Shell Script for renaming and relocating the files - linux

I am working on something and need to solve the following. I am giving a analogous version of mine problem.
Say we have a music directory, in which there are 200 directories corresponding to different movies. In each movie directory there are some music files.
Now, say a file music.mp3 is in folder movie.mp3 . I want to make a shell script such that it renames the file to movie_music.mp3 and put it in some folder that I mention to it. Basically, all the files in the subdirectories are to be renamed and to be put in a new directory.
Any workaround for this?

This script receives two arguments: the source folder and the destination folder. It will move every file under any directory under the source directory to the new directory with the new filename:
echo "Moving from $1 to $2"
for dir in "$1"/*; do
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
for file in "$dir"/*; do
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
echo "${file} -> $2/`basename "$dir"`_`basename "${file}"`"
mv "${file}" "$2"/`basename "$dir"`_`basename "${file}"`
Here is a sample:
bash dir dir2
Moving from dir to dir2
dir/d1/f1 -> dir2/d1_f1
dir/d1/f2 -> dir2/d1_f2
dir/d2/f1 -> dir2/d2_f1
dir/d2/f2 -> dir2/d2_f2

find . -type d |while read d; do
find "$d" -type f -maxdepth 1 |while read f; do
movie="$(basename "$d" |sed 's/\(\..*\)\?//')"
mv "$f" "$newdir/$movie_$(basename $f)";

Assuming the following directory tree:
The following one-liner will create 'mv' commands you can use:
find ./ | grep "movie.*/" | awk '{print "mv "$1" "$1}' | sed 's/\(.*\)\//\1_/'
If your directory structure contains only the relevant directories, you can expand use the following grep instead:
grep "\/.*\/.*"
Notice it looks file anything with at least one directory and one file. If you have multiple inner directories, it won't be good enough.


Rename all files in multiple folders with some condition in single linux command os script.

I have multiple folders with multiple files. I need to rename those files with the same name like the folder where the file stored with "_partN" prefix.
As example,
I have a folder named as "new_folder_for_upload" which have 2 files. I need to convert the name of these 2 files like,
I have so many folders like above which have multiple files. I need to convert all the file names as I describe above.
Can anybody help me to find out for a single linux command or script to do this work automatically?
Assuming bash shell, and assuming you want the file numbering to restart for each subdirectory, and doing the moving of all files to the top directory (leaving empty subdirectories). Formatted as script for easier reading:
find . -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file
myfile=$(echo $file | sed "s#./##")
mydir=$(dirname "$myfile")
if [[ $mydir != $lastdir ]]
mv "$myfile" "$(dirname "$myfile")_part${NR}"
Or as one-line command:
find . -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do myfile=$(echo $file | sed "s#./##"); mydir=$(dirname "$myfile"); if [[ $mydir != $lastdir ]]; then NR=1; fi; lastdir=${mydir}; mv "$myfile" "$(dirname "$myfile")_part${NR}"; ((NR++)); done
Beware. This is armed, and will do a bulk renaming / moving of every file in or below your current work directory. Use at your own risk.
To delete the empty subdirs:
find . -depth -empty -type d -delete

How to prefix folders and files within?

I'm stuck looking for a one-liner to add a prefix to all subfolder names and file names in a directory
eg "AAA" in the examples below
I've tried using xargs and find, but can't get them to go recursively through the subdirectories and their contents. Any suggestions?
You could use something like that
find . -mindepth 1 | sort -r | xargs -l -I {} bash -c 'mv $1 ${1%/*}/AAA${1##*/}' _ {}
Tested with your folder structure, executed from the root (same as AAAfile.txt).
The following script should meet your need (ran it from inside your folder directory):
for i in `ls -R`;do
dname=`dirname $i`
fname=AAA`basename $i`
if [ -f $i ]
mv $i $dname/$fname
#this could be merged with previous condition but have been kept just to avoid invalid directory warning
if [ -d $i ]
mv $i $dname/$fname

