txt
file.txt.2 -> file.2.txt
file.txt.3 -> file.3.txt
Or use find and shell (POSIX sh/bash/Korn/zsh) parameter substitution expansion.
find . -type f -execdir sh -c 'num=${1##*.}; echo mv -v "$1" "file.${num}.txt" ' _ {} \;
Remove echo to perform actual rename on files.
Not sure if this is the best way to do what you're asking but it will rename all the files the way you need. Just save it to a file ( for example) then give it execution permissions (chmod +x and run with ./
for filename in file*; do
newFile=`echo $(basename $filename) | awk -F'.' '{print $1 $3 "." $2}'`
echo mv \"$filename\" \"$(dirname $filename)/$newFile\";
done | /bin/bash
If you wanted to run a dry-run, replace | /bin/bash with > renames.txt. This will save all the renamed files to the text file where you can review the changes.

How to prefix folders and files within?

I'm stuck looking for a one-liner to add a prefix to all subfolder names and file names in a directory
eg "AAA" in the examples below
I've tried using xargs and find, but can't get them to go recursively through the subdirectories and their contents. Any suggestions?
You could use something like that
find . -mindepth 1 | sort -r | xargs -l -I {} bash -c 'mv $1 ${1%/*}/AAA${1##*/}' _ {}
Tested with your folder structure, executed from the root (same as AAAfile.txt).
The following script should meet your need (ran it from inside your folder directory):
for i in `ls -R`;do
dname=`dirname $i`
fname=AAA`basename $i`
if [ -f $i ]
mv $i $dname/$fname
#this could be merged with previous condition but have been kept just to avoid invalid directory warning
if [ -d $i ]
mv $i $dname/$fname

Using Bash, how do I feed a file list into a 'ln -s' without using 'find'?

I want to create symlinks to all files in 'myfiles' which are not already linked to and specify the destination folder for the just-created symlinks.
I am using the following cmd, successfully, to generate the list of existing links, which point to 'myfolder' :
find ~/my-existing-links/ -lname '*/myfiles/*' -printf "%f\n" > results.txt
And I'm using the following cmd to reverse match i.e. to list the files in myfiles which are not linked to:
ls ~/myfiles | grep -vf results.txt > results2.txt
So, results2.txt has a list of the files, each of which I now want to create a new symlink to.... in a folder called ~/newlinks .
I know it is possible to feed 'ln -s' a file list using the find / exec combination i.e.
find ~/myfiles/ -exec ln -s {} -t ~/newlinks \; -print
.... but that would be the unfiltered file list in myfiles. I want to use the filtered list.
Any ideas how I can do this? I'm going to be adding files to myfiles regularly and so will periodically visit the folder for the purpose of generating symlinks for all the new files so I can divi the links up logically(rather than change the original filename).
Try with xargs:
cat results2.txt | xargs -I{} ln -s {} ~/newlinks
You can use xargs to apply the links, so that your composite command might look like this:
find ~/myfiles/ | grep -vf results.txt | xargs make-my-links
and make-my-links would be a script something like this:
for source in "$#"
ln -s "$source" -t ~/newlinks
The separate script and loop are used with xargs because it does not accept a command-template, but will (default) send as many of the inputs as it thinks will fit on a command-line.
So, you have 3 entities of type directory:
~/myfiles/: contains your files.
~/my-existing-links/: contains links to files from ~/myfiles/.
~/newlinks/: contains links to new files from ~/myfiles/
To me, the third entity is rather unnecessary. Why the new links aren't created directly in ~/my-existing-links/?
I would only use a script to update the list of links in ~/my-existing-links/, whenever new files are added in ~/myfiles/:
for f in $(find ~/myfiles -type f); do
ln -sf "$f" "~/my-existing-links/$(basename $f)"
find ~/myfiles -type f -exec sh -c \
'for f; do ln -sf "$f" "~/my-existing-links/${f#*/}"; done' sh {} +
for f in $(find ~/myfiles -type f); do
if [[ ! -L "~/my-existing-links/${f#*/}" ]]; then
echo "Link not existing for $f"
Thanks, Thomas and pasaba... I found a way to do it:
So I did the following from ~/newlinks :
while read line; do ln -s "$line" "${line##*/}" ; done < ~/myfiles/results2.txt
Thanks again for your time.

remove unused folder and copy needed

I'm trying to remove all Folder with
rm -R !(foo|bar|abc)
exclude the given folder names, that could be two or more.
That works fine!
In the next step I need to copy the needed missing folder from another direction in this folder.
I tried following, but it doesn't work, and it should also be flexible with folder counts.
rm -R !($neededfolders)
ownedfolders=$(ls ./dest/) #
find ../source/ -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep "$neededfolders" | grep -v "$ownedfolders" | xargs cp -Rt ./dest/
My problem with the code is that grep won't use multiple names, I also tried to declare the ownedfolder, set the second grep to
grep -v ${ownedfolder[i]}
and put the whole thing in a for loop, but these ends in a fallacy.
Many thanks!
You can use a for loop:
for dir in ../source/*/ ; do
if [[ $dir == ../source/$needed && ! -d dest/${dir##*/} ]] ; then
cp -R "$dir" dest/
This avoids the ugly variable $ownedfolders populated by the output of ls.
You need to use the -E option to grep to enable extended regular expressions, which recognize | alternatives:
find ../source/ -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep -E "$neededfolders" | grep -v -E "$ownedfolders" | xargs cp -Rt ./dest/

Shell Script for renaming and relocating the files

I am working on something and need to solve the following. I am giving a analogous version of mine problem.
Say we have a music directory, in which there are 200 directories corresponding to different movies. In each movie directory there are some music files.
Now, say a file music.mp3 is in folder movie.mp3 . I want to make a shell script such that it renames the file to movie_music.mp3 and put it in some folder that I mention to it. Basically, all the files in the subdirectories are to be renamed and to be put in a new directory.
Any workaround for this?
This script receives two arguments: the source folder and the destination folder. It will move every file under any directory under the source directory to the new directory with the new filename:
echo "Moving from $1 to $2"
for dir in "$1"/*; do
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
for file in "$dir"/*; do
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
echo "${file} -> $2/`basename "$dir"`_`basename "${file}"`"
mv "${file}" "$2"/`basename "$dir"`_`basename "${file}"`
Here is a sample:
bash dir dir2
Moving from dir to dir2
dir/d1/f1 -> dir2/d1_f1
dir/d1/f2 -> dir2/d1_f2
dir/d2/f1 -> dir2/d2_f1
dir/d2/f2 -> dir2/d2_f2
find . -type d |while read d; do
find "$d" -type f -maxdepth 1 |while read f; do
movie="$(basename "$d" |sed 's/\(\..*\)\?//')"
mv "$f" "$newdir/$movie_$(basename $f)";
Assuming the following directory tree:
The following one-liner will create 'mv' commands you can use:
find ./ | grep "movie.*/" | awk '{print "mv "$1" "$1}' | sed 's/\(.*\)\//\1_/'
If your directory structure contains only the relevant directories, you can expand use the following grep instead:
grep "\/.*\/.*"
Notice it looks file anything with at least one directory and one file. If you have multiple inner directories, it won't be good enough.