using IF to see a directory exists if not do something

I am trying to move the directories from $DIR1 to $DIR2 if $DIR2 does not have the same directory name
if [[ ! $(ls -d /$DIR2/* | grep test) ]] is what I currently have.
mv $DIR1/test* /$DIR2
first it gives
ls: cannot access //data/lims/PROCESSING/*: No such file or directory
when $DIR2 is empty
however, it still works.
when i run the shell script twice.
it doesn't let me move the directories with the similar name.
for example
in $DIR1 i have test-1 test-2 test-3
when it runs for the first time all three directories moves to $DIR2
after that i do mkdir test-4 at $DIR1 and run the script again..
it does not let me move the test-4 because my loop thinks that test-4 is already there since I am grabbing all test
how can I go around and move test-4 ?
Firstly, you can check whether or not a directory exists using bash's built in 'True if directory exists' expression:
if [ -d "$test" ]; then
echo "$test is a directory"
However, you want to test if something is not a directory. You've shown in your code that you already know how to negate the expression:
if [ ! -d "$test" ]; then
echo "$test is NOT a directory"
You also seem to be using ls to get a list of files. Perhaps you want to loop over them and do something if the files are not a directory?
for test in $(ls $dir);
if [ ! -d $test ]; then
echo "$test is NOT a directory."
A good place to look for bash stuff like this is Machtelt Garrels' guide. His page on the various expressions you can use in if statements helped me a lot.
Moving directories from a source to a destination if they don't already exist in the destination:
For the sake of readability I'm going to refer to your DIR1 and DIR2 as src and dest. First, let's declare them:
Note the trailing slashes. We'll append the names of folders to these paths so the trailing slashes make that simpler. You also seem to be limiting the directories you want to move by whether or not they have the word test in their name:
So, let's first loop through the directories in source that pass the filter; if they don't exist in dest let's move them there:
for dir in $(ls -d $src | grep $filter); do
if [ ! -d "$dest$dir" ]; then
mv "$src$dir" "$dest"
I hope that solves your issue. But be warned, #gniourf_gniourf posted a link in the comments that should be heeded!
If you need to mv some directories to another according to some pattern, than you can use find:
find . -type d -name "test*" -exec mv -t /tmp/target {} +
-type d - will search only for directories
-name "" - set search pattern
-exec - do something with find results
-t, --target-directory=DIRECTORY move all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY
There are many examples of exec or xargs usage.
And if you do not want to overwrite files, than add -n option to mv command:
find . -type d -name "test*" -exec mv -n -t /tmp/target {} +
-n, --no-clobber do not overwrite an existing file

Move files into their own directories

I have several hundred rar files. I would like to create a directory for each rar file then move the file into the newly created directory.
This is the code I am using to create the rar's
for f in *; do
rar a -s -m5 "${f%.*}.rar" "$f";
This is the code I am using to move the files.
for i in *.rar; do
dir=$(echo "$i" | \
sed 's/\(.\)\([^ ]\+\) \([^ ]\+\) - \(.*\)\.pdf/\1\/\1\2 \3/')
mkdir -p -- "$dir" && mv -uv "$i" "$dir/$i"
The problem is that it creates the directory with the extension name.
ie: file irclog3_26_198.rar is moved into folder /DestinationDirectory/irclog3_26_1988.rar/irclog3_26_1988.rar
I would like the folder to be created ignoring the .rar and just use the name of the file.
How about:
mkdir -p -- "$dir" ...
Read more about it at the abs.
dir=$(echo ${i[#]::-4})
${name[#]:pos:len}) gets the substring/subarray of the string/array, for string, [#] can be avoid.
dir=$(echo ${i::-4})
You can use the normal bash shell parameter expension
echo "${FILE%%.*}"
--> TEST

unable to process files of a directory in for loop in linux

i have directory that has 2 sub-directories and that again has few sub-directory and they have some files. I need to rename all the files to append an html extension to the filenames.
the directory structure looks like this
and so on to lot of files
now i could not use something like this
for file in main-directory/*
if [ -f "$file" ]
then `mv "$file" "$file.html"`
because the for loop wont use the path recursively. so i used something like this
for file in `ls -1R main-directory` // -1 for showing file and directory names separated by new lines and -R for recursive travel
if [ -f "$file" ]
then `mv "$file" "$file.html"`
the above code is not able to rename files. to check whether the line
for file in `ls -1R main-directory`
is working i wrote something like this
for file in `ls -1R main-directory`
if [ -f "$file" ]
echo $file
this doesn't show anything. what can be wrong?
you can use find and look into of type file and then -exec to change all the file and then appending the .html.
find main-directory -type f -exec mv -v '{}' '{}'.html \;
In your first for loop, the mv command should not be in back-ticks.
In your second for loop, the if-statement has incorrect syntax. There is no then or fi. It should be:
for file in `ls -1R main-directory`
if [ -f "$file" ]
echo $file
But even then, this won't work because ls -1R main-directory gives you just the file names, not the absolute paths to the file. Move your echo outside the if-statement to test:
for file in `ls -1R main-directory`
echo $file
Therefor ls -1R main-directory is not a good way to get all files in the current directory. Use find . -type f instead.
For some reason, I can never remember the find ... -exec syntax off the top of my head with the {} and the \;. Instead, I've fallen into the habit of just using a loop fed from find:
find main-directory -type f | while read file
mv "$file" "$file.html"
find outputs each file to stdout and the read file will consume one line at a time and set the contents of that line to the $file environment variable. You can then use that anywhere in the body of your loop.
I use this approach to solve lots of little problems like this where I need to loop over a bunch of output and do something useful. Because it is more versatile, I use it more than the esoteric find ... -exec {} \; approach.
Another trick is to prepend you command with echo to do a quick sanity check before doing potentially damaging things to your system:
find find main-directory -type f | while read file
echo mv "$file" "$file.html"
here is the answer to my question. people responded by 1 liners which are a neat approach but i didnt get much out of those 1 liners so here is something that i wanted
IFS=$'\n' // this is for setting field separator to new line because the default is whitespace
for file in `ls -1R main-directory | sed 's/:$//'` // -1 for showing file and directory names separated by new lines and -R for recursive travel
if [ -f "$dir/$file" ]
then `mv "$dir/$file" "$dir/$file.html"`
elif [ -d "$file" ]
then dir=$file
here the sed 's/:$//' detects a : at the end of line and removes it. this was one of the things that prevented my code to run because whenever ls -1R main-directory detected a directory it appended a : at the end
